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Regulus has properly exhausted himself. He's drowning in textbooks and rarely takes a break. The occasional to piss, and complain when Barty shoves food down his throat.

Not even James could pry his eyes away from the boring words in front of him.

"Come on. It's nearly Summer break, that means you relax on the studying, even Remus and Lily aren't studying." James whines, collapsing into the seat next to Regulus.

"James, do you want to know why I'm studying so much?" Regulus sighs, closing his book, keeping his spot with his index finger.

James frantically nods without a second thought.

"Professor McGonnagal said if I wanted-" Regulus pauses, scratching his finger raw. Something he learnt from his mother, her thumb was always red and raw, sometimes bleeding "- I could complete my OWLs early, given my home situation."

James tackled him into a hug, peppering his face with soft, open mouthed kisses. "That's amazing!" He exclaims.

Regulus giggles for the first time in days at his boyfriend's excitement.

"There might also be another reason." Regulus admits.

James states at him, lips parted, a small line of saliva connecting them.

"So you know how I'm staying with you these holidays." Regulus starts.

"Yuh huh!" James continues staring intently, smiling impossibly wider at the reminder.

"If I study now, it means I can spend more time with you." Regulus smiled shyly behind his book.

James openly coos. "Regulus, hun, have I told you how much I love you?"

"Yes. Sometimes 5 times a day." Regulus chuckles.

"I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Boom, now 6." James repeats quickly. "But I'm sure you could sacrifice a few hours, have a shower, piss, sleep, cuddle."

"I don't have time, James." Regulus groans.

"I'll give you a blowie in return?" James offers.

"A blowie you say?" Regulus smiles slyly.

James nods.

"2- in- 1 shower and blowie. Saves time"

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