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Sirius, wearing James' glasses: How do I look?

James, blind af: I don't know, I can't see shit *runs into door* OWWWWW


Regulus: do you think your mom likes me?

James: My mom literally begged you to marry me


[ over text ]

Sirius: James help

Sirius: James

Sirius: James

Sirius: sos

Sirius: Shit help me

Sirius: James

James: who's dead

Sirius: My dignity

James: Sirius, don't be dramatic

James: That's my job

James: What's going on?

Sirius: I'm on a date with Remus and I don't have a fucking clue what's happening


Regulus: Mary, come here. I want to show you something in the bathroom

Mary: Oh Reg, grow up

Sirius: Hey, what's behind your back?

Regulus: Nothing. Just something I want to get Mary's opinion on for Valentine's Day

Sirius: You don't want my opinion?

Regulus: Not really

Sirius: Come on, I'm your older brother, ask me!

Regulus: All right, big bro *holds up two 🔥SPICY🔥 lingerie* which of these would you think would make your little brother look hotter, so your best friend would want to do him?

Sirius: ...

Sirius, mumbling: The red one


[ James and Sirius after a fight]

Sirius: It's ok! It was nothing, it;'s not like you fucked my brother  or anything



James: Actually, know that you mention it


Sirius, licking an ice pop: This one tastes so good. Do you know what else tastes good, Prongs?

James, shaking with anger: If Moony tastes that good, why did you steal my ice pop instead of shoving your fucking tongue in YOUR GOD DAMN MOONY

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