new pfp, who dis?

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After finishing this at 12:05am on the 5th of August, I proceeded to stare at the dare wondering 'wtf, I though it was the 4th' before putting my last 2 brain cells together and re alising 'oh sh*t, it's the next day

I need sleep

You Look So Perfect- 5 seconds of summer

My IRL friend started reading my book, act natural

hi my wind chime boo

Just found out Colby Brock makes 'emo' music ( found it under that on Spotify ) Skin- Colby Brock- kinda a bop- f*ck cancer


James and Regulus had been 'fake' dating for 6 months at this point.

Regulus climbed into the Gryffindor common room, to see Lily sitting on top of James. He climbed in fully, approaching the two to ask the question that was on his mind.

"What's going on?"

"Regulus, I think we should talk."

James never called him by his first name.

"About what?"

"So Lils and I talked about it." Nickname, not looking good for Regulus. "And she actually likes me back, and knows about our 'fake' dating, and we're dating." James exclaimed happily.

"Oh." Regulus felt his world crash above him. All he could do was sit there, knowing how much he was going to cry later. Of course, that was the plan, James would fake date Regulus so that Lily would recognise that he was a good boyfriend, and then James would go to Lily. Regulus had prepared himself the best he could, but he didn't expect the moment to come so soon, and so hard, like a bullet. "That's great for you two then, I suppose I should go then." He didn't even wait for their responses before he slipped out of their common room. How could he've been so stupid as to believe his feelings weren't one sided. How did he believe that anything 'real' was going to happen between them. It felt real to Regulus though. From the moment they snogged after red won the quidditch match, to when they shagged when they were drunk. It was all smoke and mirrors. He felt tears streaming down his face before he had even made it to the astronomy tower, where he sat, balled up, head in knees, bawling his eyes out.

"Reg, you up here?" Asked a voice, Regulus didn't recognise it, as it was covered by his sobs racking in his ears and was only heard faintly.

"Go away." He said at the silhouette inching closer to him.

"What's wrong?" Now he knew who it was. His body reacted before his head thought, and he clinged onto James's torso, head buried in the crook of his neck. "What happened?"

How can Reggie say 'you, you happened' without making it weird, he was in a relationship with Lily now. Regulus's ears were ringing from the silence after the crying and screaming. "Doesn't matter now, does it?"

"Yes it does, Reg, what happened?"

"... You and Lily."

"What about us?"

"What a shame, baby what a shame, could've been with me instead of what's her f*cking name."

"But we were just fake- dating, it wasn't real?"

"To you it might've not been, but to me if was SO real." Reg said, emphasising the 'so'.

James's body reacted before his mind too, and out of habit did what he usually does when Reg is sad, kiss him. But as soon as he realised what was happening, he pulled away and climbed back down the ladder. He's with Lily now. But how did Regulus suddenly become a better kisser? He felt himself missing his hypothetical ex- boyfriend. He was meant to fake-date into love with Lily, but instead fake dated his way into love with Regulus, how? ( because Reg is hot ) But Regulus kissed back?

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