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Was about to start writing, so looked through my note of ideas and found a chapter from 7th of July sooooo


Regulus found himself sitting at the dark green and silver house table. Next to Dorcas Meadows, who was rambling on, and on about some cute Ravenclaw girl she saw. Regulus didn't bother to listen, instead he was stealing glances at a certain Gryffindor. He was laughing over something that Sirius, Reg's older brother said. He watched the way his cheeks turned red, and how his eyebrows tilted downwards. He couldn't look away, he was intrigued by his charm.

"Are you even listening to me?"

Regulus looked up and broke out of his gaze.

"No." He turned back to James to see him quickly turning around, facing away from the Slytherin table.

"A certain Gryffindor boy caught your eye?"

Dorcas knew he was gay, he knew she was lesbian. People always suspected they were dating until Dorcas yelled 'I'm lesbian b*tches'.

"Yeah, but there's no way in hell we would ever date! He's forbidden, but I can't seem to accept that."

"I'm sure you'll get the guy. You always seem to pull guys. Like a new guy every week."

"Shut the f*ck up."


In a universe were they both weren't raging homosexuals, they would be a match made in heaven. In their reality, or hell as they call it, they're just really close friends. Dorcas was the only person Reg could be himself around.

As they continued to eat their breakfast, they expressed their dislike for the Gryffindor quidditch team. Reggie didn't see himself getting into quidditch, but when he overheard James saying he was the 'best seeker at Hogwarts' he found himself running to the sign- up posters to hopefully beat James. It also was an excuse to see Sirius. They hadn't spoken since Sirius got disowned for not accepting the dark mark.

"So is it Slytherin v Gryffindor tomorrow?"



"Yeah, at 2. Speaking of, I need to get into my quidditch uniform. Bye b*tch."

"Bye Reggie boo boo bear."

Regulus got up and headed towards the changing rooms, where his uniform was stored. As soon as he walked in he heard 2 voices.

"So let me get this straight. You're pansexual?" Questioned Siri.

"Mhm." Replied James.

"And you like a Slytherin boy."

"Also yes."

"Do I know this person."


"Black hair?"


"On Quidditch team?"


"In our grade?"

"Nope, grade below."

"Pedophile. Good quidditch player?"


"James. Do you like me brother?"

"I-" James hesitated.

Regulus felt his heart sink, he ran in grabbed his uniform, and left without another word. They must've seen him but he couldn't care less. All he could think about was that pause. James probably liked Zabini, a fellow 5th year quidditch player. He matched the description perfectly. How could Reg've been so dumb to believe even for a seconds that his feeling weren't one sided.

Tears were staining his red cheeks. He ran into his dorm and sunk onto the floor. Breaking out in sobs. Soon Barty came in and sat next to him.

"What's wrong?"

"He likes Zabini, not me of course. How could I be so idiotic to believe he actually liked me back."

"Who does?"

"James. I overheard him talking to Sirius. Sirius asked questions and the answers were

-his crush is Slytherin

-Sirius knows him

-Has black hair

-Is on the quidditch team

-Grade below

-Good quidditch player"

"Sounds an awful lot like you."

"That's what I thought too, but when Sirius asked if it was me, he hesitated. Barty he hesitated."

Tears were streaming down his already stained face now.

"Could've hesitated because if Sirius, not you?"


song of the day- revenge by tan feelz

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