The Black Brothers Arguing

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I was bored, and felt like writing black brothers fighting??


Sirius strutted down the long corridor to Charms, his shoulder- length curly hair swaying behind him. James walked next to him, books in hand. Remus walked parallel to them, toying around with his hair tie, wanting the day to be over already.

Regulus walked down the same hallway, lacking confidence, and wanting the world to end. He had his arms wrapped firmly around his thick stack of books. 

He continued walking, zoned out in thought, not noticing the rapidly approaching group, who weren't paying attention either.

His shoulder brushed against one of them.

"Sorry." Regulus apologised, then noticing who it was.

Sirius Orion Black. Of course.

"Regulus." Sirius stated.

"Sirius." Regulus replied, mockingly.

"Watch where you're going next time." Sirius told him.

"I could tell you the same thing." Regulus said, hiding any emotions present.

Sirius' lips pursed. "comment Orion et Walburga vous traitent-ils ?"

( Translation: How are Orion and Walburga treating you? )

"Superbe comme toujours." Regulus spat back, sarcastically.

( Translation: Great as always )

"Tu aurais pu venir avec moi." Sirius reminded him.

( Translation: You could've come with me )

"N'agissez pas comme vous le souhaitez. Et tu sais très bien que je n'aurais pas pu." Regulus shouted.

( Translation: Don't act like you wanted me to. And you know damn well I couldn't )

James and Remus stared anxiously between each other.

Sirius' face turned red. "Non, c'est toi qui as été trop lâche pour fuir "maman" et "papa"."

( Translation: No, it was you being too cowardly to run away from 'mummy' and 'daddy' )

Something inside of Regulus SNAPpEd. "Oui bien sûr. Je suis le lâche. Au moins, je n'étais pas assez lâche pour laisser mon petit frère seul dans une maison avec ces monstres."

( Translation: Yes, of course. I am the coward. At least I wasn't such a coward as to leave my little brother alone in a house with those monsters. )

Sirius stormed off, Remus chasing after him.

James remained still, unable to move.

Regulus broke down, he fell to the floor in tears.

James ran to his side, and began comforting him.

"What are you doing?" Regulus choked out in between sobs.

"What do you mean?" Asked James.

"You should be with Sirius, he's your best friend." Regulus mumbled.

"And you're my boyfriend." James reminded him.

"We all know I'm not good enough for you."

James moved so he could face Regulus. "Don't you even think like that for a second, you are my moon, my stars, my sun, my light, my rain after drought. You are my life. I don't want you even thinking like that for a second."

Regulus stayed silent, more tears flowing freely.

James enveloped him in a hug, which Regulus returned.


Shorter, butttttt has a happy ending

Words: 440

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