Your child is sick ( teenage version )

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Your child is sick ( teenage version )

Creds to stylesrunstheworld

Liam (Age 14):
Emily was up in bed while you were making breakfast downstairs, this was the normal morning routine, you getting ready for work and Emily for school. Liam your husband however was on a break from tour so he could sleep in, which obviously you were jealous of. You finished breakfast and went upstairs to get Emily up, you knocked on the door gently and went into her room
You: Emily it's time to get up
You walked over to her and gently shook her
Emily: no mum I don't feel well
Her head popped out of the covers and she looked very pale, you felt her forehead and she was boiling
You: right okay you stay in bed and I'll tell your dad
Emily: okay mum have a good day
She fell back asleep after sneezing about 10 times, so you walked into your bedroom and shook Liam awake
Liam: hmmm what's up darling?
You: Emily's staying home today she's not well so look after her
Liam: I will love don't worry about us
You gave him a quick kiss and said bye and off you went to work.
Liam got up from the bed and went to his daughters room, he walked over to her and saw she was asleep, his kissed her forehead and she woke up
Emily: dad?
Liam: yeah sorry sweetheart just making sure you're okay
Emily: just don't feel good
Liam climbed into bed next to her and brought her into his arms
Liam: daddy's gonna make you feel better
She giggled and cuddled him
Emily: love you dad
Liam: love you too Emily

Zayn (Age 15):
Mike ran to the toilet just making it in time to throw up, he had his own bathroom so he knew you or his dad wouldn't hear him. When he had a break from puking he went into yours and Zayn's bedroom and went straight to his dad
Mike: dad wake up
Zayn: what's up mate?
Mike: Ive just thrown up and i really don't feel well
Zayn sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes, you woke up noticing the movement
You: what's going on?
Zayn: go back to sleep love im just gonna look after Mike
You nodded instantly falling back asleep while Zayn got up and followed your son to his bathroom where he carried on throwing up over the toilet. Zayn was kneeling down to the side of him rubbing his back
Zayn: what do you think brought this on mate? Did you eat something funny?
Mike: I don't know I don't think so. I just feel so unwell
Zayn: do you think you've finished?
Mike nodded and stood up with his dad's help, Zayn lead him to his bed and put a bucket and a glass of water next to him
Mike: dad?
Zayn: yeah?
Mike: can you maybe stay in here?
Zayn nodded and got in his bed
Zayn: I need to sleep though too son but I'll be right here if you need me
Mike: thanks dad

Harry (Age 16):
*on the phone
You: hey babe
Harry: hi love im on my way home now
You: okay I'm just going to pop to my mums, but I need you to look after Lottie her cramps are really bad so be nice with her
Harry: okay love will do see you tonight
You: love you
Harry: love you too*
You said bye to Lottie and drove to your mums, 10 minutes after Harry walked through the front door
Harry: IM HOME
he got no answer so he put his coat and bag away and walked into the front room where the tv was on
Harry: Lottie?
She was laid on the sofa with a heating pad on her stomach and tears in her eyes
Harry: aw darling are you okay?
Lottie: it hurts dad
He walked over to her and lifted her into his lap
Harry: my poor little girl
Lottie: daaaaad
He laughed and cuddled her close hoping this would help
Harry: do you want anything
Lottie: no just stay with me please?
Harry: of course I will Lottie
He laid down and pulled Lottie with him
Harry: go to sleep love it might help
She nodded and cuddled close to him and fell asleep

Louis (Age 17):
You: babe?
Louis: yeah?
You: would you mind checking on jack, he went straight up to his room when he came home from college
Louis: yeah will do
Louis headed up the stairs and knocked on his sons door
Jack: yeah?
Louis: can I come in
Jack: sure
Louis walked into his room and sat on his bed, jack was sitting at his desk on his laptop
Louis: what's up buddy?
Jack: don't feel very well
Louis: can you look at me please
He turned round in his chair and he looked so pale
Louis: mate come over here you really don't look well
Jack: I feel like I'm going to faint
Louis walked over and helped him walk to his bed and laid him down
Louis: I'll get you some tablets and water okay just please stay in bed I don't want you passing out
Jack: okay can you pass me my laptop please
He passed it over to him and got him the tablets and water
Louis: right me and your mum are downstairs, shout or text me if you need anything okay buddy?
Jack: yeah thanks dad

Niall (Age 18):
James stumbled into the house at 3am and managed to get upstairs to the toilet before throwing up everything he had drunk that night. You had woke up from the noise and woke niall up
You: James is back
Niall: okay I'll go check on him
He got a glass of water after checking that the door was locked and went to the bathroom his son was in
Niall: fun night eh?
James: yeah feel shit now though
Niall passed him the water and rubbed his back, James fell back into his dad when he had finished.
James: I'm weak
Niall ruffled his hair and laughed
Niall: welcome to tha world of hangovers
His son laid all his weight on him and closed his eyes
Niall: do ye wanna get inta bed?
James: i don't think I'll make it
Niall smirked, stood up and picked up James. He took him into his room and laid him down on his bed
James: dad stay with me
Niall laid down next to him while his son cuddled up into his side (even though he would never admit it to anyone)
Niall: get some sleep now I'll look after ye buddy

#ZAYNHASNOCHILL 😂😂 burrito boy got burned again ,i bet it was louis who hacked zayns account tho 😂😂😂

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