motorcycle ride

127 4 2

muggle au

Remus walked out of school, book bag slung lazily around his shoulder.

He pulled his airpods out, and looked around. "Where is Reg?" He mumbled under his breathe.

"Hey Remus!" Sirius walked up to him.

"Hi." He greeted back, focusing on searching for Regulus' jeep, which was usually parked in the same spot.

"Reg told me to tell you that he can't pick you up today. Him and James are on a date. And that I'm picking you up."

"Oh. Okay." Remus agreed, hesitant. "So where's your car."

Sirius chuckled. "Actually, this is mine." He gestured to a motorcycle parked behind them.

"No. Absolutely not. I'm not trying to die." Remus refused.

"No other option. Sorry not sorry."

"I'll walk then." Suggested Remus, putting one headphone back in.

"10 kilometres?" Sirius reminded him.

Remus sighed. "Fine." He grumbled.

Sirius giddily handed Remus a helmet. "Here you go." Sirius climbed on the death machine first, motioning for Remus to sit behind him.

Remus hesitantly sat behind him, edging closer towards Sirius' figure.

"Put your arms around my waist." Instructed Sirius.

Remus did as told, not wanting to die.

Girls around them were clearly jealous, giving Remus glances.

"Ready?" Sirius asked.

"Just go." Remus told him. He yelped when Sirius immediately started speeding out the car park.

Sirius chuckled. "Careful there, Princess."

Remus rolled his eyes, but moved further into Sirius, and wrapped his arms tighter around his waist.

It had been about five kilometres, and Remus was getting tired, and rested his head against Sirius' back. Since he was behind him, he couldn't see the blush that creeped onto Sirius' face.

When Sirius and him arrived back at Remus and Regulus' apartment, Sirius insisted on walking him up.

"Fine." Remus finally agreed.

"Yay." Sirius skipped up to him.

They walked up the nine flights of stairs.

"Are we nearly there yet!" Complained Sirius.

"You were the one who wanted to come." Reminded Remus. "Plus we're three quarters of the way."

"Okay—" Sirius thought about it. "Wait, three flights left." Sirius groaned.

When they finally arrived at the taller's apartment, Remus went to pull out his key, when he heard Regulus yell "James." In a moan.

Remus put his key down.

"You can stay at mine." Sirius told him.

"Yep, thanks. C'mon, we can take the elevator."

"There was an elevator!" Exclaimed Sirius.

They continued riding until they reached their next destination.

They both climbed off, and went up the elevator.

"That's how it's done." Sirius stated, as he walked out onto his floor.


i gotta go

part 2 soon!

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