Real Sweet But I Wish You Were Sober

137 3 10

Wrote this in my 💅✨break era✨💅 

Kind of rushed because I couldn't be bothered to write more


James stood in the doorway, admiring the result of his manual labour, with the assistance of magic. He had charmed a sheet to be the size of the Marauder's dorm, and had layered blankets over the top of that to the point where the original crimson red sheet was no longer visible. Fairy lights were strung from each corner, the ceiling lights would've been more simple, but that was simply too boring. He had tossed pillows off to the side, knowing people would just grab them when required, or requested. And finally, in the centre was enough snacks to supply a family of 16 for 16 weeks.

People would be arriving soon, he had invited the Marauders, of course, the extended Marauders ( Lily, Mary, Marlene ), the Slytherin Skittles ( Reg, Dorcas, Barty, and Evan ), and a couple others like Pandora Rosier, Frank Longbottom, Alice Fortesque, and Pomfrey, a girl from James' herbology class who had been helping him not fail, because it's apparently possible to actually be good at herbology.

He had sent a list of what to bring, 1: comfy pyjamas. 2: snacks ( please bring any chocolate to avoid an attack from scary beast, Remus Lupin. 3: a teddy bear ( if you're like Regulus who still sleeps with one ). Which Regulus was thoroughly disappointed by. The last detail had been Sirius' touch, who had gone out two hours ago with Remus to get firewhiskey, but James figured they had probably got distracted snogging.

The invites stated to arrive no earlier than 8pm. The first to get there were the extensss Marauders, at 8:02, no surprise they live practically next door. Second we're Pandora and Xenophilius, coming in at 8:04. Third were the Slytherin Skittles, at 8:06, excluding Evan and Barty who were busy snogging, and Dorcas who had just left with Marlene to do Merlin knows what, probably snog too. At 8:08 was Peter and Pomfrey, who were busy with Peter's herbology essay. Then, at 8:12, Evan and Barty finally arrived, hair tousled, faces red, earning an over exaggerated eye roll from Regulus. At 18:16, Marlene and Dorcas returned, Dorcas's gold eyeliner slightly smudged. Then, at 8:20, Alice and Frank arrived, who apologised profusely for being late, blaming it on prefect duties. Finally, won't the latest time, setting the record at 8:30, were the people who actually lived in the dorm, give it up for Remus and Sirius, firewhiskey in hand.

Remus and Sirius were cuddled up next to each other, Sirius resting his head on Remus' shoulder. Mary was leaning back into Lily's embrace, and Liky had her arms loosely wrapped around Mary's torso. Frank and Alice sat next to each other, fingers interlocked, and resting comfortably on their touching knees. Pandora and Xenophilous were pushed up right next to each other, arms crossed over each other's. Regulus and James were not yet out as a couple so we're just trying to sit together as platonically as possible, which meant Refus back flush against the wall, and James bent forwards. Dorcas was already in Marlene's lap, looking two seconds away from going and snogging Marlene again. All the other singles were just either laying down, or leaning on some surface.

The Marauder's fifth roommate, Kingsley Shacklebolt was nowhere to be found, probably off hanging out with his Ravenclaw friends. James has always wondered why Kingsley hadn't been sorted into Ravenclas, he was genius, or as the muggles said, Albert Einstein.

"Okay, let's get this thing started!" Shouted Marlene over the music that was blasting, cheers erupted. James was glad he had remembered to place a silencing charm over the room before beginning. Marlene moved the snacks out of the way, and spin the empty alcohol bottle. It spun for a few suspenseful moments before finally coming to a stop on Remus.

"Remus," Marlene begun, a slight hint of mischievousness in her voice, "truth or dare?"

"Dare. I'm not a pussy." He replied.

"Debatable." Mumbled Mary, who Remus instantly death stared as she held up her hands in mock surrender. 

"I dare you to go the rest of this game. Not week because I'm not that mean, Mary don't you dare, without chocolate."

"You wouldn't dare." Gasped Remus.

"Oh I so would, hand me those chocolate frogs." She held out her hand, anticipating the bag.

"Jump off the astronomy tower." Remus said as he reluctantly passed over the bag.

It was now Remus' turn. He spun the empty fire whiskey bottle and it landed on James. 

"Let's go!" James shouted, earning giggles.

"Truth or dare?" Remus chuckled.

"Truth because I am what I eat!" When he saw everyone look at him kind of confused. "A pussy." He followed it up with.

"OH!" Everyone shouted.

"Okay, well so your truth, take the veratisium," Remus handed him one of the small vials, which James threw back, gagging at the taste. "If you had to cover one person in this room in peanut butter and lick it off, who would you do it to?"

"Okay, you have to let me justify this. Reg, BECAUSE he's so ticklish that it'd actually be funny." James explained.

"We should do it, see if James is right." Dorcas suggested.

"Bet." James said.

"AbsoBETly not." Regulus immediately truned down, speaking up for one of the first times that night.

"C'mon Reg it'd be so funny." Sirius immediately whined. Reg stared at him. "Fine, I'll get you that stupid book." Sirius negotiated.

"Let's do it, one condition, I'm not getting shirtless in front of everyone."

"That's fine, we have a conjoined bathroom, we can do the dare in there." James reminded.

"Okay, let's go. James grab your wand."


baNAnAnABAnaAAAAA *trumpet noises*

aurora... can you write this with ykkkkk

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