Niall : Chained Angel

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"No, baby don't do that" you cooed to your 2 year old son , Luke who's trying to pull out the shoes-your shoes from the cupboard. "C'mon" you said , picking up , placing him on the floor that was scattered with his toys.

"You play with your toys not mommy's shoes , okay baby boy?" You looked at him , passing him the dinosaur figure . "Owkay" he nodded . Suddenly, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs , revealing your 15 year old daughter, Rosie with her backpack slinging from her shoulder .

"Hey mom" she mumbled , putting on her shoes .

"Hi darling" you smiled before noticing something different about her . Rosie stood up , brushing her shirt , making sure it's not dirty. She tilted her head up , noticing you were staring at her weirdly.

"Is there something on my face?" She pondered, squinting her blue eyes slightly.

"'s just that...are you wearing makeup?" You raised your eyebrows, noticing the unevenly texture on her cheek.

"No...I-" she stuttered.

"Are you sure, missy?" You raised your eyebrows again , this time noticing the red tint on her lips.

"I-i...fine..yeah" she grunted, looking away to avoid eye contacts. A smile broke on your face as you giggled at her embarrassed face.

"What? It's just makeup" she crossed her arms,  turning her back to you .

"Oh? Just makeup? Are you sure you're not trying to impress someoneee?" You teased as her face turned grave . You smiled dropped as you looked at her . "Rosie? Did I say something wrong?" You panicked. She lifted her head again with nothing but a plain expression as she looked at you.

"It's nothing , mom" she mumbled , picking up her backpack again , twisting the doorknob.

"Rose I'm sor-" you started but she walked out, closing the door as you stood there , blinking to yourself , thinking you might have hurt her feelings .


Rosie's PoV

That was close. If mom saw my bruises from yesterday , I'm dead .

"Hey Rosie! You look ugly" Sasha , captain of the school's cheerleading squad laughed at you with few of her bimbo friends.

(pls dont be offended if your name is sasha bc I bet you're a lovely person)

"Good! I was trying to be you today" I snickered , rolling your eyes , walking past them as they whispered something to each other . Those girls used to be your "friends" but clearly they used you so you just walked away cause why should you waste time on people like them , right? It's like placing a flower in an asshole and calling it a vase .

I was walking to class , yawning with the thought of why I have to suffer this before I felt someone's hand cupping my mouth , pulling me into the janitor's closet. I turned around to see my 'so-called boyfriend' standing there with a angry look on his face. "What?" I said.

"Don't talk to Sasha like that!" He warned.

"Why? She literally insulted me and you expect me to do nothing? I'm your fucking gir-" I started before I felt a sharp pain on my stomach , making me cough .

"Don't fucking talk to me like that!" He shouted , kicking me in the stomach a few times. "Just do as I say or I'll fucking kill you" he raged.

"Or even your family" he snickered , slamming the door. I cough before standing up-well tried to and leaned against the wall.

This is the pain I had to go through most of the time . Sometimes I feel like I'm his punching bag rather than his beloved girlfriend. I couldn't blame him either , seeing as he's a playboy, god knows how many girls he had fucked in this school.

Sad, isn't it? I wanted a boyfriend so bad-call me desperate but it's also because I was trying to fit in with the others since I don't really stand out among my friends. At first he was indeed sweet until one day I caught him with some girl, kissing at the back of the school . Being his girlfriend, of course it hurts seeing my boyfriend shoving his tongue down some other girl's throat . I started shouting at him and somehow pulled the girl's hair until he just went out of his mind and kicked me in the ribs .

Weeks after the 'incident' , he promised not to hurt you and whatever but as always people break their promises.

Humans are much more worse than what Disney movies make villains look like . They can be considered as monsters even .As a kid , mom always told me how there's no monsters under my bed or in my wardrobe but never the one that dressed up as people , claiming they love you more than the sun loves the moon and eventually threw me into their jaws of death . However, that's just an impromptu thought.

Now , I'm basically bound to him . I tried breaking up with him couple of times but he just refused to listen ,saying that you belong to him and no one else. It's like I'm chained to him by his powerful , sharp words and he's the only key for me to be free but meanwhile I'm crawling behind him like some sort of a brainwashed dog.


I closed the door behind me , taking a puff of mom's cooking scent that lingers throughout the house. It smells good . (Haahhaha sorry kids I don't cook , that's just the chicken nuggets in the microwave) . Maybe life isn't so bad.

"Hey princess" A voice called out . I tilted my head to see my dad standing there with Luke in his arms. "Oh hey dad" I smiled tiredly, rubbing my eyes before I felt a kiss on my forehead. Typical dad.

"Hi, rwosie" Luke waved , showing his two bottom teeth .

"Hello , Lukey" I smiled back.

"How's school?" He asked.

"Normal" I mumbled.

"What's 'normal' supposed to mean?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"It means what it me-" my sentence was cut off by the sudden pain in my stomach . It was probably from earlier.

"Rosie? Rosie! Are you okay?!" Dad asked with worry written all ove his face.

"I'm fine , dad" I fake smiled as he stared at me.

"Are you sure?"

"It's just ladies stuff , you know?" I lied , laughing nervously. If only I could tell him but (bfs name) words are stuck in my head .

"Yeah yeah..Ladies stuff, of course, stuff I don't need to know...right, lukey?" Dad sighed , shaking his head  , looking at Luke .

"Daddy , I hungwy!" Luke shouted , pouting at dad . I giggled at his cute little face . "Yeah dad! Luke is hungry!" I smiled .

"You sure are my son" he sighed , walking off to the dining room.

"Rosie? What about you? Aren't you going to eat dinner?" Dad asked .

"Maybe later" I smiled before walking upstairs to my room , shutting the door and locking it . I took off my shirt , taking a look at my now bruised stomach . I sighed , taking a seat on my bed , wishing that it would somehow go away .


Part 2 ?

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