Daddy Dearest - Chapter 11

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter 11

Creds to hemmingsalmightty


As Louis and Niall stepped back out into the hallway, Louis knelt down to hug Niall. "You're such a brave boy, Niall," he whispered into Niall's ear, who just snuggled against Louis and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"I don't feel brave, Daddy," Niall whispered, and Louis picked him up, carrying him to the bed. "I feel like everything's gonna go bad."

"Not if I can help it, Niall. I'm always here for you and your brothers. You know that," Louis whispered as he tucked the boy in and kissed his forehead.

"I know," Niall smiled the tiniest bit, and Louis stood to leave. "I love you, Daddy."

"Love you, too, munchkin. More than you could ever know," Louis whispered.

Louis got Niall into bed and then got ready for bed himself, checking in on the boys one more time before he went to bed. He couldn't get to sleep though, and found himself sitting in the living room with a steaming cup of tea in the dark. He got lost in his own thoughts and then before he knew it the morning sun was peeking through the blinds and Louis was holding a cold cup of tea. He sat up in surprise and glanced at his phone, seeing that his alarm was only forty-five minutes away from sounding. Sighing, he sat up and poured out his tea before he started a pot of coffee, knowing he'd need the caffeine so he could get the kids up and off to school. 

While the coffee brewed he headed upstairs and took a hot shower, taking his time getting dressed before he decided to go ahead and just wake the kids up a bit early. He headed into Niall and Liam's room first, his heart stopping for a split second when he didn't see Niall in his own bed. But then he looked over at the crib and had to smile. At some point during the night Niall had climbed into the crib with Liam, and was asleep with the toddler tucked underneath his arm.

Louis began to carefully pet Niall's hair, smiling as the boy began to wake up and look up at him with sleepy eyes. "Good morning, sleepy head," Louis whispered. He held his arms out in an offer to pick Niall up, and the blonde let his father pick him up, careful not to wake Liam. "Why don't you get dressed while I wake up your brothers," he whispered. "We'll let Liam sleep a little tiny bit longer."

"Okay," Niall nodded as he wiggled down to the floor. Louis watched him go over to the dresser, and then the father left and headed down the hall to Zayn and Harry's room. He elected to wake Harry first, crouching beside the bed and stroking the young boy's arm.

"Wake up, Hazza," Louis whispered. "It's time to get up for school."

"Already?" the curly-headed boy whined. Louis chuckled lightly and helped Harry sit up.

"Already. Sorry, kiddo," he chuckled. "Come on, let's get up and get dressed," he encouraged, kissing his warm face. "You awake?"

"Yeah, Daddy," Harry nodded. "I'm 'wake." Louis nodded and smiled before he stood and sat on the edge of Zayn's bed. But to his surprise, Zayn's eyes were already open and when he saw what had to be obvious shock on his dad's face, Zayn began to giggle.

"What are you doing awake?" Louis asked. "Silly boy."

"I heard you come in," he giggled back, sitting up and hugging Louis. "Hi, Daddy!"

"Good morning, champ," Louis smiled, pulling Zayn into his lap. "You ready for another day at school?"

"I think so," Zayn giggled. "I wanna wear my Spongebob shirt today," he told Louis, who nodded. He stood up and began to help Zayn get ready before he set the boy down, instructing him to brush his teeth while he went downstairs and got breakfast ready.

"Daddy?" Niall stepped into the kitchen where Louis was scrambling some eggs, and Louis turned to his son.

"Hey, kiddo! You hungry?" he asked.

"What happens if we get sick and we're at school and you're busy?" Niall's hands were twisting together in front of him, looking nervous.

"Your nurse will call me and then I'll come pick you up," Louis' eyebrow furrowed in worry. "Why? Do you not feel good?" he asked. He took a couple steps toward Niall, but the boy shook his head.

"I feel fine. I was just worried about Harry because he gets sick lots," Niall mentioned.

"Well I promise that if you or your brothers ever feel sick, I will come pick you up as soon as possible," Louis insisted. He smiled and stood up to go back to the stove. Niall was quiet after that and pretty soon all the kids were around the table, Louis talking to them as they spent a few quiet minutes together before they all went their separate ways.

And then not too long after that the older kids were all being walked to their classroom, and then Louis was left alone with Liam, the toddler hugging tight to a tiger plushie he'd taken from his crib that morning. "Okay, big man, you're going to go to meetings with Daddy today. Is that okay?" he asked with a smile.

"Meeting?" Liam asked.

"Yeah, Daddy has a couple of business meetings so you'll have to sit through them with me and play, or you can go see Grandma," Louis suggested. Liam perked up at the mention of Johannah and nodded quickly.

"Wanna go to Grandma!" he exclaimed. Louis chuckled and nodded as he buckled Liam back into his seat.

"That sounds like a great idea," Louis smiled before he got into his seat and headed to his mom's house. A few days prior, Johannah had insisted that any time Louis needed someone to watch the babies, to just come on over and she'd be happy to do it. But he still felt a bit odd just dropping off his son without asking first. So he called his mom, and just as he figured, Johannah was more than happy to take the youngest child.

Louis talked to his mom for a moment before he handed Liam over, feeling a little anxious. He found himself repeating things to his mother that he knew she knew, but he just couldn't stop it. Soon, Johannah was laughing and reaching out to put her free hand on Louis' shoulder. "Lou, honey, I've got this. I understand you're nervous, but I'm a mom too. I know how this goes," she chuckled. "We'll be okay, won't we, Liam?" Johannah bounced the little boy in her arms, and his face lit up as he giggled and nodded. "Tell Daddy we'll be okay!"

"We okay, Daddy, go to your meetin'," Liam giggled out, hugging his grandmother's neck.

"Okay, well, love you both. Call me if you need me," Louis insisted before he stepped out of the house and sighed nervously. He managed to clear his mind enough to go into his meetings, though his phone was face up, ringer on beside his arm throughout the whole thing.

Meanwhile, Johannah was sitting on the living room floor with Liam, putting together a puzzle with the toddler. "What kind of animal is this?" Johannah asked, pointing to the cow that had appeared after Liam connected two puzzle pieces.

"Mooooo!" Liam giggled, pointing at the animal as well. "It's a cow!"

"That's right! Oh, we've got a smart little boy on our hands," Johannah smiled. She reached out and tickled his little tummy, grinning as laughter filled the room. "Are you having fun, baby boy?" she asked.

"Yes!" Liam murmured as he began to try and connect more puzzle pieces. 

"Well that's good. I know your daddy loves having you home," she stated in response. Liam grinned up at her before pointing to the chicken that had come together on the puzzle and making clucking noises. "That's right!" she grinned, clapping excitedly. "Good boy!"

Back at the office, Louis was taking a quick break from the meeting, sipping on a cup of coffee as he talked to his manager. "Things are great," he told the man. "I'm starting to feel like I actually have a grasp on what's happening," he nodded.

"It's a good feeling," his manager agreed. He opened his mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by Louis' phone ringing.

"It's the school," Louis frowned, answering quietly. His face got more and more serious as he listened to what the other end of the line had to offer, and he quickly hung up and looked to his manager. "I have to go," he said slowly. "I have to get to the school."

"What happened? Is everything okay?" Louis' manager called, but he didn't get an answer, just the sight of Louis' retreating back as he ran away toward his car.

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