Niall ddm : Don't go (P2)

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Your Pov

After she slapped you , you went upstairs to your room as tears ran down your face. Only wishing you dad was her to protect you .

"Y/n come here!" She shouted angrily.You went downstairs to see her vase on the floor  . Well , pieces of vase . You gulped as her gaze fell upon you , standing a few centimeters from her .

"What did you do?"she asked angrily , crossing her arms.

"I didn't do anything, I swear" you promised , knowing that sometimes she would do something and blamed it on you .

"What did I say about lying " she said .

"Not to do it" you squeaked.

"Come here" she grabbed your arm harshly, knowing where she's heading for.

"NO! I DIDNT DO IT I SWEAR" You screamed, making her slapped you-again.

"I said shut up , now you're going sit in here until I said you can come out" she said , pushing you into the store room before closing and locking the door.

"No!Mommy! I'm sorry" you screamed and banged on the door . You heard a muffled 'shut up'

You sat in the dark and cold store room, crying . "Daddy I'm scared" you whispered to your self.


The next day

You woke up and heard another voice from outside. You could tell it was a girl .You tried twisting the doorknob and luckily it wasn't locked anymore. You cheered in success-quietly. You peeked through the opened door , only to see your dad's girlfriend. You liked her because she was nice like she was your real mom .

"No , um Niall wants me to check on Y/n" she stated awkwardly.

"Oh yeah sure" your mum faked smile.

"Y/n sweetie , come here , someone wants see you " she said sweetly, obviously faking it .

You opened the door and revealed yourself. Your mom went to you and whispered 'if you tell her anything , you're dead' she said before going upstairs, leaving you with her.

"Hey Y/n!" She smiled

"Maya" you said and ran to her , hugging her .(random name , u can change if you don't like it)

"How are you?" She whispered

"I don't like it here " you whispered, crying.

"Hey what's wrong babe" she cooed , wiping your tears away before noticing the bruise on your cheek.

"Hunny, who did this" she asked . You shook your head , remembering what your mom told you .

"I can't tell" you croaked.

"No, it's okay , you can tell me , sweetheart " she whispered back .

"Mommy did it , she locked me up last night and blamed me when I didn't do it" you cried softly as her eyes widened. She hugged you tightly, stroking your hair softly.

"I have to tell your dad " she whispered , making you shook your little head rapidly .

"She said if I tell anybody , i will be punished" you cried into her chest .

"Okay , how about this , I'll come back tomorrow to check on you and the day after until your dad comes home" she smiled softly , wiping the remaining tears.

"Owkay" you nodded.

"Is it done" you mom yawned, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah" Maya whispered before mouthing 'i'll be back' at you.

"Okay bye" your mom said sarcastically before she turned to you.

"You didn't tell her anything did you?" She glared.

"No , I promise " you said .



You went to bed hours ago and woke up to sound of  someone laughing and thing crashing . You peeked through the door to see your mom and a random stranger , kissing . You sighed knowing she's drunk again . You closed the door quietly and locked it , scared that she might come in and do something to you .

You laid in bed , counting the days until your dad is actually home and you feel safe .

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