Daddy Dearest - Chapter Four

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter Four

Creds to hemmingsalmightty


"I'm so excited to have a family," Harry said absentmindedly as the group continued playing.

"Yeah, I've heard families are great," Niall added, looking up at Louis. "Are they?"

"They're the greatest thing ever," Louis replied, swallowing back a lump in his throat. He'd definitely made the right decision.

Before too long Johannah had arrived, and the ringing of the doorbell made Louis pause. Liam was still asleep in the bed, but the other boys stopped playing and looked at Louis. Louis smiled and stood, gently lifting Liam off the bed and into his arms. "Well, let's go then," he whispered with a smile, and he led the way back downstairs. The boys fell into step behind him, and Louis led the way to the front door, opening it a moment later.

Johannah was standing there expectantly, and was about to say something when Louis put his fingers to his lips and then pointed to Liam, mouthing 'He's sleeping'. Johannah covered her mouth with her hand and looked at the sleeping toddler and then her gaze traveled down to where Niall was peeking out from behind Louis' leg. "Hi, there," she smiled softly, stepping into the house and shutting the door.

"Hi," Niall whispered, suddenly shy. "I'm Niall," he said, sticking out a shaky hand to the woman. Johannah grinned and gently shook his hand.

"I'm Johannah, I'm your grandma," she introduced herself.

"Do you know how to make cookies?" asked a quiet voice. She looked past Niall to see a boy with a ton of curly hair looking at her with wide eyes.

"I know how to make lots of kinds of cookies," she nodded, and the boy gave her a large grin and giggle. "Do you like cookies?" she guessed. "What's your name, cutie?"

"I love cookies! I'm Harry, I'm five," he offered with a timid wave. "This is Zayn. He's shy." He stated, pointing over his shoulder to Zayn, who was stood a couple feet away from the group, watching critically.

"Well it's lovely to meet you all," Johannah smiled, standing and carefully hugging Louis. "They're beautiful."

"Right?" Louis smiled. "I stumbled upon a great bunch." He patted Liam's back to settle the boy back into his slumber. "This one's Liam. He missed his nap today, apparently."

"Well then let the poor lad sleep, I can meet him later," Johannah insisted, waving her son away.

"I can take him, Louis," Niall offered, reaching for the toddler. Louis carefully maneuvered the sleeping one onto Niall's body before Niall was trotting off with him and Louis was leading the rest of the clan to the living room.

"So, how did this all come about, love?" Johannah asked her son as the kids made themselves comfortable on the floor. Louis sat beside her, studying Niall, Harry, and Zayn, who were playing with the Legos Niall had thought to bring downstairs.

"Well, it's kind of complicated. I showed up today just to look and I met Niall," he started quietly, not wanting the kids to overhear them talking. "And he was on his way to see his 'brothers'," he stated, putting air quotes around the word. "And I was really interested in Niall and then when I met them all I knew I couldn't split them up and we all just got on really well." He chuckled softly and leaned back. "And then it just kind of moved really fast and now I have four kids," he said, face paling a bit at the statement. "Oh, my god."

Johannah watched her son's face change and she frowned in concern, putting a hand on his knee. "Honey, relax. You obviously made the choices you thought were right and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You've just made four little boys very happy, and I know this is something you wouldn't have done without thinking it all the way through." Louis nodded at that, already feeling a bit better.

"Yeah, you're right," he let out a deep breath and then looked up at the boys. "Hey, guys?" he asked, calling for their attention. It took just a moment for him to have three more pairs of eyes on him, and he smiled. "You alright if I leave you here with Grandma for a minute while I run to the store?" he asked.

"I think so," Harry nodded easily, looking to Zayn, who looked a bit apprehensive. Louis smiled and moved to sit by the four year old.

"I'll be right back, little one," he promised. Zayn whined and climbed into Louis' lap, clinging to his shirt and burying his head in the other's chest. Louis smiled sadly at his mom before remembering what Rory had told him about Zayn. "Would you rather go with me, Zayn?" he asked gently, and he got a timid nod in response. "Yeah?" Louis smiled. "You going to be my big helper?"

Zayn looked up at that and nodded, his large dark eyes teary. Louis couldn't resist leaning forward and kissing the boy's nose before standing with him on his hip. "Well then, let's get ready upstairs, yeah? Niall, you and Harry be good for Grandma," he stated before heading upstairs. Once up there, Louis pulled out a couple outfits from each of the boys and took down their sizes, letting Zayn fold them back up once he was done. Then Louis gently roused Liam from his nap, which simply resulted in Louis having a lapful of warm, sleepy baby. "Hi, there, baby boy," Louis cooed, kissing his hair. "How was your nap?"

"Good," the boy replied through a yawn. "We home?" he asked.

"We sure are," Louis smiled. "And your Grandma is here too, if you'd like to meet her."

"Grandma?" Liam asked, the word rolling off his tongue unsurely. "Okay," he stated, rubbing his eyes. "Where's Ni?"

"He's downstairs with Harry," Louis told the baby before standing. He carried Liam downstairs with Zayn trailing right behind him. Once down there, he smiled. "Hey, Grandma! Look who wants to meet you!" he sang, coming into the room. Johannah's face lit up and she gasped happily, holding her arms out to Liam, who fell against her easily.

"Well look at this handsome young one! What's your name, darling?"

"I'm Liam," he giggled softly. It took but a moment for the youngest one to be giggling happily, and that's when Louis decided to take his leave.

"Alright, Zayn and I will be back later, alright? We're going to go get the last of the things for your rooms. Zayn agreed to be my big helper while you guys stay here and play with Grandma. You guys promise to be good, right?" Louis asked. He got a couple of enthusiastic nods in response, and Louis nodded right back. "Good! Grandma, call me if you need anything," he told his mother, who nodded from the couch where Liam was playing in her lap happily.

"Of course, love. I'll be here. We're going to have a great time," she promised. She watched Louis leave with Zayn, then looked to the others with a quiet smile. Her son had never been one to do the normal – he always had to go above and beyond, which is why she was not at all surprised he'd come home with more than one baby.

Not that she minded, she thought as she reached down to roll a ball back to Harry. She just had more grandbabies to spoil rotten now. And that was far from a problem.

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