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Thursday, March 2, 2023.
9:00 a.m.
Julani's Club.

"Boss yuh good" one of the security asked as he shook Julani awake

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"Boss yuh good" one of the security asked as he shook Julani awake

He spent the night drinking and smoking. What else could he do, he had a baby on the way. Congratulations right?

Groaning softly he rubbed his eyes before looking around his surroundings. He was in the VIP section, he had it closed off for only him last night.

Sighing he tapped his pockets searching for his phone. Taking it out he powered it on as he walked outside to his car.

*20 missed calls from backshot Jade*

Hissing his teeth he placed his phone on his lap as he powered on his car and pulled out the parking lot.

What was he going to do, Julani thought as he drove home. It was one problem after the other and this one in general could cost him his relationship with Malayiah.

Things could go from good to bad in just a split second and in this case this was very bad.

Stopping at his gate he waited until they were fully open for him to drive in. Honking Blacks he drove up to his house turning off his car and getting out.

Opening the front door, she flung his keys down on the table and jogged upstairs. Taking out his gun and phone he placed it on his dresser. Stripping form his clothes he entered the shower.

Turning on the pipe he stepped under it allowing the water to run over him, relaxing his muscles. Grabbing his soap he washed himself, rinsing off he grabbed his body wash and his loofah repeating the steps.

Turning off the pipe he dried off his body then grabbed a towel wrapping it around his waist walking into his bedroom. Going into his closet he found something to wear, moisturizing he got dressed.

Catching his locs to the back of his head he tied it up with a scrunchie. Walking to the bathroom he grabbed his toothbrush putting in some toothpaste he brushed his teeth and tongue.

Spraying on some perfume he grabbed up his phone and gun tucking it into his waistband. Jogging downstairs going into his garage his phone started to ring.

"Julani" he heard Malayiah's voiced asked from the other side of the phone.

"hey mama, how you doing" putting the phone between him neck and shoulder he walked over to the table and grabbed up a random key as he waited her response.

"I'm fine, you remembered about tonight right" she asked hoping that he did.

"of course, how could I forget? Amma pick y'all up a 5" pulling the car door he hopped into the driver's seat. Pressing the button the engine roared bringing a smile to his face.

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