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Muggle au

The Marauders-

Regulus Black- Lead Singer

Sirius Black- Bass Player

James Potter- Electric Guitar

Remus Black- Drum Player


( Rumour has it- Adele )

"Rumour has it."  Regulus sung. He caught sight of his filthy ex, who he broke up with after the drunkly kissed Evan Rosier.

"Rumour has it he's the one I'll be leaving you for." Regulus knew his next move. He grabbed James by the collar of his shirt and pulled his towards him.

At that moment the lights went out.

The curtains closed as they prepared for their next song.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Shouted Sirius as soon as they got out of earshot.

"What was what?" Innocently asked Regulus.

Sirius's bass was still strung around his neck, moving as he spoke. " 'What was what?'." Mocked Sirius, putting on a face. "YOU TWO SNOGGING ON STAGE WITHOUT TELLING US. LILY ( their manager ) IS GOING TO BE FURIOUS, OH MY MERLIN, I'VE HAD IT OF YOU TWO!" Sirius continued.

Regulus felt tears welling in his eyes, threatening to spill. He spoke in a wary voice. "Then you don't need me here anymore." Regulus's voice wobbled.

"What?" Questioned James and Remus, turning their heads to look at him.

"You guys can finish this tou without me."

"Go and walk out like you always do." Sirius spat at him.

"Go and walk out of my life like you always do. You did it to me earlier, so why is it such a problem if I do it now?"

The loud speaker came on. "Can all band members return to the stage for their next performance."

Regulus spared one more glance at Sirius, before walking 2 steps in front of them back to the stage. He out his fake smile back on. "We ready for another song, New York?"

The audience cheered, unaware of the rest of the Marauders sparing worried glances.

( Sh*t- Bo Burnham )

"This is one of my songs, the others don't know the lyrics, just the backing track so this is a surprise to everybody." Regulus grabbed his microphone, and slung an instrument around his neck."How we doing out there tonight?  Hahahaha, yeah. I am not feeling good. Waking up at 11:30, feeling like a bag of sh*t.  Oh no. My clothes are dirty so I'm smelling like a bag of sh*t. Go to pour my coffee and miss my cup, and I miss my cup. OMG, that is just my luck. Look in the mirror and say 'what is up you useless f*ck.'."

The audience cheered as he moved onto the next verse.

"Are you feeling what I'm feeling? I haven't had a shower in the last 9 days. Ah-ah, ah.

Tell us how you're feelin'. Well, I feel like sh*t. Feeling like a saggy, massive sack of sh*t. Oh, sh*t. Big ol' motherf*cking' duffel bag of sh*t. Oh, sh*t. All day, all sh*t. Tell us how you're feelin'. I'm feeling like sh*t."

The audience cheered even louder than before, the players looked even more anxious.

"I did have a special announcement." Announced Regulus. "This is actually my last performance with 'The Marauders', I'm becoming a solo artist, I hope you have a great night." Regulus blew kisses to the shocked crowd, as he swung the instrument over his back, walking off stage.

After the concert they confronted him.

"What the f*ck was that Regulus?" Sirius interrogated with him.

"Me saying I was leaving." Regulus replied, sarcastically.

"You don't just get to decide that." Protested James, following him as he was walking off.

"I do now. Bye b*tches. See you at christmas." Regulus waved them goodbye, walking out of the stadium.

Regulus went under the name 'Timmy T'. His new fan base didn't know it was him, as he was rarely seen, if he was you couldn't identify his face. He went on to create hits like 'sh*t' ( Bo Burnahm ), 'me too' ( Meghan Trainor ), 'feel something' ( Bea Miller ), 'why am I like this' ( Orlando Gartland ), 'rolex' ( Ayo & Teo ), 'Statistics' ( Timothée Chalamet ) 'single ladies ( put a ring on it )' ( Beyoncé ), 'cuff it' ( Beyoncé ), 'the 30th' ( Billie Eilish ), and many others.

He was now a world famous artist, and was going on tour the next month.


pt 2 coming soon

ideas for part 2 here

ideas for any here

love you my boos

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