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Creds to iluvnarry.tumblr

Louis: You were almost eight months pregnant for your husband Louis and the pregnancy had not been an easy one. It was ok at first but then as the months past it got worst and worst. Now with your huge belly you were so weak that you worried Louis. You yourself knew it would be ok but Louis kept worrying about you. One day your belly pains were horrible and you lay in bed in pain, you hadn't eaten for the day. Louis stood next to you in distress. "Love what do you want me to do huh? You want me to get something for you to eat?" he asked. He looked like he was almost on the verge of tears. You shook your head no. "You have to eat baby you did not eat anything yet and you're so weak already" he persisted. "Louis" you whined holding your belly. "Come on please babe just a small sandwich or something?" You eventually nodded giving in to him. He smiled widely rushing downstairs. As you lay in bed by yourself you felt the need to watch some TV. You sat up immediately feeling dizzy , you tried to stand but just then Louis came back. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" he asked frantically rushing to you and fixing you back in bed. "No walking alone you hear that" he scolded. You smiled faintly. "I just wanted the remote" "Well then call me got it, we can't have anything happening to you now can we" he said getting the remote for you and kissing your forehead.

Zayn: You were only about 5 months pregnant but yet you were very weak from the stress of it all. Zayn was by your side at all times doing your bidding and treating you like a queen. One night however you were not feeling well. Zayn was asleep next to you and you couldn't help but weep. You tried to cry silently as not to awake him but you couldn't keep it all in, a sob escaped which made him awake immediately. He turned to you and upon seeing your state his face grew grave. He pulled you in his arms immediately. "What is it baby girl? Please don't cry ok? Please don't." he pleaded softly wanting for you to feel better. "I am so sorry, so so sorry" he said rocking you from side to side. You continued to cry. He untangled from you and went to your feet beginning to massage them both easing you a bit. "Shh please stop babe": he begged. You wiped your tears and eventually stopped. He began rubbing your belly soothingly, calming you down a lot. "Thanks Zayn" you whispered out smiling up at him. "I just want you to feel good" he said sadly. "I feel good now ok" you grinned trying to go to him and hug him but your weakness kicked in and you didn't have the energy to. He noticed and crawled up to you gently resting you back on the pillow. He lay next to you pulling you close, playing with your hair and singing you back to sleep.

Liam: Liam was on tour and you were three months pregnant. He really did not want to leave you but he had to because of his job. Since he left a month ago your pregnancy symptoms were worsened and you began to feel horribly weak. Liam knew you were weak but he did not know the extent to which you were. He practically forced you to live with your parents because he didn't want you alone. One evening you were having dinner with your parents. They helped you a lot and treated you well so that you had to do nothing for yourself. You finished before them and got up to go to the bedroom. As soon as you got up your head started spinning and you fainted, everything blacked out. The next day you woke up from a stream of sunlight hitting your face. You groaned a little confused and looked around the room. You were back in the bedroom at your parents house. You looked down and notice someone by your foot. You realized it was Liam. "Liam" you wanted to shout but it came out as a whisper. He turned around immediately and you saw that he had been crying. He came up to you and hugged you, not too tightly for you were fragile. "Are you ok love?" he asked. You nodded hugging him back. He pulled away and looked at you. You touched his cheek with your hand, "What happened to me?" He sighed. "You fainted babe" "What are you doing here Liam weren't you in America yesterday?" you questioned a bit confused. "I flew out as soon as I found out you fainted, I can't live if you aren't good baby" he said weakly and a tear rolled down his cheek. You smiled at him. "I'm fine baby" you whispered kissing him deeply. "I'm not leaving you again" he said almost like a stubborn baby hugging you. You giggled as he kissed your forehead.

Niall: You were about seven months pregnant and had to go see the doctor. Niall hesitated to allow you to go anywhere because you were very drained and weak with the pregnancy. He requested that the doctor visit at home but his schedule didn't allow it so you had to go to the clinic bodily. Niall looked like a scared puppy the whole time looking at you. You arrived at the doctor's in one piece and went to see him. He said the weakness you felt was normal with some people and that it was not dangerous. Niall sighed in relief at this. The doctor gave you some medicine to take. When you guys were going to the car you were mobbed by paparazzi and fans. You were getting pale and nauseous from the stress of it and Niall noticed. His face twisted in concern as he practically supported you trying his best to get you to the car safely. He held you tightly rubbing your shoulders, helping you walk to get to the car. During the little journey a paparazzi got a little too close and tugged at your sleeve. This completely set Niall of. He stopped and growled at the man before he started yelling and almost punched him but you stopped him. "Niall lets go home please" you pleaded. He looked at your desperate face and hurried you to the car. Once in he began to drive glancing at your suffering every few seconds. "Babe I'm sorry are you ok?" he questioned concerned. You nodded. He sighed. "Sorry about the fans and paparazzi, next time we'll make sure the doctor comes to you" he said a bit frustrated. You smiled at him weakly lacing a hand in his hair. "I love you" "I love you to"

Harry: Harry was at a concert and being his weak pregnant wife he carried you not trusting anyone else with you. Management set up a very comfortable room in the venue for you so you'd be snug and safe. You lay in a bed not feeling well at all but glad that you were close to Harry. He was with you since the show was yet to start. He held your hand, "Baby is there anything you need?" You shook your head since you didn't have the strength in you to say anything. "The nurse will be with you once I leave ok." You nodded. He looked at you through sad eyes. "Please please be good" you smiled at him and nodded. "Love you" he whispered kissing your hand. "Love you" you whispered out. Just then Paul came to get Harry and the nurse, Meredith, replaced him. You just lay in the bed as she sat on the couch reading a magazine. Suddenly you felt very faint headed, "Meredith I don't feel well" you struggled out. She got up immediately making her way to you and putting a wet towel on your forehead. She got some medicine that the doctor had prescribed and gave them to you. You began to cry but the crying made you weaker but you couldn't help it. Meredith pulled out her phone and texted someone. You didn't know who but at that time you didn't even care. You just continued to cry as Meredith tried to calm you down. In a minute Harry was in the room looking at you sorrowfully. "Love" he whispered hugging you in his arms as you clung to him. "Don't worry it'll pass babe it'll pass" he soothed you rubbing your back as you stained his top with tears. He calmed you and lay you to rest. He wiped your tears. "Don't you have a concert?" you questioned feeling a little stronger now. "You're more important" he whispered kissing your lips. "Now sleep" he said holding you in his arms as you drifted off.

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