Chapter 65

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[4 days later.]

We began a search for Roman, the last time anyone saw or heard about him was the night of the wedding. I too had even had an encounter with him but my memory hazy as I try to remember. All I could think about was her, my moonlight. We were supposed to be on a 2 week honeymoon, away from everyone but due to a new update on Romans possible locations, I had to cut the honeymoon short, with the excuse that there was a very urgent business meeting so Luna wouldn't get suspicious. My last 4 days with her were nothing but amazing, it was easy to talk to her, love her and understand her, I'm truly the luckiest man alive.

"Tom? Hello?"


"What are you thinking about?" Bill asks, his eyes concerning. "Nothing" I reply, he almost bought it but noticed my eyes on my wedding ring. "'re thinking about Luna." He says, a smile developing on his lips. "What? No..Let's focus on Roman." I say, brushing away my thoughts and joining back in on Georg's orders to my men. "Don't hide it Tom, you're married now...I think it's normal for you to think about your wife, especially if you finally got laid." He says, rolling his eyes.

I glare at him to stop. "Never mind.." he says focusing back on our objective. "So Roman is most likely on the run, he's declared a war with us. our response will be to capture him before he makes any moves. Before he left he made sure to give Tom a message, he will be coming after Luna." Georg says. "So we must protect Mrs. Kaulitz?" One of the soldiers ask. "I'm not sure my wife would appreciate a bunch of men surrounding her...I think it's better if Scarlett comes into play and makes sure to keep her safe. Do you agree Scarlett?" I say, picking up a map of intel on Romans possible locations.

Scarlett gets up, removing her hat and sunglasses, letting down her hair. Her look displeasing. "How the hell did you know I was here?" She says, crossing her arms. "It's not hard when you've been in the game for so long, I say smirking; not taking my eyes off the map I was holding up. "Yeah, whatever. I'm fine with spending time with my precious Luna!" She says, holding her hands up to her cheek in adoration.

"Will you be fine alone?" I ask. "Yeah I should be, just In case let me take Jackson with me!" She says, winking at Jackson, one of my men. I turn to look at Georg, his eyes cold..and then I turn my look to Scarlett, her eyes a blazing fire. "Alright... take Jackson, but This isn't a time to be messing around Scarlett. If something happens to Luna I will murder you, got it?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "Yeah yeah, I got it; let's go Jack!" Scarlett says In a flirtatious tone, walking out. "You heard me!" I shout back. Scarlett's laugh fading away as she walks away.

"Georg..." Gustav says, concerned. "It's fine, I'll get her back." Georg says smiling.


Scarlett is like a burning fire I can't control, the way she makes me feel..I can't explain. She's like an adrenaline rush, something I'm not...I can't help but feel attracted by her witty personality, she doesn't think and just goes with the flow. And of course I fucked up by texting back a fan...I won't stop trying for her, I won't stop.


Yes, I did it on purpose. Do I regret it? Slightly...he was obviously upset about my little tease. Maybe I liked his response to it. I know I'm being childish ignoring him, but I can't get hurt...if he's anything like Tom...I'm not sure what I'd do; but that doesn't seem to be the case with Georg...he's only shown me kindness and love, and the sex is more than just good, it's amazing. Maybe I should forgive him....


I arrived back at the house to find Wendy and the rest of the maids all lined up, awaiting me with gifts. "Welcome back Mrs. Kaulitz!" They all say in unison. "Oh wow...I was not expecting this!" I say, smiling. "Since we couldn't attend the wedding we thought to give you your gifts when you guys arrived." She says.

"Why couldn't you guys come?" I ask, confused.

"Oh...well it's only expected that the help must not attend events like these."

"Well that's a stupid rule that will not take place in this home any longer. From now on all of you are invited to any event held by the it?" Wendy's eyes light up with excitement, alongside the other maids. "Of course!" She reply's. She looks around before asking.

"where's Mr. Kaulitz?"

"Oh..he said he had to deal with some business. I'll be home alone.." I say, looking down at the floor. I wanted him to be with me.. our honeymoon sadly cut short. Suddenly, I hear the doorbell ring. "Oh! I'll get it, you stay here Mrs. Kaulitz." Wendy says, opening the door. Scarlett appears on the front steps with a man, based off his stance and demeanor, he had to be one of Tom's men. "Hey Luna! Did you miss me!" Scarlett says, embracing me in a hug. I smile. "Of course I did! But can you explain to me why you're here with one of Tom's men.." I say, my eyes widening.

"Oh..of course he didn't tell you." Scarlett says, rolling her eyes. Come let's go upstairs, we should talk." She says, grabbing me by the hand and taking me upstairs. I look back down to Wendy and the maids "I'm sorry ladies! I'll make sure to open them later! Thank you." I say before Scarlett drags me into my room closing the door. "What's going on?" I say, sitting down on my bed. Scarlett walks up to sit beside me, she turns to me.

"Luna...Roman killed Tom's Aunt.. they have reason to believe he's upset with you marrying Tom...he's after you..he won't let this go, knowing him."

Roman? Huh? "What? I Dont understand?"

"Luna those files that were on your bed about Tom...they were from Roman, the rose? he tried to sabotage your relationship with Tom."


"Tom and the guys are doing whatever they can to find Roman, we won't allow him to hurt you. I won't allow it."

I stood there, in shock and disbelief. "So...Roman wants to kill me?" I ask, my hand up to my lips.

"I'm not sure he wants to kill you, but we can't be too sure. I'll be here to protect you and Jackson, the guy with me, will be here as an extra reinforcement. For all we know, Roman could be out of the state or in serious hiding." My heart drops hearing the words that came out of Scarlett's mouth..Roman, he killed Tom's Aunt..he's after me...why was I always in the middle of danger? When will this end?

"So what's the plan?" I ask.

"We're Italy."

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