Dates + Boyfriends + A/N

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Harry :

"No sydney , you are not going out with a boy on a Friday night " he said , calmly . "But dad , i already said yes " she huffed . "I DONT CARE , NOW GO TELL HIM YOURE NOT GOING! " he said, raising his voice . You can see her backing away . Harry had never raised his voice towards your daughter. She ran up to her room and shut the door . "Hey babe?" I said , approaching him . "What happened" you asked , confused . "Sydney wanted to go out with some boy" he sighed . "Harry , she's 16 . I went on my first date at 16 " you coaxed. "You don't understand y/n , I don't want to let her go to some idiot and let him break her heart "he replied, sighing . "Oh babe , I know you don't want to but think about how my dad felt when i met you , it took me awhile to convince him and look at us now . Give her a chance" I replied , calmly . "Fineeee you're always right " he said. "Why are you always right" he pouted . "Because i am " you smiled , sticking your tongue out. "But i love you" he smiled back , kissing you . "Now go apologize to Sydney , she's crying " you sighed . "Crying?!" He ran up to her room as fast as he could . He pushed her door open , only to see her crying softly into her pillow . "Baby" he rushed up to her . She looked up at Harry and hide her face . "Syd baby , I'm sorry , i just don't want you to go out because you're my only baby girl " he said softly. True , you had two sons and Harry is not really protective of them like he is with Sydney . "Dad , i'll be okay , I'm just going out for a couple of hours " she sniffled. "Okay fine , you can go but if he does anything stupid , you call me " he warned . "really?! THANK YOU! I promise i will!" she smiled , hugging him . Harry smiled and hugged back .

Liam :

"Lilly no " he said at your daughter , trying so hard not to burst . "But dadddd" she whined . "Lilly no is no " he stated . She huffed "if mom was here , she would've said yes" . Liam frowned at her words and sighed . You left the world a few years ago due to ovary cancer . Liam did everything he could to save you . You were his rock that keeps him grounded . At first he thought that it's going to be hard to raise a child on his own but it was worth it . Since that , Liam has been overprotective over your one and only daughter. His and yours very first pride and joy . He couldn't thank you enough for giving him what he always wanted. A child . A daughter . That he can protect until he's gone . "Lilly , sweetheart " he started , taking a seat next to her " He took her hand and kissed it as he saw her glossy eyes . "Darling don't cry " he said pulling her in for a protective, warming hug . "No sorry dad , i just miss her so much " she croaked , clinging onto him like a koala bear . "I know baby , I miss her too , it's just that I don't want you getting hurt or even worse losing you " The day she was born , he made a vow to protect her no matter what happens . He promised . "Oh dad , i'll be fine " she assured , eyes red and puffed slightly as smiled at him . Y/n's smile . He sighed again "okay you can go, on one condition , be home before 10 and always keep me updated, no matter where you go , okay?" He once again stated. "Okay" she smiled , eyes slightly twinkling. You smiled from above , just wanting to tell him that he's doing a good job. He smiled and hugged her tightly. Afraid he might let her go like he did with you .

Niall :

"But daddddd" she groaned . "No buts because I've already said it Kiera" he warned . "Oh cmon dad ! Why James can go on a date and I can't " she pouted , looking like him . "James is a boy and he doesn't worry me much. Plus you're sixteen so nope" he said popping the p . "What is going on here" you said butting in the conversation with James behind you . "Mom! Dad won't let me out on a date" she whined . "A date?!?" James said , shocked . "No" he said  "Exactly " Niall said as he high fived James .You looked at her and then at Niall . "Wait ! A date!?!" You squealed, grinning . Niall and James looked at you and huffed "oh cmon babe , she's just sixteen " your husband reasoned. "Yeah mom " James added , mouth full of oreos . "Niall horan , she's sixteen and this is her very first date " you said , glaring at him slightly . "Noo she's still my baby " he said , hugging Kiera , placing his head on top of hers . "And she's my little sister " James added  , hugging the other side Kiera . "Dad , I'll be back before 10" she smiled , hugging him back. "No , 9 " he said " 10:30" you finalized . "Thank you mom! I love youuu!" She squealed, hugging you before running upstairs into her room with her brother . You smiled and heard Niall sighed . "Princess you always let her go " he pouted . "Excuse me but you always let james go" you laughed . "Ni , she's growing up and she will always be your baby but you have let her go sometimes " you smiled at his protectiveness. "Fine. Ok you win " he raised his hands up in surrender. "I always do " you smirked before he kissed you and the rest was history .


"Hey dad ? Where's mum?" Your daughter, Avery asked with an excited smile plastered on her face as she stood on the stairs . "Oh mum is out with her friends , what's the rush ? " he said , feeding your 9 month old baby girl , Tamara  . "Oh nothing " she said walking away . "Oh no you don't, come back here " he said before looking back at a giggling tamara with her hand in her mouth . "What is wrong with your sister " Louis cooed as she giggled even though she doesn't understand a single thing . Louis smiled at her until he heard footsteps coming down the stairs . Lia sighed and sat down on the table . "Ok is there anything you want to share miss Avery ? " louis questioned her . "Uhm welll... Uhhh... I Asked .. Yeah... Ou-" "Ave , speak properly" he said to her as she took a deep breath "well there's this boy-" "No" "what?! dad?! I haven't even finished my question and you already said no" she shrieked. "Because i know what you were going to ask and plus it involves a boy sooooo no" he said , wiping the food off Tamara's lip ."Dad you don't understand" "oh yes I do , he's going to love my daughter and then break her heart and make her cry" he stated . "Hello my babies!" You cheered until you saw their faces and then little tamara laughing . "Ok what happened?" You sighed. "Avery is going out on a Friday night" louis said "with a boy" he added , as your daughter glared at him . "Yes I know what's a date Lou" "Ave who is this boy you're going out with " you questioned. "Uhhhh......James?.." "JAMES HORAN!?!" Louis screamed. "Yea" she shrugged. "Oh hell no , I'm calling Niall , does he know this "
"Oh cmon lou we know James since forever , just let her go " "ughh fineee" he huffed . "But don't do anything" he said with Tamara on his hip. "Atleast I have Tam with me and you are never going out with a boy okay?" He added seriously while tamara just giggled at his father . He went upstairs while talking to your baby softly. Your daughter smiled and hugged you.

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