Your child wets the bed (1-3)

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Multitasking for y'all 😂😂😂
Writing while watching anime is hard
BTW sneak peek for the Harry styles oneshot i just wrote (will be out soon)
Leave a request if you have any ideas :)


"Dada" Mia cried , pulling on her fathers sleeve. You woke up to her cries, only to see Mia standing there with a sad pouty face . "Mia , baby , what's wrong?" You cooed. "Mama" She sobbed and ran to you with her arms out. "Baby did you have a nightmare " You asked when you put your hands on her bum . She nodded and hid her face in the crook of your neck "sowwee" . "Oh , it's okay sweetie" you brushed her hair , standing up to run the bath . After you cleaned her up , you set her on your hip . "Do you want your bottle?" You asked her as she nodded, "Y/n?" Harry rasped , looking at you with squinted eyes. "Go back to sleep babe , i got this" You convinced. "Mia?" he said ignoring your question , sitting up before he put his arms out for his daughter. "What's wrong angel ?" He asked , leaning his body against the headboard as you went downstairs to make her formula. You went back to your room and passed the warm bottle to your husband. He slips the tip of the bottle into her mouth as she latched onto it , eyes barely open. You laid your head on Harry's shoulder , admiring as he hummed a familiar tune.She pushed the bottle away  , "you don't want anymore?" Harry asked as she shook her head . "Ok , go to sleep baby" he said as you both laid down . He sang a song while rubbing her back , kissing her nose or cheek once in a while. You smiled and cuddled them , sighing in content.


"Dee" you son said through the baby monitor calling for Niall , "Maaa" he tried again as you sighed and went to his room . "Luca baby why are you up?" You asked as he pouted, gripping the bars of his crib . "What is it hmm?" You picked him up and realized that his bottom half was soaked .So you changed his diaper and cleaned him up before swaying him back to sleep . You slipped the binky into his mouth , "Dee" he said before closing his eyes , pointing to someone behind you . You turned around to see Niall rubbing his eyes due to the brightness before looking at you , smiling softly. "He's okay?" he asked , walking over , taking his boy in his arms before pecking your lips . The little baby squirmed around before sleeping peacefully on his fathers chest . Niall swayed his body slightly, kissing Luca's tiny forehead. You smiled at their bond and hugged Niall's waist from behind . "Let's go to bed , I'm tired" you said as he chuckled and nodded . You both walked towards your bedroom. Niall laid down the baby boy in between . He whined , scooting his body closer to your husband . "Shhh" he said patting Luca's little bum . You stroked his chubby cheeks and kissed it . "Goodnight darling" Niall yawned ."goodnight"


"Daddee" Sierra , you daughter whispered, patting his arm . He groaned before opening his eyes . "Yes darling?" He said , sitting up . "What's wrong" he asked . "I no like that" she lisped through her binky , pointing towards the rain outside. "Scawy" she pouted. "Aww baby , it's okay" he said , picking her up before realizing her diaper didn't take it all . "Baby girl, did you have a nightmare " he asked , brushing the ruffled hair out of her face . She nodded before looking down ashamed. "Hey princess , it's okay" he comforted before changing her . They settled in bed a few minutes later . The lightning flashed as the thunder roared, making little sierra snuggle deeper into his chest . "It's okay , shh" he hushed , rubbing her back. "No" she whimpered, wrapping her arms around Louis. "C'mere" He said and pulled her closer before planting a sweet kiss on her eyelids . Louis hummed her favorite song , fixing her hair that was sticking on her face. Minutes later, She was out like a light  "Lou?" You whispered. "Hmm?" He hummed tiredly. You turned around to see Sierra in between. "Nightmare?" You asked , stroking her hair . "Yeah" he mumbled.


"Mummy" you heard your son's cries. You quickly rushed to his room , thinking something bad had happened. "Are you okay?" You panicked. "I peed" he hiccuped. "Oh baby boy , it's okay " you cooed, picking him up , kissing his chubby cheek . "I big boy , mummy and big boys don't pee they bed" he whimpered . "Aw baby , yes you're a big boy but accidents happen , sweetheart " you smiled and wiped his tears away as he sniffled but nodded in response . "Now lets get you cleaned up . A few minutes later , he was all cleaned up , "y/n?" You heard footsteps and there was Liam . "Li , are you okay?" You asked. "I thought you were gone" he sighed in relief . "What's up with him" he asked , gesturing towards the sleeping boy in your arms . "Nightmares" you shook your head , smiling . Liam took him from your arms and went back to bed with you trailing behind them . "Daddy?" He whispered. "Hey bud , mummy told me you had a bad dream" he said softly as the little boy nodded before burying his head into the cotton shirt . "Don't worry , I won't let anyone hurt you , okay?" He promised, kissing the boys's cheek .

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