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Creds to nialls-scottish-mofo

Harry: Since it was father's day, you got five year old Madisyn up bright and early to plan what you were going to do. You were both sitting at the table drawing up plans when Harry came downstairs. "Morning daddy" Madisyn grinned, hugging his legs. "Morning" he sleepily mumbled, pressing a kiss to both of your heads. Madisyn ran upstairs to continue with her plans while you made Harry's breakfast. A couple of hours later, Madisyn came running back down with something behind her back. "Whatcha got there baby?" Harry smiled as she climbed onto his lap. "This is for you" she smiled. You watched as she handed him a hand made card with a drawn picture of her and Harry on the front. Her father smiled, hugging her tightly "Thank you" She then grabbed his hand and tugged him up to her room where she had set up a little tea party just for them. You had to admit seeing Harry sitting uncomfortably in one of her little chairs with a crown on his head made you -and the whole of the internet- laugh.

Liam: "Mummy...mummy" you woke up to little Lexi poking your face. "What's wrong?" you asked in a whisper as to not wake your sleeping husband. "Breakfast" she said simple and you understood. You had told her that you would help her prepare Liam's breakfast. You both shuffled downstairs to create the magnificent feast. "What shall we make him?" you asked, lifting her up onto the counter. "French toast!" she squealed, bouncing up and down. You quickly shushed her and set about making the toast. When you were done, you helped her down from the counter and she went to the fridge. "What are you doing?" you queried as she brought a can of whipped cream and the box of strawberries. Wordlessly she squirted a lot of cream onto the bread and placed strawberries messily on top. You shook your head but proceeded to carry the tray of goodies up to Liam. Lexi ran ahead and jumped on top of him, causing him to groan loudly "Lex what are you doing?" he muttered, sitting up as she rolled off of him. "Happy daddy's day!" she cheered as you walked in. His eyes lit up as you set the tray down in front of him. "Well thank you" he grinned "But I don't think I'll be able to eat all of this on my own.." Lexi quickly interjected "I'll help!" You laughed as Liam smeared some of the cream on her cheek.

Louis: Seven year old Tommy wasn't too keen on crafts so when he showed you what he had made in class for father's day you were seriously impressed. You couldn't wait for Lou to see it. That morning, Tommy came downstairs and hugged his father tightly "Happy father's day dad" Louis placed a light kiss to his brown hair "Thanks kiddo" The rest of the day continued pretty much as normal. Both you and Louis went to work and Tommy went to school. Lou picked you up from work and on the way to the school you made idle chit chat. "You know...I'm a little sad he didn't make me anything" Louis frowned. You bit your lip "Maybe he's made something for you today" He instantly perked up. After picking Tommy up, you went straight home and Tommy ran straight up stairs. Lou slumped on the sofa and you curled up next to him, not bothering to change out of your work clothes. Tommy came down and handed Louis his present. He had made a cardboard trophy and painted it cold with the words 'Best Dad' in bold letters. Underneath that there was a picture of Lou holding him when he was born. Louis grinned and pulled his son to him, hugging him tightly.

Niall: "I can't wait until you see what I've made dad for father's day" Amy gushed to you over the table "I just hope he likes it" You turned to face your fourteen year old daughter "If you've made it, he'll love it. Can you give me a clue?" She smiled at you and shook her head, tapping her nose "Not until dad gets home" You groaned "That's not for another ten minutes! I don't think I can wait that long!" She laughed loudly and left the room, probably to get her present for Niall. You turned back around to continue washing the dishes to pass the time. The front door soon slammed shut and you heard Niall's Irish accent shout through the house "I'm hooooooooome!" You smiled as he wrapped his arms around you, turning you to face him. You gave him a quick kiss as Amy came into the kitchen. "Daddy" she said timidly, making him spin round. You peeked over his shoulder in time to see her hand him a handmade scrapbook. "Happy father's day" she finished, walking out of the room. Niall sat down at the table and began to look through it. "This is incredible" he mumbled as you looked over his shoulder to see pictures of the two of them from Amy's birth to the present day. Niall got out of his seat to go find his daughter to thank her for the gift.

Zayn: Unfortunately Zayn was on tour this father's day but six year old Adeel had a little plan up his sleeve. He made you film him with your phone as he listed reasons why he loved Zayn. "Can you send this to dad and make sure you tell him not to look at it until our skype call tonight?" he asked when you had finished filming him. You nodded and sent it. At half past eight Adeel was in front of the computer skyping with Zayn. "What was that video all about buddy?" Zayn asked, taking out his phone. "You can watch it now" your son smiled. You listened as Zayn watched and you heard the video. "Daddy this is just a short video listing some of the reasons I love you. You tickle me when I'm upset, You play at lego with me, You sing me to sleep when I can't and you love me unconditionally. I just want to say happy father's day and that I can't wait until you come home from singing in front of all those screaming girls so I can have you all to myself again. I love you daddy" From through the computer screen you could see tears forming in Zayn's eyes "This is the best present I could ever ask for buddy. I love you too"

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