idk what this is ( cutiepie's version )

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"Are you going to the party tonight?" Asked Barty. "I heard it's the biggest one of the year." He added.

Regulus shrugged. "Party's aren't really my thing."

"Yet Barty is? Wow, your standards are low." Dorcas commented, throwing herself onto the Slytherin common room couch.

Barty fake- gawked at her. "My dearest Dorcas, I am so shocked."

"You shouldn't be." Stated Dorcas. "Anyways, back to the party. Reg, why wouldn't you go?"

"See, even Dorcas agrees with me you should go." Barty said.

"Give me one valid reason to go." Regulus requested, much to his dismay, Barty had an answer ready.

"I was waiting for you to say that. You see dearest Reginald-"

"Don't call me that."

"-too bad. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted," Barty emphasised, "James Fleamont Potter will be there."

Dorcas snorted. "His middle name's Fleamont?"

"Yeah, after his dad." Regulus replied.

"Why do you know that? Follow up question, how do you know that?" Dorcas stared at him confused, Regulus ignored her.

"Soo, will you go?" Asked Barty.

Regulus sighed. "Fine."

Dorcas and Barty squealed and jumped around, holding hands.

"What is all this screaming about?" Evan pinched the bridge of his nose while he walked into the common room.

"Reg agreed to come to the party." The squealing duo said in sync.

Evan chuckled. "You're going to regret that, Reg."

"Oh I know, I already have." Regulus told him.

"Anyways, I'm off to meet Panda's new boyfriend. Some Ravenclaw boy." He excused himself.

"What's his name?" Asked Dorcas. "I might know him."

"I don't know." Evan shrugged. "Xylophone or something?" He walked out the portrait hole.

Dorcas practically dragged Regulus out of the room after that to get him changed.

She swung open his trunk, and began rifling through articles of clothing.

"Why do you have this?" Dorcas showed him a tampon.

"Nosebleeds." He replied nonchalantly.

Dorcas stared at him confused, before continuing to mess up his folded clothes. "Well the theme is casual, and it'll be cold. Ah hah. This is perfect." Dorcas pulled out a fistful of clothes, waving it around as if she was a leprechaun who just found the end of a rainbow.

"I don't know what those are."

"Clothes? Reg, do you not know what clothes are?"

Regulus rolled his eyes at her remark.

She chucked the clothes at him and told him to go change.

He walked out in black cargo pants, black hoodie that had the collar of a white shirt peeking out. He had white air forces in his hand, refusing to wear them on the carpet.

"Yes emo baddie." Dorcas complimented.

"You picked these out!" Shouted Regulus.

At 10:30pm, they as a group, began to walk down to the Room of Requirement, where the party was being hosted.

When they reached the 7th floor, Regulus was aggressively pulled to the side by James. It was so sudden that Regulus nearly fell on his face. James steadied him out.

"Sorry." The brunette apologised.

"All good. But what was that for?"

"I had to ask you a question."

"Okay, ask away." Regulus prompted.

"How did you know you were gay?" James asked.

"That was,, not what I was expecting. To be fair I didn't know what I was expecting. Where is this all coming from?"

"I don't know. Lily kissed me. And it just felt wrong. I didn't get that spark that I thought I would. I kind of got the ick. I was grossed out by it. And I don't think I like her, or woman for that matter like that." James rambled.

Regulus shushed him by placing his entire hand on James' mouth.

"Come with me. People are going to be arriving soon, and this stairwell will be packed." Regulus moved him hand from James' face to him hand, and pulled him with him to the clocktower. Regulus sat on the railing when they got there.

"Wow." James stared out at the view. "Aren't you worried you're going to fall?" Asked James.

"No. The author made it so I can't fall off clocktowers, only astronomy towers." 

James nodded in understanding. "So, how did you know you were gay?"

"Probably when I kissed a man." Regulus responded, giggling at the memory.

"Fair." James commented. "Well how could I find out?"

"Kiss a man?" Regulus suggested.

Regulus hopped down from the railing and over to James, catching his shaking hands in his own.

"Well which man would kiss me?" James said, in a seductive voice, leaning forwards slightly to come closer to Regulus' face.

"Me?" Offered Regulus.

James gave no verbal response, instead just closed the gap between them.

Their lips fit together like puzzle pieces, as if they were meant to be. The kiss was passionate, lustful, but also sweet, and loving.

After a minute of hot snogging, Regulus pulled away to catch his breathe.

"I still don't know if I'm gay. We might need to experiment a bit more." James winked.

Regulus grabbed him hand, and pushed him down on the bench. "Is that so? Well test away."

They didn't go to the party that night.


I'm on 5% and hungry so this is short

What you going to do about it?

Words: 808

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