He's being strict with your child.

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He's being strict with your child.

Creds to everythinglittlemixand1d


"Belle I told you no." Niall frowned at your 16 year old daughter, who frowned back at him with a stamp of her foot in frustration. "I don't want you going to a festival without an adult! Do you know how many girls go missing or get sexually harassed or get their stuff stolen?! Belle I'm putting my foot down and saying no."

"But Daaaaaaaaaad" she whined and stamped a few more times, just letting out her frustration some more. "Chloe and Georgia will be there! Dad please everyone's gonna think I'm boring." She squealed, her voice going a higher pitch when she's arguing like your own voice does when you argue. Niall often picks up on her squeaky tone and will make fun of the way she does it to try and resolve the argument but this time he has no intention of making a joke out of it. He completely blanked her words and just gave her a hard look.

All of Belle's life she's had everything she wants, when she wants, given to her on a silver platter by her father. Niall and you would argue often when she was growing up that she was too spoilt, you telling Niall to not spoil her as much because one day it would come back to bite him in the arse. But he always disagreed and just continued to give his princess everything her little heart desired. So that's why you kept out of this argument, sitting back with a small smirk on your face, deciding to let Niall deal with what he created.

"UH." Belle ran upstairs to her room, clearly still frustrated and agitated at how she hasn't got her dad's attention anymore. You heard her bedroom door slam and opened your mouth to speak.

"Don't even say it." Niall grumbled and laid his head against the kitchen table, letting out a long sigh and causing you to close your mouth again. In the end Niall gave in and told Belle she could go to the festival with her friends, but on the condition that he went with her. She decided to stay at home instead.


"Dad I look like a moron." Kyle groaned with a sigh, stood in front of a full length mirror in the changing rooms of an expensive suit shop. "I'm not wearing this." He shook his head as he turned to his father. Louis frowned in response and let his eyes trail over the dark navy suit and white shirt Kyle had literally only just put on. With a roll of his eyes Louis stood up from his seat and ran a hand through his hair in annoyance.

"Kyle that's the suit that your Aunt picked out, you know it matches all the bridesmaids dresses so you have to wear it." He shrugged, bored and fed up of his sons negative attitude that he has seen a lot of recently, especially since he was told your sister was getting married and he had to drag himself away from his xbox to attend the wedding.

"But I don't want to." Kyle mirrored his father's frown, resembling him in every way in that moment.

"I don't give a shit what you want Kyle." Louis raised his voice, not caring that the shop assistant was giving him a funny look. "You're 15 years old and you live under my roof so you will do as I say until you are 18. Now stop being selfish and get changed." He shoved his son back through the curtains and closed them fast, standing outside them like a security guard. "You look good in that suit and it's only for one day you have to wear it." Louis sighed, hating that he had to snap at his son like that but knew it was the right thing to do.


"Millie?" Liam called out, his voice echoing in the empty house where he was supposed to be watching your 2 year old daughter. You had been invited out to the cinema with your closest friends so Liam's dad duties were needed. Usually Liam wouldn't be home, he's either be on tour, at the studio, or doing something for the band when you get invited out. So usually you didn't go or you would call your mum to watch little Millie. This time Liam had been home and he jumped at the chance to watch his baby girl for a few hours, hoping to get some bonding time with her. This didn't go to plan when he fell asleep on the sofa with her in his arms and she'd gotten free of his grasp and gone walk abouts through the big house. "MILLIE!!!" He shouted louder then froze when he heard the sound of a cupboard shutting in the kitchen. He ran to the kitchen fast and frowned at his daughter, who had a packet of chocolate biscuits in her lap as she sat on the floor. "Millie-Rose Payne what are you doing?" He frowned, picking her up and taking the packet of biscuits away.

"No! Me!" She immediately reached out for the biscuits with a whine.

"Millie no biscuits before dinner!"

"Yes me!" She wiggled her legs as he held her, her still reaching for the biscuits.

"No. Dada says no." He shook his head and put the biscuits back in the cupboard where they belong. "Cheeky little girl!" He cuddled her to his chest, exiting the kitchen quickly in hope she doesn't have a tantrum, which thankfully for him, she didn't.


"Luke you already have a Simba toy at home...the exact same one now come on..." Harry sighed, your son clinging to the Simba toy for dear life in the middle of the disney shop on a busy Saturday, with loads of paparazzi outside taking pictures.

"But I want this one! Please daddy!" The 4 year old pouted, giving his dad big puppy eyes. Harry looked at you, then back at Luke and shook his head.

"No come on, put it back Luke, you already have it and we've just bought you some stuff!" As soon as the words left Harry's mouth, Luke's bottom lip started to tremble. "Luke no, don't be silly." He frowned, not usually this stern with his son but the annoyance of the paparazzi outside was getting to him. "Luke. I'm gonna count to three. One...two...th-" he was cut off by Luke throwing himself to the floor and letting out a cry that gradually turned into a scream.

"Harry...pick him up!" You grabbed the toy that Luke had let go of during his dramatic flop to the floor and put it back on the shelf.

"Luke Styles you are being ridiculous." Harry pulled Luke to his feet then picked him up, letting the small child flap and flail about in his arms as you all exited the shop as quick as you could to avoid anymore embarrassment.

A/n : Man if I throw a tantrum , she would have just leave me there or idk smack me or some shit . What would your parents do ? 😁😁😁

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