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"Yuh have everything" ariel asked as we walked through the room door down the hall.

"yes" i mumbled.

other than the clothes pan mi back wa else mi suppose to have?

yuh phone and the belly in front a yuh.

A sigh of relief escaped me as the warm sun hit my skin. Walking over to the passenger side of Ariel's car, she hopped in the driver's side and pulled out of the parking lot.

"yuh good? yuh wa anything before wi guh home?" looking over at her, I took in her posture.

she was fidgety.

she look like she nuh sleep fi days.

Right. and knowing ariel?any chance she get fi sleep, she aguh sleep!

something nuh right and mi na buy da 'it's 2019' shit ya fi a second.

mhmm, but yuh pregnant. how yaggo explain that?people nuh have belly ovanight.

If there's one thing me learn ina dis ya world ya? There's always an explanation.

hearing ariel clearing her throat brought my attention back to the question she asked earlier.

"nosa, mi good" I rushed out with a small smile "jus bring mi straight home"

nodding her head, we sat in silence for the reminder of the drive home.


Pulling into her driveway, she turned off the car before grabbing her stuff. Opening the door I followed behind her quietly.

"so I'm go- who sen yuh" I cut her off pushing her up against the door with my hand around her throat "doh mek mi ask again ino"

her eyes grew big as she looked around hoping someone would come and help her.

"I-I... malayiah mi already explain" she rushed out while she tried to pry my hands from her neck.

she think wi fool?

"ariel" I said calmly "IPHONE 14 NUH COME OUT INA 2019. suh mia guh ask again, WHO SEN YUH?"

I could feel her heartbeat speed up, giving me my answer nonverbally.

of course I knew it wasn't 2019. the belly? I couldn't explain but the things I saw on my way here alone could've told me it's 2024.

𝐘𝐔𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐍 : 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄Where stories live. Discover now