Daddy Dearest - Chapter Eight

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter Eight



"See you in a little while. I love you champ," Louis smiled. "You're being so brave."

"Just don't forget, okay?" Niall asked, and Louis had to stop for a moment.

"Always," Louis replied. "I'll never forget you. I love you way too much."

"Love you too, Daddy. Tell Liam I said it too," Niall replied before Louis hung up the phone. Then Louis headed home to get some lunch made, now anxious to get to the school.

When Louis pulled up to the school just an hour later, Liam was fighting to stay awake in his car seat. "It's nap time for you," Louis murmured, picking up the baby. "We're going to go see your brothers and then you can go lay in bed. Sound good?" he asked. Liam just nodded back and yawned again, sucking his thumb as Louis made his way to Zayn's classroom. Louis stepped in the doorway, looking around for his son.

Zayn was sitting with another boy, the two of them stacking Legos. Louis had to laugh though, because Zayn was already wearing his jacket and backpack, obviously wanting to be ready the second Louis arrived. "Zayn! Someone's here to see you!" his teacher, Miss Eleanor called out. Zayn's head snapped up and he saw his dad, grinning as he jumped up and ran over.

"Hi, Daddy!" Zayn shouted, jumping into his dad's arms. Louis laughed and hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek.

"Hi, baby! Are you ready to go?" he asked, waving a quiet thanks to Zayn's teacher before he left.

"I am! I wanna go get our ice cream now," Zayn stated, holding Louis' hand tightly.

"Well we're going to stop by Niall's classroom for a moment, then we'll go home for naptime. After we pick up Niall and Harry in awhile we'll go get ice cream all together. How does that sound?" he asked. To his relief, Zayn nodded.

"I wanna see Niall," Zayn stated. Louis chuckled and headed toward Niall's room, quietly knocking on the door until the teacher came by.

"Hi, sorry to bother you. I'd emailed you about Niall? I'm Louis," the man smiled. "I'd shake your hand but they're full up."

"Oh that's fine. I'm Mrs. Edwards. I'll get Niall for you. I know he's excited for you to get here," she laughed. She stepped back into the room and a couple minutes later Niall came rocketing out of the room, hugging his dad's leg tightly.

"Hi there, Niall. How are you?" Louis asked, ruffling his hair. "How's school?"

"It's okay," he mumbled, pulling away. He looked over Zayn carefully before hugging him. "Did you like your class?"

"It was fun," Zayn replied softly, holding onto Niall's hand. The older boy looked up at Liam and Louis crouched down, letting the boy look over his youngest brother before he kissed his forehead and let Louis stand back up.

"Can we go look at Harry now?" he asked, twisting his hands anxiously.

"Let's go," Louis smiled, and Niall kept his hand intertwined with Zayn's as they headed to the corridor in which Harry's class was held. When Harry came out of the classroom Niall hurried to him and looked him over then hugged him tightly.

"Hi, Ni," Harry giggled. He hugged his brother then pulled away to hug Louis. "Is it time to go home yet?"

"No buddy. You and Niall have a couple hours left. But we'll be back soon and then we're all going for ice cream." Louis smiled. "That sound fun?"

"Yes!" Harry exclaimed, and Louis kissed Harry's forehead.

"Good. Now go learn a lot," Louis requested and Harry nodded, waving to his brothers before he disappeared again into the room. Niall sighed and turned back to Louis, his head resting on Louis' thigh.

"Thank you for letting me see them," he said.

"No problem, buddy. You feel better now?" Louis asked as they headed back toward Niall's classroom. Niall nodded and then hugged Louis and Zayn before reaching for Liam, who was now fast asleep against Louis' shoulder. Louis leaned down and let Niall kiss his brother before he stood and watched Niall walk to the door. "See you soon, love."

"Bye, Daddy," Niall smiled, heading back into the room. Louis stood for a moment and then took Zayn's hand and led him to the car. He helped Zayn into the car and then buckled the still-sleeping Liam in his car seat before buckling Zayn in as well.

"So tell me about school, buddy," Louis requested while he drove home.

"Well, my teacher's really nice. She's teaching us the alphabet but I already know that so I was kinda bored," he sighed. "But she let me color. And I played with a boy named Sam. He's nice." Zayn talked about how they had lunch time and recess and how it was weird that they all lined up to go down the hall for bathroom breaks.

"But you liked it?" Louis asked and Zayn nodded. "Good! I told you, didn't I?"

"You did!" Zayn giggled. "You were right, Daddy!" Then Zayn yawned and Louis smiled.

"Someone's a sleepy boy, huh?" Louis asked. "We'll get you set up for a nap when we get home." Then Louis drove home and carried Zayn and Liam both inside. "Go put on some comfy clothes okay? And I'll be there in just a second to tuck you in," Louis told Liam, setting him on his feet. Zayn shuffled off and then Louis focused on getting Liam changed and laid in the crib.

Louis headed down the hall after turning on the baby monitor and he entered the room to see Zayn sitting on the edge of his bed in no more than a t-shirt and underwear. "Alrighty, you ready to sleep?" Louis asked. Zayn nodded and let Louis tuck the blankets around him after he laid down.

"Can you stay?" Zayn asked softly. "I missed you," he pouted. Louis' heart swelled at that and he nodded.

"Of course I'll stay. Let me go get the baby monitor so I can hear Liam if he wakes up. I'll be right back, baby boy," Liam smiled, kissing Zayn's hair and then heading out of the room. He grabbed the baby monitor from his office and then returned to the bedroom to find that Zayn was already asleep. Louis just smiled and laid beside him, puling the baby close and staying with him, just as he had promised.

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