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Harry (Age 5):

"Daddy can we skip this part again?" You asked, your voice quivering. "Y/N not this time...we skip it every time. Just watch it." Harry said, giving you a reassuring smile, and then turning back to the movie. You, Harry, and your brother were watching The Lion King, much to your disappointment. You had seen The Lion King before, but Scar always managed to scare you until you were shaking and crying. And today was no different. Scar had just yelled at the hyenas and you immediately clung to Harry, your whole body shaking as you looked away from the screen. "What a baby..." Your brother muttered, smirking at you when you looked over. "I'm not a baby!" You screamed, breaking out into sobs. Harry cooed and pulled you into his lap, gently rocking you back and forth. "Turn the movie off and apologize to your sister." Harry said sternly, his eyes trained on your brother as he did what he was told. After he turned the movie off, he turned to you and grabbed your tiny hand. "Y/N you're not a baby..." He paused and then leaned towards you. "Can I tell you a secret?" You nodded and he looked around, as if to make sure no one was listening. ".....I'm scared of Scar too." Gasping, you covered your mouth, truly shocked at his confession. "You are?!" You screamed, your eyes wide and mouth agape. Biting back a smile, he nodded and you turned to Harry. "Daddy, no more Lion King!" Holding back a smile as well, he nodded and gently sat you down on the couch. "And daddy?" He raised an eyebrow in question and you smiled at him. "I'm going to have to sleep with you tonight so Scar wont come and get me."

Liam (Age 6):

Being only 6 years old, and a girl more interested in climbing trees than watching Disney princess movies, it never occurred to you to ask Liam if you could watch The Little Mermaid, or any Disney princess for that matter, until now. A girl at your school thought it would be a grand idea to make fun of you after you said you had never seen the Little Mermaid. And there was no way you were going to take that. After giving her a piece of your mind, you finished out the day, rode home, and marched straight up to your dad once you got home. "Daddy!" He turned and raised an eyebrow. "Do you have The Little Mermaid?!" Confused, but slightly amused at how you were trying to sound stern, he shrugged walked over to the tv. "I'll see." After a few minutes he pulled out the dvd and smiled. "Here it is." You let out a scream and grabbed his hand. "Lets watch it now!" And that's what you did. During the first and middle part of the movie you were fine. Ursula didn't scare you too much so you were good. But near the end, when she got really big and scary looking, you nearly lost it. You wanted so badly just to curl up into your dads chest and cry, but you knew you had to be strong, you couldn't let the girl at school know you got scared of over it. So you toughed it out, lying to your dad when he asked if you were okay. Finally the movie ended, the ending making you happy, and you went away and played with your toys. But soon night came. And as you laid in your bed, you couldn't help but start to shake when you were sure you heard Ursula laugh. You tried to ignore it but eventually the shadows and things you thought you had heard began to be too much and you sprinted out of your room. You quickly ran down the halls, ripped open Liam's door, and jumped onto his bed like a frog. Not saying a word, he cuddled you into his chest and rubbed your back until you fell asleep, a knowing smile on his face the whole time .

Zayn (Age 10):

