hi cutsies

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hp headcanons

if you want, just comment on one saying 'can you make this into a chapter'


Nadia Vela on pinterest

"Look mother, father, I got the quidditch trophy!"

"Wow, that's brilliant!" Expressed Orion Black, his father.

"It's so big!" Regulus said.

Sirius was smirking in the back.

"Well I had a big one like that too when I was your age." Orion recalled.

Sirius was covering his wide smile with his hand.

"Well of course, darling. You took it out on our first date!"

Sirius was shaking with laughter.


Nadia Vela on pinterest ( also )

Regulus was dead- asleep on the couch.

James went up to him and whispered 'Reg, love, I need you to wake up."

Regulus was still knocked out.

Sirius rolled his eyes. "That shit isn't going to work. REGULUS ARCTUS BLACK, I'M HERE TO MURDER YOU!"

"Take Sirius instead." Mumbled Regulus, turning over to face the couch.

Sirius gasped.

James and Remus snorted.


Pandora on pinterest

"JAMSIE! WHERE IS MY-?" Shouted Sirius.

"James! Do you know where the-."

"By the door." James replied.

"In the kitchen." James didn't even look up from the sandwiches he was making for the group.

"Hey Prongs, have you seen my stack of-." Asked Remus.

"On Sirius's night stand."

Peter expressed how "we're really independent."

James snorted. "Independent my ass. You guys would fall apart without me."


ananya on pinterest

"Hear me out, we cover the Slytherins in red glitter." Suggested Sirius.

"That's the dumbest idea we've had since yesterday." Commented Remus.


sxsaxxa 08 on pinterest

*At Remus and Sirius' wedding*

Preacher: Repeat after me

Sirius: After me

Preacher: *looking at Remus* Is he serious?

Remus: He is very sirius

James: *snorting* Oh deer

Lily: *Rolling her eyes* Guys, you're getting married today

Remus: I'm a were

Peter: *Chokes on champagne*


Regulus: When did I become apart of this? I had a one bedroom apartment and solitude. I was happy


Pt2 coming soon

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