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Sunday, January 22. 2023.
11:00 a.m.
Malayiah's house.


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It was Sunday which was my only day off. I decided to cook rice and peas with brown stew chicken for dinner today, along with vegetables. True was busy on her iPad in the living room.

Going into the cupboard I took out the peas. Getting the pressure cooker, I threw the peas in the pot and washed it two times. Filling the pot half way, I got three cloves of garlic, peeled them and added them to the pot. Closing the pressure cooker, I put on the whistle and lighted the stove.

I placed the meat to melt and went to the laundry room. Separating the clothes, I placed the first batch in the wash and headed back upstairs. Going to the rooms, I cleaned up and placed everything in their correct location. Dusting off all the areas, I grabbed the broom and swept out the house.

Getting the mop, I wiped the floor two times. Putting back everything back in the storage room, I went and placed the last batch of clothes in the wash.

Walking into the kitchen, I washed my hands and got a dish and the cutting board. Cleaning the chicken and cutting it up into smaller pieces I took the vinegar and washed it.

Rinsing it once more I got my powder seasoning and browning along with my onion, tomatoes etc. cutting them up I added everything to the chicken mixing it altogether I placed it in the fridge to marinate .

Washing off my hands, I wiped off back the counter. Checking to see if the pressure cooker cooled down, I opened it and threw it into a smaller pot. Washing the pressure cooker I put it on the counter to dry.

"Mommy can I have a snack?" I heard True ask from behind me.

"Sure, which one yuh want?" I asked her pulling out the snack pan.

"Doritos" she said pointing to it

Taking out the Doritos, I opened it and gave it to her. Going into the fridge I took out a Capri-sun passing if her. She went back into the living room.

"True I'm going to bathe I'll be right back" I told her as I walked up the stairs.

"okayy mommy" she replied not taking her eyes off of the screen

Shaking my head, I walked to my room.

-30 minutes later -

Coming down the stairs, I saw true asleep with her iPad still playing. Taking her up, I brought her upstairs to her room and placed her iPad on charge. Turning on my speaker, I connected it to my phone and continued to cook.

I was adding the coconut milk to the peas when I heard a knock on my door.

"A who dis now" I asked myself, hissing my teeth.

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