It was finally the day! Your father was finally going to let you watch Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters. Ever since it had came out you were dying to see it. At first Zayn said no, forcing you to wait until it came out on dvd, and even then he was hesitant. "You're too young to watch things like that." He would say, watching as your brother, who was one year older than you, watch SAW. It was unfair really. But you kept your mouth shut, being as good as you could so he would change his mind. And finally he did. He got the movie while you were at school and immediately started watching it with you and your brother. By the middle of the movie you were traumatized. Sure you had heard, read, and ever saw cartoons of the story of Hansel and Gretel, but never like this. You thought the movie would just be them as adults, fighting funny looking witches and having fun. But it was far from that. You were trying to hide your fear, trying to show your father you were a big girl, but it was hard. It had just gotten to the ending of the movie, the part where all the action started, and you were about to lose it. "Someones scared..." Your brother sung, a smirk making its way across his face. Zayn looked over at him and gave him a look. "No i'm not! This isn't even scary!" You hissed, nearly peeing your pants when a witch let out a shrill scream. He rolled his eyes and you straightened yourself up. It was time to toughen up and show them you could handle it. Eventually the movie ended and you smirked when your father and brother smiled at you. "Y/N you did it!" Zayn yelled, a proud smile on his face. "I told you!" And with that you hopped off the couch and ran into your room, bursting into tears as soon as you closed your door. No matter how convincing you were, you couldn't hide the fact that the movie scared you horribly. By the time you finished crying your eyes out it was close to your bed time. You were just starting to wipe the remaining tears when Zayn walking in your room, ready to tuck you in. Seeing your tears, he quickly ran over and pulled you into his arms. "Whats wrong bub?" Holding back more tears, you told him the truth. After you finished he cooed and carried you into his room, tucking you in his bed and then crawling in beside of you. "That's why I didn't want you to watch the movie. I knew it would scare you." You started to protest but he cut you off. "However, I know you're a big girl and I think you can watch big girl movies, just never a movie like that again." You smiled and he kissed you on the cheek. "Goodnight daddy." You closed your eyes, and had almost made it to sleep when the door opened and your brothers voice made its way across the room. "Is there room for me on the bed? I think I just saw a witch in my room."

Louis (Age 7): Faking a smile, you watched as your dad smiled at you, his eyes twinkling as he turned back to the tv. It was Louis only day off this week and he had made sure to pick up, what he thought was your favorite movie, Tangled. It wasn't that you didn't like the movie, you actually loved it, it was just Mother Gothel. You thought it was stupid to be scared of her, but it didn't matter how hard you tried, you still got shaken up over her.So when the movie came to the part where she stabbed Flynn, you lost it. Gripping your dads arm, you watched in horror, your whole body shaking as tears made their way down your face. Noticing it, Louis quickly paused the movie and pulled you into his arms. "What's wrong?" He cooed, his voice somehow making you cry harder. "She's scary!" You screamed. He faked a shocked expression and looked down at you. "Oh no she's not! Did you not see that face she made?! It was like this!" He made a weird face and you burst out laughing, nearly choking. "Or maybe like this!" He pulled another one and you almost died laughing. For the next few minutes Louis pulled faces and you giggled, completely forgetting how scary she was. After you calmed down, he sat you back down beside of him and smiled down at you. "Do you wanna finish watching it?" You quickly nodded and he pressed play, watching, with a smile, as you finally watched the movie without being scared.

Niall (Age 8):

"Y/N come on...Jafar isn't even scary!" Your brother rambled on, but you just shook your head and cuddled into your father. "We are skipping him!" Niall sighed and sat the remote down. "No we're not." You have him a look, but he just continued. "We skip his part everytime! I know you're scared but me and your brother want to be big boys and watch it.." You cocked your head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "So..not being scared of Jafar makes you a big boy?" Niall gave you a nod and you smiled. "Will I be a big girl?" He nodded again and you quickly straightened yourself up. "Fine." Your brother smirked and nodded at Niall, who was smirking as well. Niall quickly turned it back on and you started watching, trying to stay strong every time Jafar came on. You were doin well after a well, you even managed to laugh at some of his facial expressions. But of course that had to end. It had just gotten to the point where Jafar sends Jasmine into the hour glass, the sand filling over her, when you lost it. You let out a squeak/scream and jumped into Niall's arms, your tears immediatley soaking his shirt. You brother rolled his eyes and got up, leaving you with Niall. Resisting the urge to do the same, Niall pulled you away and gave you a small smile. "Its ok Y/N. Lets just go to bed." You sniffled and nodded, ashamed with yourself. He carried you up to your room, stopping and heading to his room when he saw the look you gave him. "Yeah yeah, I know."

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