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Ddm: you shadow him

Liam: You were everywhere. You were behind him, sitting next to him on the couch, sitting on his lap. It didn't matter. You requested that he buy you matching outfits so he agreed and bought you a light blue tee and jeans and he wore his. You held his hand and you drank when he drank and ate when he ate. He found it cute and funny. "Hey mate" "Hi mate!" You giggled. He looked down and smiled. "Shadow?" Andy asked. Liam nodded. "Like usual." Andy bent down. "Do you love daddy?" You nodded. "Can you say anything?" You shook your head laughing. "Why?" "Daddy's not saying it." Liam said. "Daddy's not saying it." You repeated. Andy laughed and nodded. You all went to eat and you sat in your dad's lap. "What are we getting booger?" He asked. "COKE!" "No, no coke for you." "But you get coke!" He nodded. "But a little small for coke" "PWESE?" "A couple sips of Daddy's okay?" You nodded happily. Later on, you had drunk half of his coke and ate half of his food, but he didn't mind, he was happy you wanted to be just like him.

Louis: Louis was practicing singing backstage. "DADDY!" You yelled running at him. He stopped and picked you up. "Hi bug." He kissed your cheek. "What are you doing?" "I'm singing." You nodded and he put you down. He started up again and you interjected singing with him. He did crazy hand movements and you shadowed and copied him. He moved around and you followed until you got into an intense game of tag. "DADDY! STOP!" You laughed. He stopped and you stopped. "What?" "What?" He walked towards you and you followed suit until you reached each other. "Are you copying me?" "Are you copying me?" "I think so" "I think so" You giggled covering your mouth. "I love Daddy!" "I love Daddy!" "I hate Uncle Niall" "HEY!" You could hear Niall say. "I LOVE Uncle Niall!" "That's my girl!" He called out. You laughed and took off running with your dad right on your heels. He caught up with you and picked you up starting to tickle you. "DADDY NOOOO!" You laughed. "DADDDY NOOO" He mocked you. All in all it was a good day shadowing Louis.

Niall: You walked into your dad's room looking through his drawers. You found his shirts and his basketball shorts. You knew you wanted to be just like him. You put on the huge tshirt and you slipped on and held up the shorts. You walked into his closet and found a snapback on the shelf and his shoes. You put them all on and you attempted to walk. It was very difficult but you finally made it to the kitchen where he was cooking dinner. "Hi Daddy" You said in a low voice. He turned around quickly and laughed. "What are you doing princess?" "I'm you!" You laughed. He nodded. "You most definitely are. Why are you dressed like that?" "I wanna be like you so I thought your clothes would help me become you!" He nodded. "Well you look very adorable babe." You laughed. You sat on the chair and waited for your food. When he gave it to you, you took a fork and began eating like him. "I need a pint!" You said. He shook his head. "No you don't. You're not old enough for that just yet princess." He went and got you some water. "Pretend" You nodded.

Harry: You shook your hair every time you got the chance to. Your dad started noticing and finally questioned you. "Because I be like you!" You laughed. He nodded and let it go, only thinking that that would be the only thing you did. But it wasn't. You woke flannels that you requested be bought for you, you walked like him too. He started noticing more and more. "Baby are you trying to be like Daddy?" You nodded. "I grow up and like you too!" Throughout the next couple of days, you did nothing but what Harry did. You followed him, did everything he did, wore your clothes to match him, and sung when he did. Everyone thought it was adorable, but Harry was afraid it would stick. He told you that you needed to be your own person. You had cried for a few minutes but he assured you that that made you even more special and loved. "You get to grow up and you get to do whatever you want and be who you are!" He told you. You agreed and went back to being you but still always wanting to be just like your Daddy.

Zayn: You wanted to be just like Daddy Malik. You loved his tattoos and the way he looked. He had bought you a leather jacket for your birthday. You went and you found a black marker in your room and began drawing all over yourself to match the places your dad had marks. You put on a white shirt and the jacket and ran out to him. "Daddy! Look! I'm you!" You giggled. "You are baby girl and you look very pretty!" You nodded. "Wanna see how much I'm like you?" He nodded and you took off the jacket. He went wide eyed. "Did you draw on yourself?" You nodded. "I got tattoos just like you!" He nodded. "You sure do babe. Let's go get a bath."  "But then no more tattoos" He sighed. "I know. But you can't draw on yourself sweetheart. Daddy will go out this weekend and buy you some temporary tattoos that you can stick anywhere and how ever many you want. Does that sound good?" You nodded running to the bathroom. As he bathed you, you both discussed how alike you wanted to be when you grew up.

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