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Same Day.
6:00 p.m.

"Why do you look like me" True asked Julani squinting her eyes

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"Why do you look like me" True asked Julani squinting her eyes

Yes she's two turning three but she's smart for her age, thst fa sure. Julani chuckled and looked over at True who was still looking at him suspicious.

"So umm True" Malayiah said clearing her throat "remember you always asking about daddy?"

"yess, you said daddy is in Heaven" True answered taking up her fries

"what?" Julani asked as he busted out laughing "ain't no way"

He continued to laugh because not only was it funny but he knew his ass would never see the pearly white gates of Heaven.

"stoppp" she dragged rolling her eyes "what else was I suppose to say anyways"

True was almost finish with her food not listening to the two laughing.

"True, Julani is your dad" Malayiah said grabbing her attention.

"Bumbocart" True looked at Julani as her eyes lit up with joy.

"wait who taught you that" Malayiah asked as Julani chuckled

"Auntie Shawna" hopping down from her chair she walk over to him, holding up her hands telling him she wanted him to lift her up.

"Can I have chocolate cake daddy" she asked giving him puppy eyes as she pushed out her lips

Julani was happy hearing his daughter calling him "Dad" even though they were meeting officially for the first time. He saw right through her puppy eyes but he couldn't say no to his lovebug.

"sure mama" he smiled down at her.

Malayiah sighed in relief. This went better than she expected and she was so thankful. The three continued their dinner, capturing memories along the way.


"Bye Daddy" True said happily hugging Julani's legs. A smile came on his face as he stooped down to her height leaving a kiss on her forehead.

"Bye munchkin" he replied as he watch her run inside the house.

Turning around he saw Malayiah staring at him with a smile on her face.

"whatt" he asked wrapping his hands around her smirking

"Y'all are just cute, I can tell you're gonna be the best father ever" she told him laying her head on his chest.

"mhmm, I can be your daddy too" he massaged her bare ass through her skirt.

"Uh-huh" she opposed but didn't pull anyway. She wouldn't dare to even if she wanted tried . While her mouth was saying no all her body was saying is yes.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now