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Monday, January 23, 2023.
5:00 a.m.
Malayiah's House.


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Hearing shuffling, my eyes fluttered open to see Julani exercising. Taking my phone off the charger, I swiped down the screen to see it's just 5:00 a.m.

Wicked people alone wake up them hours ya.

Yawning, I went to the bathroom and released my bladder and brushed my teeth. Washing my face, I went back to my room.

"Morning Mama" Julani said. He was now sitting down as sweat ran down his chest straight into his shorts. Hearing him chuckle, I cleared my throat and answered him.

"Good Morning, why yuh up suh early?" I asked as I walked to True's room to see her still fast asleep.

"I don't know really. I don't normally get enough sleep or I should say I can't sleep sometimes so I just workout" he replied as he drank from his water bottle.

"oh okayy" I said finding that weird but decided not to question him further.

"suh weh ya duh today?" He asked after a few seconds.

"I have three hairs to do and someone wants me to do their nails" I replied glancing at my phone to see him staring back at me. Averting my eyes to the tv, I shifted the phone to hide my blush.

"Bredda show yuh face nuh man and okayy. Neva know yuh duh nails to" he said as he got up walking to his room I guessed.

"ohhh, I do nails not as much as hair tho" I responded

"ahhh, mi a guh wul a bathe. check pan yuh lata, mek sure yuh have a good day ma" he said as he stared at me through the camera.

"Thanks, same to you" I smiled ending the call.

Sighing, I placed my phone down and continued to watch my series from last night. Although I tried not to think about it, I have to because it's not like he's just anybody, he's my child's father.

To me it makes no sense to introduce them when he doesn't even remember me and then yah guh hear mi a liad and all sort a things suh that's a no. Aguh stay weh from him fi real.


"True yav yuh iPad" I called out asking her as I came down the stairs.

"yess, let's go" she answered back.

Da likkle girl here feel wi a size. A rush big woman

Allowing her to walk out first, I locked the door and we walked to the car. Strapping her in, I placed her bag beside her and got in the drivers seat. It was now 11:00 a.m. and I had to reach at the salon before 12 to prep my station for Shawna.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now