Skittle talk

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Can you do one where the mauraders and Skittles are playing truth or dare and Sirius asks Regulua who took his virginity, and everyone but Skittles thinks he'll say James but he says Barty, so then there are a bunch of flash backs to 3rd year when him and Barty dated? You don't have to it's just an idea

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"What game should we play?" Asked Regulus.

"Definiently Truth or Dare." Said Dorcas.

They were all seated in the Mararders dorm. Remus leaning against Sirius's shoulder, much to their delight, neither had admitted their liking to each other yet.

Regulus, was propped up on James's lap, their cheeks lining up, feeling eachother's warmth, on James's bed.

Evan and Barty were sitting next to eachother, hand in hand.

Marlene was laying down, head resting on Dorcas's inner thigh.

Lilly, and Mary were laying next to eachother on the couch.

"Truth or Dare, Lupin?" Inquired Evan Rosier


"C'mon don't be a pussy.:

"Fine, dare."

"So, Lupin, who was your first kiss?" Questioned Evan.

"Moony, I swear to god." Stated Sirius.

"Sirius knows, and loves this story. When I was 15 ( 4th year ), on holidays, I had a MASSIVE crush on my neighbour, who was a boy, and it turned out he liked me back. So, we had an awkward movie date, and as I said goodbye she leaned in to kiss me. I didn't kiss back though, and now I cringe at the interaction."

"Who was the neighbour?" Added Barty.

"Some muggle bitch." Replied Remus. "My turn now, Regulus, who did you lose your virginity to?"

"Obviously to James, Moony." Sirius pointed out.

"No, dear brother of mine." Every Slytherin Skittle stared at eachother, knowingly. "Barty Crouch Jr."

"You do have bad taste in men." Said Mary.

James gawked at her.

"I do."

Barty gawked at him.

"NEXT! Regulus give one!" Announced Lily.

"Finally. Sirius, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I'm not a coward."

"I dare you to sit on Lupin's lap."

He watched as both of their faces turned Gryffindor red. "Maybe I am."

"Fine then, who's the cutest person here?"

He muttered something inaudiable.

"What was that?"

"Moony." He said slightly louder.

'Oooohs' erupted.

"Shut up. Lils, truth or dare?"


"What is your sexuality?"


"YAS QUEEN!!" Yelled Regulus.

James mouthed something to Lily who nodded eagerly in reply.

"Remmy, truth or dare?"

"Dare, I learnt my lesson."

Evan curtsied.

"I dare you to sit on Siri's lap because he can't man the fuck up and do it himself."

Remus slowly crawled back into Sirius's embrace, his legs were now on top of Sirius's, head leaning against his shoulder. Both of them were red as tomatoes.

"James, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to read Regulus the poem you wrote for him."

"Fuck you, Moony."

"Hey! That's Sirius's job!" Yelled Marlene.

James got up and grabbed the poem. He whispered it directly in Regulus's ear. It read...


Hi bitches, love y'all.

Thank you to @GayTurtleSteve for this idea.



as always

being blinded by your beauty


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