(A/N) pls read / (prefs) FIRST SLEEPOVER ✨

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your child has their first sleepover

Creds to 1directiondreams

LIAM:  You busy yourself with getting snack foods and juice set out for the party that Makenzie is having for her eighth birthday.  It's a sleepover, the first one that she's ever had, and she's beside herself in excitement.  The doorbell rings, signaling the arrival of the first guest.  Liam goes with your daughter to answer the door and welcome her friend to the house.  Within thirty minutes, the party is in full swing as ten third grade girls are running around, squealing in pure joy over whatever game they're playing.  You're in the kitchen, restocking the snacks when Liam joins you in the room.  "So far, so good, eh, babe?"  "So far," you sigh out, remembering back to the days of some of your first sleepover parties.  He drapes an arm across your back.  "Everything's going fine.  They are all having fun and nobody's arguing.  Why are you so stressed over a party for a bunch of little girls?" he questions.  "Because I used to be a little girl just like them.  I know how these things go."  And sure enough, you and Liam end up sitting up half the night, soothing tears of missed parents and making phone calls in the middle of the night to the parents' of the children who are insistent on leaving.  Despite the night of horror, most of the girls end up staying the night and Makenzie won't stop talking about how much fun the party was and how much she can't wait for the next one.  You and Liam just exchange harried glances each time she brings it up.

NIALL:  "Do you think he'll be alright?" you question for the umpteenth time that afternoon as you quadruple check to make sure Cole has everything he needs for his first sleepover at a friend's house.  "Relax.  He'll be fine.  And if worse comes to worse, he's just a couple blocks away and we can go get him,"  Niall comforts.  You nod and try to keep that thought in mind, but you're still worried about how your son will handle being away from you and Niall for the night.  When Niall drops him off at the friend's house a short time later, Cole bounces out of the car, a wide excited grin on his face.  There's no doubt in Niall's mind that he'll be fine.  And as it turns out, he'd been right.  After the first few hours, you'd begun to relax.  When the phone rings and the other family's name pops up on the caller ID, you worry for a brief moment, thinking your baby must be homesick, but he just wants to call home to say goodnight before going to bed.  The following morning when Niall picks him up, Cole is a chatterbox full of stories of what he and his friend had done the night before - bragging that he got to stay up until 11:00.  When he gets home and repeats these stories for your sake, you finally admit to yourself that your little boy is growing up and can handle these sorts of things now.

LOUIS:  Louis had been more of the nervous wreck than you about letting Lea go to her first sleepover.  One of the girls in her class is having a party and Lea had been super excited to go.  You'd been all for it from the very beginning, thinking back to how much fun you'd had at sleepovers at Lea's age.  Louis, however, had been a little unsettled.  "Quit being overprotective.  She'll be fine," you'd repeated numerous times until he'd finally been convinced enough that she really would be ok.  When your phone begins ringing at 2:30 in the morning, waking both you and Louis from your sleep, he answers it quickly.  "I'm so sorry to wake you at this hour, but Lea's very upset and says she doesn't feel well," the friend's mother speaks gently into the phone.  "Ok thank you.  I'll be there in a bit to pick her up," Louis tells her before hanging up the phone.  "What happened?" you ask, sitting up in the bed.  "I told you so," comes Louis' childish reply as he throws the covers back to find a pair of jeans to throw on.  "Is she ok?" you question.  "Fine, just a bit homesick it seems."  You sigh, saying, "I really thought she would be ok."  "It's alright.  She wanted to go; it's not like you forced her.  I'll be back in a flash," he tells you as he heads out of the room to go pick up your daughter.

ZAYN:  "He's here, he's here!" Lane chants loudly, running for the door upon hearing the doorbell ring.  You follow your son to the door to welcome your guests.  He'd been so excited to have a sleepover that he's now jumping up and down in pure ecstasy.  He ushers his friend into the house and brings him directly to his room.  "Pizza should be here in about 20, babe," Zayn tells you, entering the living room after just ordering the pizza.  You can hear the boys laughing and playing from down the hall in Lane's room.  "So, how badly do you think this will end?" you ask your husband.  He tilts his head side to side a bit, considering this.  "I don't think it'll be too bad.  In fact, I think it will go great!" he chirps before kissing your lips in a quick peck.  Everything's going well through dinner and a movie that the boys watched after.  Come bedtime, things are still looking up.  You can hear the boys giggling in the dark, scheming to stay up all night long.  You and Zayn go to bed after checking on the boys one last time.  They are fast asleep, and you turn away from the room with a pleased smile on your face.  "That went so much better than I thought," you admit, fluffing your pillow in your bedroom before climbing into the bed next to Zayn to settle into sleep.  "Um, excuse me?  Mr. Lane's Dad?" Zayn is woken up by these words, several hours later.  He rubs his eyes, confused for a moment, until he realizes his son's friend is standing next to his bedside, tapping his arm.  "What's up, buddy?" Zayn asks groggily.  "I woke up and now I'm too scared to go back to bed."  Zayn chuckles lightly, getting out of bed to walk the boy back down the hall.  He spends the next half an hour reading stories to the two boys until they fall back to sleep, after Lane awakes upon his father's entrance into his room.

HARRY:  "Mom, Dad, I want to have a sleepover," Carson addresses you both formally over dinner one evening.  "Oh, uh, ok.  Yeah, sure.  Who did you want to invite over?" Harry asks.  "Lea," Carson tells you, ducking his head a bit, embarrassed.  "Lea Tomlinson?" you question and Carson nods his head.  "You want Lea Tomlinson to sleep over?" Harry asks, not quite sure he heard right.  "Yeah.  Can she?" Carson practically begs you.  Harry smirks devilishly.  "I'll call Uncle Lou after dinner and see," Harry tells your son.  And that's just what he does.  "Hey, mate.  Carson wants to know if Lea can come over for a sleepover tomorrow night," Harry informs his friend.  "Hell no!  I told you, that's never going to happen.  My daughter is going nowhere near your son," Louis says adamantly.  "Come on.  They are seven.  What could happen?"  "They could start playing Doctor!" Louis hisses.  "He is your son afterall."  Harry laughs at this, knowing Louis has a point.  "I promise nothing of the sort will happen."  After several more minutes of going back and forth, Louis decides to let Lea go, and drops her off the following evening.  "Harry?" you ask after Lea had been there for several hours already and is playing in Carson's room with him.  "Yeah?  Everything alright, love?" Harry asks, noting the concerned expression you're wearing.  "I, uh...  I just went to check on the kids and they were, um.  Well...  They weren't exactly playing Doctor, but they were...oh God, I can't say it."  Harry's face goes stoic.  "Louis is NEVER to know about this!" he demands firmly and you just nod frantically in agreement.

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