Harry DDM (oneshot) : Just can't let her go

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OK THIS PART WAS REQUESTED BY Moments_Aylin ( y'all should check her bsm+ddm book ;) )

Okay it was supposed to be he was strict but I just got an idea and BOOM , Moments_Aylin IM SORRY IF IT DIDNT TURNED OUT THE WAY YOU WANTED IT TO BE :(



No , no , no, no

It's like my dad never said "yes" at all . Like what's the problem? Does he hate me? Everytime when you try to do something, they'll say no . Well tried . Your  parents are really strict . Their strictness could drive anyone insane or even appear on that stupid tv show called "World's strictest parents" .You get it , they believed if we grew up with strict rules ,it would make us or me a better person . But the thing is , it's like some kind of military camp to me . Well only me . He's strict with me but not my other siblings . Like he should discipline my other siblings, seeing how they acted like spawn of satans but no , they're like goddamn angels with wings and halo to my dad . My mom on the other hand , is strict but loving at the same time , which is good , like you don't have to feel like in a boot camp 24/7 right?

The sun shone through the cream colored blinds , illuminating the dark room . The birds chirp like every disney movie , making you groan before looking at the illuminating alarm clock with bold neon letter written on it . 8:00 A.M . It's too early for your brain to fully function . You thought maybe it was okay to chill in because it's saturday . You need a break too . But your dad doesn't take it that way. "Y/n ! Wake up and clean the house will you!" He shouted through the white wooden door , annoyance laced in his voice . You swear to god if he wasn't your father, you'll pull out a gun by now .

You changed your pajamas into a pair of yoga pants and some warm sweater you randomly found . You slumped down the stairs to see your dad waiting with his arms crossed , glaring at you . "Why are you late?" He said.

"Dad! I'm like 5 minutes late! Chill , can you?" You said , annoyed because it's Saturday morning and you were 5 minutes late . I repeat, 5 minutes.

"Watch the attitude, y/n! That's not how you talk to your dad!" He boomed . God the older he gets, the grumpier he is . "And this is not how you treat your daughter on a Saturday morning !" You said back as he looked at you in shock.

"You are grounded for a month!" He finalized. "Oh because I defended myself is it ?" You replied . "I am sick of your behavior! you know what? Maybe you should pack your stuff and leave!" He shouted .

"Harry! Can you calm down , please ? She's just saying how she feels" Your mom said. "Yeah , but that doesn't give her right to answer me back ! She's doing this because clearly she wants attention " he shouted. You looked at him , taken aback by his words. Your father , you never expected him to treat you this way . Never . You never thought he would actually say these things . Damn , he changed

"Harry! That's too far " your mom warned. You ran upstairs into your room , slamming the door in process.

////// at school

The bell rung , signalling school is over . Finally . You went to your locker to get a few stuff . Ever since the "incident", you and your dad became awkward or distant , like there's a huge gap between you two. It's like you don't even talk to him , as if he was a stranger or just some random dude . You can't even communicate. All you guys do is avoid each other . My thoughts were cut off by a squeaky voice next to me .

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