Harry : Paranormal ( P5)

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Sorry it took so long darlings 😅


You groaned and opened your eyes , only to be blinded by the sun shining brightly through the hospital glass . You looked at Amelia , whose still in comatose, wires attached to her frail frame .The sound of the machine beeping is the only music to your ears , well for now . You walked towards the bathroom to freshen up yourself.

You came out and everything was still the way it was . You heard shouting coming from the outside which made you curious. You peeked your head a bit to see a man raising his voice at the nurse but somehow he looked familiar. The moment he turned his head to the side , yup , it was your (fcuking asshole of a) husband . You sighed before walking out to approach them .

"No! I want to see my daughter!" He boomed.

"Sir! We're sorry but you have to follow the visiting hours" the nurse said calmly before you stepped in .

"Hi , sorry , he's a family member" you said , softly at her as she looked taken aback but nodded her head and apologized, walking away . You turned towards your husband who's stood there in shock. "You appeared" you said coldly .

"Look! Y/n , I'm sorry for leaving yo-" he rambled but you cut him off , "save it , you want to see Emmy right?" He nodded his head and followed you . You walked in into the dull room with him behind you as he stood at the end of the hospital bed with a grave look on his face .

"How is she?" He asked , eyes glued on his eldest laying in bed emotionless.

"She's in comatose , doctor said she'll wake up but some of her nerves on her lower back  are injured which means she won't be able to walk as soon as she wakes up" you sniffled , holding back the tears that's already blurring your eyes .

"But she will depends on her strength of legs" you added.

"I'm sorry" he whispered.

"Yeah you should" you said coldly .

"Babe, I know I'm stupid for leaving all of you behind" he admitted .

"Yeah and it's even more stupid to know your husband cheating after he left you with the kids " you replied .

"How did you..?"

"How?" You chuckled sarcastically. "Next time make sure not to butt dial your wife whose worried sick , waiting for her husband every night like a complete idiot . " you avoided his gaze and looked outside the window , so he wouldn't see the tears or your lips trembling.

You close your eyes as tears ran down your cheeks . You turned around to see him standing right infront of you . His eyes were bloodshot red, dark circles underneath it , his green eyes didn't shine like the way it used to , as if it's dead  . "I'm sorry , i wasn't thinking right , please , i'm sorry " his voice cracked as his lips trembled.

"I just need some time , everything's a mess right now" you sniffled , wiping your tears . He nodded understandingly before sitting down on the chair .


Its been a few hours since your husband appeared. You sat on the chair , wrapping yourself with the thin blanket the nurse gave you earlier, but still it's cold . You shivered slightly. "Cold?" Harry asked . Oh yeah , he insisted on taking over to watch over Emmy but you refused though , so he ended up staying with you .

"Yeah " you sighed , leaning your head back , shutting your eyes before you felt something warm being placed on your upper body . You snapped your eyes opened to see that Harry had covered your body with his jacket.

"You don't have to , you know" you said .

"Well i want to" he chuckled dryly.

"How's the other two?" He asked , referring to Brooklyn and Eddie.

"Eddie is just sad because of Emmy , Brooklyn, well , the past few days she had been asking for her 'Dada' " you smiled , staring at the white tiles , just wanting to hug those two .

"Y/n , I'm re-" Harry was cut off by the sound of the machine beeping loudly , making you both snapped your heads towards Emmy . "Emmy?" Harry called out , grabbing her hands , kissing it softly before his face went shock.

"Sh-she grabbed my hand" he blinked his eyes in astonishment as you pressed the red button quickly, signalling for help before the doctor rushed in with two nurses behind him .

"I'm sorry but can you please wait outside" she said patiently.

"B-but I wa-"you stuttered

"C'mon y/n , let's wait outside " Harry whispered, grabbing your hands , pulling you outside . There you are , standing outside of Emmy's room , crying . "Please be okay" you whispered , lips trembling . Next thing you know was your body being pulled frontwards as you fell on Harry chest . He hugged you .

"She'll be okay , darling " he whispered into your hair . Your mind was all messed up and all you needed was someone to be there for you so you cried into his chest as he rubbed your back , almost taking the entire expanse , whispering softly into your ear . He treated you as if you're a newborn , so fragile and tiny .

(Y'all don't get mixed up, they still love each other , its just that they want some time to cool off their head with the shit that's been going on )


You walked in to see Emmy with her eyes opened which made you sigh in relief . "Emmy" you whispered as she looked at you .

"Mum" she cried before Harry walked in which made her eyes bulge to see her father for the first time in days (more like weeks) . "Dad" she smiled , tears brimming her eyes .

"Hi baby" he smiled sadly , placing a kiss on her forehead. She then turned her gaze towards you . "Mum" she called again . "Yes sweetie?"

"I can't-T " she stuttered.

"I can't feel my legs " her lips trembled which made you look at Harry , who's also looking at you . "Emmy , listen , you won't be able to move for a while " you explained , swallowing back the tears . She didn't say anything but closed her eyes as tears ran down her pale cheek . "It's okay baby , we'll be here okay?" He said , his voice cracking as he stroked her hair softly before hugging her .


(I dont even know how to continue 😂)

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