The Lupins

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Remus felt the pit growing in his stomach, like a void, sucking in every last bit of happiness from his tall, pale figure. It all quickly disappeared though, when he felt a hand interlock with his.

His eyes glanced at the owner of the feeling of warmth, there sat a short, black- haired boy, or Sirius Black. Remus' boyfriend.

"It'll be okay." Sirius comforted him. Remus felt it wash over him like a wave, supplying temporary serotonin, which disappeared shortly after he remembered why he was feeling this way.

Sirius was meeting his parents.

Sirius Black, the boy who had tattoo sleeves, eyeliner, and outfits that Remus was certain his parents would dislike. Overall, Sirius had a badass aroma, which Remus loved, don't get him wrong, but his parents were conservative, and old fashioned.

"Remmie, these are your parents, from what you've told me about them, they'd love you no matter what."

Remus knew this was true, but Remus didn't.

Thoughts such as 'what if they force me to break up with him', 'what if they make fun of me', or worse 'what if they make fun of him' were swirling around his mind like chocolate frogs.

"But what i-." Remus started, but was interrupted by Sirius.

"But what if they love you even more." Sirius paused. "For being with someone as amazing as me."

Remus let out a soft airily chuckle, barely a laugh, but it was like a victory to Sirius.

"No gay jokes, sex jokes, or shit like that though." Remus demanded.

Sirius gawked. "But that's my entire personality!"

"Too bad!" Remus mocked, sticking his tongue out.

Sirius caught onto it with his teeth, biting on it slightly, and moving down to Remus' lips.

Sirius' hands were caught in Remus' mullet, tracing circles with his index finger.

Suddenly, the train halted, causing the void in Remus' stomach to sink to his feet.

Sirius held his hand out, and Remus gladly took it.

They grabbed their suitcases, dragging them behind their silhouettes.

Remus stood on the platform, looking for the two familiar faces of his parents, Lyall and Hope Lupin.

He finally made eye contact, with his father.

He gently yanked at Sirius' hand, pulling him alongside.

Sirius softly squeezed Remus' hands, signalling 'I love you', and 'it'll be fine'.

"Remus!" Hope exclaimed, pulling the significantly taller Remus into a hug. Sirius let go of his hand, allowing him to hug her without being pulled back forcefully. "Hogwarts should really give you guys more holidays, we barely get to see you." Hope subconsciously rocked back and forth, bringing Remus with her.

Remus then moved onto his father, who hugged him, then proceeded to pull away and pat him on the shoulder.

"Mother, father, this is Sirius Black." Remus introduced, stepping half a step back, and gesturing at the nervous composure stood before them.

"Hi." Sirius greeted.

"Hi Sirius." Hope pulled him into a hug, doing a similar movement to Remus.

Sirius moved his hand onto her back, patting lightly.

He never had great relationships with parents, except James'.

Lyall nodded at him, in which he returned.

Hope tapped Lyall on the back, telling him to go give him a proper hug.

Lyall chuckled, the same airy laugh that Remus possesses, that Sirius loves so dearly.

Lyall wrapped Sirius in an embrace.

"I'm so happy you two are here!" Hope voiced, after Lyall had returned. "I've heard so much about you Sirius, dear." She followed it up with.

"Mum." Remus whinged, blush tinting his cheeks.

Sirius smiled at the ground, "The Potter household could say the same thing." He joked.

They began their journey back to Wales, to Remus' childhood house.

Sirius fell into a light slumber, but awoke not even an hour later to Remus discussing with his parents in Welsh.

"Byddwn, byddwn yn cadw'r drws ar agor." Remus told his parents. 

[ Yes, we will keep the door open ]

"Da, dim hanky panky, rydych chi'n rhy ifanc." Lyall replied.

[ Good, no hanky panky, you're too young ]

"Lyall, rwy'n siŵr bod hynny braidd yn eithafol. Dim hanky panky tan i mi gael grandbabies." Hope intervened.

[ Lyall, I'm sure that's a bit extreme. No hanky panky until I had grandbabies. ]

"Ond-- aros-- beth?" Remus was losing brain cells in this conversation, he didn't have that many left, this was disastrous.

[ But—wait— what? ]

He finally noticed Sirius' eyes fluttering opened, mouth parted in shock.

"You're awake!" Remus spoke.

"Thanks Captain Obvious. You can speak Welsh?" Sirius asked.

"Thanks  Captain Obvious." Remus mocked. "Yes."

Sirius did his best to hold his response back, so instead he mouthed it.

'That's hot'

Remus giggled, flustered.

"Says the one who can speak French." Remus pointed out.

"My French is shi- terrible though. Regulus speaks more fluently." Sirius sighed, he didn't swear.

Remus looked even more relieved. "And that's why James is obsessed with him.

Sirius stared dumbstruck, "what !?"

"You didn't know?" Remus checked.

"Nuh- uh." Sirius confirmed, no he didn't.

"April fools?" Remus said, in pure panic.

"It's August." Sirius reminded him.

"Element of suprise?" Sirius made one- finger finger guns at Sirius.

"Me and James will be having words." He made a mental note of this new information.

"I messed up Jegulus, Merlin's saggy tits." Remus 'swore'.

"Remus, language!" Hope shouted from the front- seat.

"Sorry, Mum."

Sirius smiled at him.


Want a couple chapters based off their week at the Lupin' house?

Words: 841

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