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Saturday , February 18, 2023.
5:00 p.m.
Malayiah's House.

I was just finish getting ready for my date with Julani

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I was just finish getting ready for my date with Julani. He didn't tell me what exactly we were doing talking about it's a surprise. Ariel and friends were not fucking not talking shit about me ever since they got their asses beat the right way.

Aunty May, Ariel's mom called me a few days ago apologizing about her daughters. I told her it was ok and the only reason I shot her was because of what she did to my child. She was understanding and said we should meet up.

Out of everybody in my past, she was like a second mother to me and I'll be forever grateful.

Seeing a text from Julani that he was outside, I grabbed my things and walked downstairs.

"Byeee Kids" I said smiling at Alice, Shawna and True in my living room.

"Byeee" they yelled in union as I walked to the door.

Julani lead against his car looking at nothing in particular. Hearing the door open and close, his attention was brought to me. My cheeks blushed because of how long he stared at me.

Walking over I stood in front him holding my head down. Feeling his finger under my chin, he held back up my head and stared in my eyes.

"Keep yuh head up" he said lowly and then gave me a kiss beside of my lips.

I felt my inner self doing backflips just by this gesture. Turning my head, I saw True, Ariel and Shawna looking through the window at us causing me to chuckle.

Waving a final bye to them Julani opened my door. Waiting for me to sit down he closed it and then went to his side hopping in.

"You look beautiful" he complimented me as he turned on his engine pulling out of my driveway

"Thanks, you look ok ig" I joked gaining a laugh from him

"oh really?" He asked taking a glance at me

"you look handsome" I replied looking over to him to see him smirking

Just inflated this niggas ego.

With one hand on the steering, he placed his next hand on my thigh. Placing my hand on top of his I looked through the window.

A few minutes later we pulled up to a big gate. They opened automatically allowing us to drive through. He honked at the security and drove up to a big house.

"Wowww" was all I said as I looked around .

Getting out of the car he came round and opened my door and helped me out.

"Thanks" I said as he held my hands and we walked to the door.

Pushing the door open he made me walk in first with him behind me.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now