He sings your child to sleep

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He sings your child to sleep

Creds to rainydayswithpayne

Harry: I must have been dreaming, hearing the baby's cries. But once I felt the cold sheets, I knew I hadn't been. Getting up shuffling in some slippers to the nursery, the wails pierced my ears. Wincing I take her as Y/N frowns "She hasn't stopped crying. I've tried everything and nothing's working." She sniffles overtired and over stressed. "Why don't you just go to bed love, I can take care of her." I smile sleepily as she pouts. "But you have work in the morni-" she begins as I give her a stern look, sending her to the bedroom after she kisses my cheek. I turned my attention to the baby as she kept whimpering and crying, nothing seeming tot soothe her. "Bottle? No. Diaper? No." I frown, swaying her only making her cry more. "Please baby, lets sleep." I frown, doing nothing. I had to go to my sure thing, singing My voice soft as her eyes, wide stared back at me, as she heard the gentle hum of my voice. her hand fell into mine as she soon stopped babbling and her eyes slowly got more narrow until the house was silent, nothing piercing my ears. Laying her down, I breathe out relieved and head out the room, climbing back into bed, wrapping my arms around her, falling asleep, until I heard her crying again, and got up to repeat the cycle.

Zayn:"I miss you too." I murmur quietly into the phone. "He misses you too." she says a bit sadly, making my face drop. "I know, I wish I was there, I mean these are the important months and I'm not even there." I frown hearing crying through the phone. "That's him now." she sighs as I play with the bedsheets. I heard her try everything from reading him a story, to practically beg him to stop crying and go to sleep. "Baby? "Baby," "yeah. she says hearing me through her phone. "Put the phone by his ear love." I hear the hesitation but then my ear starts to ring from the screaming he was doing. Wincing a bit, I move the phone from my ear and start to sing into the receiver at the bottom. My voice was soft, and by his screaming, he probably couldn't hear me. Singing louder, I hear him start to calm down, recognizing the sound over my voice, and the flow of the song that I would always sing to him. Slowly, he stopped. The ringing in my ear has ceased, and I heard the soft snores I was so familiar with. "Y/N?" I whisper as I hear the phone's backfeed as if someone was picking it up. "Zayn, you're a lifesaver." she sighs happily as i hear the door close, her voice coming back to it's normal volume. "No problem babe, I just wish I could be there to help you out when you need it." I say with a frown on my face. "Trust me, I'm calling you from now on when I need you." she says and I smile "Looking forward to it." I smile, laying down under the covers. "Love you Y/N, I'll call you tomorrow." "Love you too babe." She says before hanging up, I'm sure to go get some sleep she desperately needed.

Louis: The door slammed as your daughter ran up the stairs, leaving a confused expression on both of your's and Louis's face. Setting the paper he was reading down, he checks outside then closes the door shrugging. "I'll go check on her." you say getting up, going upstairs. Tonight she was supposed to be a a friends party, so what was she doing home so early? Knocking on the door, she screams at you to go away, and finding the door locked, you oblige. "I'm going up there." Louis says a frown on his face as he climbs the steps, a gruff "Let me in." before the door clicks open. Walking in, he sits beside her on her bed and sighs rubbing the back of her shaking frame. "What happened?" he murmurs sliding closer to her. She sniffles into her pillow and screeches nonsense that he can barely make out. "Wait, wait, calm done baby girl, start over." she wipes her red puffy eyes and sniffles "He was my date to the party and he went of with her" she spits, breathing heavy, face covered in tears. "Oh love, come here." he says as she tries to fit her grown body onto his lap as she did as a child. Holding her close, he tries to calm her as she continues to cry. "Boys are stupid, and I say because that's what he is. A real man doesn't do things so immature like that honey. He doesn't deserve you if he picks someone over you." He tries to comfort, only making her cry more, giving her a sense that she wasn't good enough. "I- well you see.." he starts but sighs knowing that anything her said would just make her upset. After a minute of thinking, he starts to sing her favorite song in her ear, laying her back down on the pillow, gently covering her with the blanket as he see her eyes droop more and more, until they're finally closed and she's asleep. "Goodnight baby girl." he whispers, kissing her head, then go back downstairs, sitting with you, as you cuddle in close, hugging him, closing your eyes to the gentle beat of his heart.

Niall: Her small, this face looked up at him You were back in the children's hospital again for her. No matter how hard you both tried, you couldn't keep her healthy. She had been born a preemie and for the five years that followed she had been in and out of the hospital, surgery after surgery, needle after needle stick into her tiny arms. She tried to hold back her yawn, not wanting to fall asleep on fear that she might not wake up. "Come on princess, lets get to bed." he says, sliding into the bed with her, adjusting the pink weaves blanket his mum had made for her. She cuddles into him, as he starts to braid her hair. "I don't wanna sleep daddy." Her small scared voice squeaks "I know you don't, I know you're scared baby, but daddy promises that he'll be right next to you when you wake up in the morning. And then maybe we can go home and have tea parties and play games. Alright?" He asks, finishes the braid off. She looks over at you, eyes wide, then back at him. "Can daddy do anything?" You ask, setting your book down. "Will you sing to me?" She asks, and he nods. "The usual?" She nods as he did and he adjusts his position, so that he's hugging her, and starts to sing in her ear, monitors the beat to a song he had made up for her. Just around the third time he sang the song, she was asleep holding tightly to his shirt, making sure that he wouldn't be going anywhere tonight.

Liam: She pushed her headphones in her ears again as you go into her room to make sure she was asleep. "Sweetie, are you asleep?" You ask as she sighs, tossing and turning. "Not yet." She says softly, flicking through the songs in her iPod. "Sweetie, it's not a good to sleep with your headphones in." "I can't sleep without them." She says, Liam's eyes staring back at you. You hadn't seen those eyes in years. They may have been looking down on you both, but you missed the way he looked at you. "I- I know, but it's the only way I can sleep." She sighs looking sadly at you. "It's the only way I can hear dad, and that helps me sleep." She looks pleadingly at you and you sigh, sitting next to her, pulling her into a tight hug. "I know sweetie. It's nice to hear him." You say simply, kissing her head, eyes tearing at the thought of him singing her to sleep when she was a baby. Placing the earphones back in her ears, changing the song to your favorite, then lays her down turning the light off. Laying down in your own bed, you stay awake until your bedroom door opens and your daughter lays beside you and plugs one of the plugs in your ears, Liam's voice lulling you both to sleep, it was nice to hear him again.

a/n : hi guys . For the liam one im not sure if he's dead or he's on tour . So yeah just use your imagination .

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