The One Where They Sing ( JEGULUS )

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Regulus is trans in this btw

Editing this I hate it so much and am CRINGING at the mpreg


song lyrics

To any muggle, or wizards from other schools, this would've looked like a regular dinner in the great hall, but to every Hogwarts student, it was so much more. This was the last dinner before Christmas break, but it was also the last dinner with Minnie before she retired, this would be her final year teaching.

The Gryffindor table was missing its 3 favourite pranksters, and Slytherin was missing its introverted king. Little did Hogwarts know what was coming their way.

Suddenly ABBA started blasting from Merlin knows where. Regulus, and James burst from the doors, grasping each other's hands, followed by Remus, and Sirius, copying their actions.

they had never seen the teacher blush she looked like a fool~.

They continued to dance to the music, their leather skirts moving about. Majority of the great hall had already erupted in laughter, if you weren't laughing, you were cheering.

Nearly petrified 'cause she was taken by surprise, when I kissed the teacher~.

At the end of their performance, they each walked up to Minnie, kissed her on the cheek, hugged her, and bowed.


"That was a major success!" Exclaimed Regulus from where he was sitting on James' bed.

"Minnie will never be able to forget us now!" Yelled James.

"How could she forget out crazy antics?" Questioned Remus.

"Welp, now who is our mother teacher?" Inquired Sirius.

James and Regulus shared a knowing grin before talking.

"Well actually, I've met with Minnie's replacement, and she could 100% be our new mother."

"Why did you meet with her early?" Questioned Sirius.

"Because of this-" James walked over to his suitcase and picked a little badge off it. "I'm the new head boy!"

"That's amazing Prongs!" Shouted Sirius.

"So you're now quidditch captain, AND head boy!"

"Mhmm." Replied James

"While we're on the topic of roles." Regulus then pulled an identical badge out of his pocket, which instead read 'Regulus Black- Prefect'

"Reg, YOU GOT IT!" Screeched James as he ran up to hug his lover. James then retreated from the hug, so that he was still holding Regulus, but didn't have his head of Regulus, "Does that mean we're patrol partners?"

"That's exactly what that means."


James, Regulus, and Sirius, all spent the holiday together at James' family's cottage, with Remus staying over for one week.

During that one week though, Remus and Sirius were on a date, Effy and Monty were out for dinner with friends, and James and Regulus were feeling IT.

They ended up doing IT, and one week later James walked into the bathroom to see Regulus sobbing over 2 lines. The 2 lines that would change his life forever.

"Reg, love, what's wrong?" James walked over to wrap his arms around Reggie's waist from behind to peer over his shoulder, revealing a positive pregnancy test to James. "Are you?"

"I've taken 5, all positive." Reggie said through tears.

"That's okay, we'll get through this. Hey, you're pregnant, isn't that cool!"

"No it's not, I'm still 16, I turn 17 in a week remember? I'm a pregnant 16 year old!"

"That's okay, we'll get through this TOGETHER! I love you."

"I love you too James, it's just-"

"Bup- bup- bup. I'm going to stop you there. No buts, yes this isn't exactly what we expected, but it's still amazing. Do you want to tell anyone else?"

"Can we talk to Effy and Monty please?"

"Why don't you bring that test downstairs,and I'll get them situated on the dining room table."


After 10 minutes, Regulus walked down to Effy and Monty looking distressed, and after Effy saw him she said kindly, "Reg, what's wrong, James said you had to tell us something?"

"Yes, um actually, I had to show you something." He then sat down and placed the test ( paper towel between it and the table ) down for them to see it.


Favourite era of harry potter?

( edited )

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