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Julani grabbed the last of his gear, attaching it to his suit. Everybody was here gearing up hopefully for the last time. By the time they were finish, they were hoping to get the location of where paris was keeping Malayiah.

"yow unuh pile up" he shouted at all his men as he saw the tech walking towards him.

"seet ya boss" he cleared his throat handing Julani the location of Paris' warehouse. "yuh can use this fi get pass the security system"

nodding his head, Julani walked over to the jeep with the others. placing the location in the gps, he signaled redz to start driving with the five mini bus behind them.


Pulling up the the warehouse, they saw that it was surrounded by fencing. hissing his teeth,  Julani held the transceiver to his lips.

"lick dung dat fuck" he ordered and watched as one of the mini bus sped pass hitting down the fence allowing the rest of them to drive in.

everybody hopped out of their vehicles walking towards Julani "find Malayiah, kill anybody weh get unuh way and if yuh find paris bring har to mi"

nodding their heads, they turned their attention to the building just in time to see groups of men running out with guns.




Hearing gunshots going off, a smile made its way on my lips.

I was finally alone, I guess the three girls from earlier were called to fight the war.

Smirking to myself, I rocked my chair back and forth so that it would tilt over.

"fuck" I groaned to myself as I fell to the ground. taking a minute to collect my self, I stood to my feet and took the rope from off my hands, then my feet.

taking up one of the chair foot from off the ground, I ran over to the door. Twisting the lock, I tried to see if they leaved the door open.

kick it dung

Nodding my head, I raised my foot and slammed it in the door three times and watched as it flew off the hinges.


running down the hall, I checked the rooms to see if I could find the gun storage.

"right or left" I asked myself as I reached the end of the hall.


turning left, I came across two men running in my direction.

"see har deh, whul har" one of them shouted as they picked up their pace.

with my back to the wall, I calmed my breathing and listened until he was close to me.

weh ya guh duh?

ya guh see

when the first one bend the corner, I swung the chair leg in his left eye and listened to him scream. grabbing him towards me, I positioned him as a bulletproof vest taking his gun from his hand.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now