he takes you and your son/daughter on tour with him

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he takes you and your son/daughter on tour with him

Creds to happilyloving1d

A/n: firsst chapter and i hope u like it 😁😁😁

Harry: Being married to Harry Styles was amazing except for the fact that he was always touring. You never wanted to be away from your home to go on tour with him, but here you are with your guys 1 year old daughter, Darcy, going on tour with him and the boys. The reason you were here with him was because you knew how important it was for him to be there for your daughter for everything, like her first steps, her first word and everything. You loved How Harry was able to be on tour and be with you and Darcy. "Come on sweetie, say DAddy." Harry smiled at Darcy. "No, say MOmmy, Darce." You say, looking at Harry and Darcy. "Hey!" Harry replies. "She's a daddy's girl, so she needs to say 'DAddy' first. Now don't mess it up." He says, half joking, half serious. "How is she a daddy's girl? Maybe she's a mommy girls." You say, while smiling. "Please, love." Harry replies. "Ok, sweetie, DAddy." Harry says again to Darcy. You smile at how great Harry is with Darcy and how lucky you are to be married to such a wonderful person. "Dada." Darcy let's out. Harry practically jumped out of the bus, "did you hear that, did you hear that?" Harry said to everyone who was there on the tour bus. "Congrats." You smile at him. "Don't worry love, I'm sure she will say 'mommy' soon." Harry kisses your cheek and turns his attention to Darcy and picks her up and holds her close to him and whispers in her ear, "I love you, sweet baby girl."

Niall: Being pregnant and supporting Niall on tour wasn't the easiest thing, but you were with Niall and he was with you and your guys baby. Tonight you decided to go to their last concert. You were backstage talking to Lou, you guys were talking about all sorts of things and she was telling you about the time she almost slipped on one of Harry's banana peals. You both laughed when she finished telling you the story and you started to feel this strange feeling in your tummy. You rested your hand on your stomach and started to move it back and fourth. Lou noticed, "are you alright, love?" She questions, looking worried. You bite down in your lower lip and then you felt a sharp pain, "AHHHHH!" You cry out. Lou looks at you with her eyes wide opened, "the baby is coming, aren't they?" She asked. You nod and look to the stage where the boys were performing. You then look to where Paul was standing and you signal to him that you were going into labor. Paul nods and gets on stage and walks over to Niall and whispers in his ear. Niall then runs off the stage and you hear Liam say, "looks like baby Horan is on their way." The crowd went nuts and Niall finally comes to where you're standing and he helps you outside and into the car. You guys drove to the hospital and you were in so much pain and you could tell Niall felt bad. When you guys finally arrived at the hospital Niall helped you out of the car and into the hospital. He runs to the front desk, "uhh, hi, my wife is going into labor." Niall looked at you and you looked at him and you said, "let's go have our baby!" ***
"She's so beautiful." Niall says, while holding your guys baby girl. You could see the tears in Niall eyes, "I know. I can't believe we made her." You reply. "Man, we did a good job." He chuckles. "What's this beautiful baby girls name going to be?" He questions, looking up at you. "Hmm, maybe Alice?" Niall looks up at you and says, "Alice Marie?" You smile and say, "Alice Marie Horan, I love it!" You both smile and continue to look at the beautiful human being you guys brought into this world.

Zayn: When Zayn first asked you to come on tour with him, you were on sure. Not because you didn't want to go, you just didn't want to go without your guys son, but when Zayn said he could come with you guys, you said yes in a heart beat. So now here you are sitting on the bus with your 3 year old son, James. Everyone always says "beware of the terrible two's" but in your opinion, your son, James is much more wild and curious of everything now then when he was two. You and Zayn were just watching tv and you guys heard a loud noise and when you both got up you saw your son. "What happened?" Zayn says, walking up to James and seeing he had got into all the instruments and he broke Niall's favorite guitar. James looks at you both with guilt in his eyes. Zayn does a loud sigh, "what the hell am I going to tell Niall?" He yells out to you and James. Zayn then realizes what he just did and he looks at James who now has tears in his eyes, "hey budd-" Zayn couldn't even finish his sentence before James runs away. "Are you serious? Why did you yell?" You say walking up to Zayn. "I-I was mad and Niall will be mad and I-I don't know, I didn't mean it." You roll your eyes, "Niall won't be mad, sure he might be a little upset but I think he would care more if James is okay than his guitar." Zayn knew you were right and he nods, "I should probably go talk to him?" You nod and watch as Zayn goes and talks to James who was sitting on the bed, "hey bud." Zayn says walking up and sitting down next to him. James sniffles and looks at Zayn and then at the guitar, "it's okay, it was just a guitar. I'm sorry I yelled, I really am." James turns to face Zayn with tears in his eyes and he says, "you hate me now!" Zayn looks at him hurt by those words, "buddy, I do not. I could never hate you, I love you way to much." "You promise?" James asked. "I promise." Zayn then pulls your son into a big hug and he kisses his cheek and James says, "I love you daddy."

Liam: "daddy, pwease!" Jenny says. "No, Jen, I have watched Frozen with you 20 times since I brought you and your mom on tour and we have only been here a month and a half." Liam replies. "Pwease daddy?" She says, with puppy dog eyes. Liam sighs, "fine, lets make it 21 times." You have to hand it to her, she may only be 4 but she already knows how to get Liam to do anything she wants. You watch Liam sit on the couch with Jenny on his lap and you watched how he would smile anytime Jenny would sing along to the songs. "Daddy?" Jenny softly says. "Yeah, sweetie?" Liam replies, turning his attention from the movie to her. "You and mommy won't go on a ship, right?" Her little voice says. "What do you mean?" Liam says, concerned. "Anna and Elsa's mommy and daddy went on the ship and they...died." You could see the tears starting to form in her eyes and Liam replies, turning Jenny to have her face him, "baby, no of course not. Yeah, Anna and Elsa's parents died, but I promise you mommy and me aren't going anywhere. We will stay here with you and watch Frozen hundreds and hundreds of more times, okay?" Jenny softly nods and you come and sit next to Liam and you soft Jenny's back and you say, "exactly what your daddy says." You look at Liam and you smile and you kiss his cheek, "I love you!" You whisper and he nods and says, "I love too and you too little girl!" Liam then starts tickling jenny and you hear her soft little giggles and you couldn't imagine ever leaving her.

Louis: "come on, babe, let's go do something." You whine. "Babe, we had three shows in the last 72 hours and I'm exhausted." Louis replies. "Come on Louis, you begged me to come with you and I have had to watch our 9 month old daughter this whole time by myself and I have done nothing but sit in this bus. You haven't  even spent that much time with us. Now I want to go sight seeing." You said, with anger now. Louis rolls his eyes, "just go take Ariel, okay?" You shake your head, "fine whatever. We're be back sometime later. Gosh!" You walk off the bus with your guys daughter, Ariel and you head over to some museums. You were mad at Louis for not coming with you, but you understood 100 percent why he didn't. You just loved him being with you and your guys daughter and you missed him not always being with you guys. Look at that painting, Ariel. You say holding up Ariel and pointing to a painting. You were admiring the painting and you then heard, "it's almost as beautiful at you girls." You turn around and see Louis standing there. "I thought you were tired?" You question. "I was, I am. But I thought about what you said. I haven't spent that much time with the two most important girls in my life and I'm sorry for that." Louis replies, while walking towards you guys. He walks next to you and he grabs Ariel and he kisses her little chubby cheek and he says, "I love you guys and I don't care how tired I am, I will always be here for to guys." You smile and hug Louis and Ariel. "We love too!"

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