✨ Child's First Trip to Disneyworld ✨

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your kids' first trip to Disney World

Creds: 1dprefss.tumblr

Liam: For Aurora and Ariel's sixth birthday, you and Liam took the whole family on their first trip to Disney World. The flight was long, but well worth it. When you woke up the first morning, there was a letter slipped under your door. Liam woke up the boys while you got it. "Dear Payne family, your presence is requested at Ariel's Grotto at 6:00 pm. We hope to see you there. Hugs and Kisses" You read, and the kids all got very excited. Liam looked at you, questioning if you had planned this, but you shook your head. Before going to the restaurant, you put Ariel in her Little Mermaid shirt, Aurora in her Sleeping Beauty shirt, Ollie in his Buzz Lightyear shirt and Jake in his Woody shirt. You and Liam wore your Mickey and Minnie sweaters, and you all went to the restaurant. You were shocked to see Sleeping Beauty, Aurora, The Little Mermaid, Ariel, and Buzz and Woody standing in the door way. The kids took off and you and Liam smiled. The princesses and Toy Story characters were there to have dinner with your family. Ariel and Aurora were thrilled to be meeting the 'real' Ariel and Aurora, and the boys asked a hundered questions about Toy Story, Liam included. The dinner made the whole trip so much more memorable.

Niall: Rory and Brenna were eight and seven, and you thought now would be the perfect time to take them to Disney World for their first time. Your third day there was the hottest day of the summer. You, Niall and the kids didn't even want to leave your hotel room. Not wanting to miss a full day of vacation, Niall called the front desk to see what they would recommend. He got off the phone and everyone waited eagerly. "Grab your swimsuits" he announced, and the kids ran into their bedroom to get their suits and towels. You grabbed your bag and everyone put their stuff inside. You all hopped on the bus and headed for Niall's destination. "Our stop is next" he said, excitedly, to Brenna and Rory. He rubbed your hand and kissed your cheek as the bus pulled up to Typhoon Lagoon. "Here?!" Brenna asked, and Niall nodded. The kids raced off the bus and to the front doors. The four of you went in and spent the day cooling off in the water. You and Niall watched as the kids went down the slides and, as a family, you all swam with sharks and coral fish. It was a fabulous break from the go go go of Disney World, and a great way to stay cool that day.

Zayn: When Haven was thirteen and Moxie was twelve, you and Zayn planned a two week trip to Disney World for the first time. On the ninth day, you were pretty tired of seeing the grounds, and you thought it might be nice to take a day and just relax with the girls. When you woke up, you didn't disturb Zayn. You went into the girl's room and got ready, and the three of you went down to the Mandara spa. "Hi, what can I help you with?" the receptionist asked, a sweet smile spread across her face. "Hi, I have reservations for Y/N, Haven and Moxie. One adult massage, facial and manicure pedicure and two teen massage, facial and manicure pedicure" you said, and the girls smiled at each other. "Oh okay, the Malik family, come right in" she said, waving you into a private room. There were three beds and three masseuses there. You spent the whole day with the girls, getting pampered and having girl time. It was a really nice bonding experience for you three. When you got back upstairs, Zayn was still in bed. He was complaining that he was exhausted, so you and the girls continued on to a fancy dinner at one of the upper class restaurants at Disney. The day was a blast, and it was really nice to have the girls all to yourself.

Louis: You and Louis planned a vacation to Disney World. Your kids were a little older. Shane was 15, Noah was 14 and Kingsley was eight. It was nice to take them for the first time when they were older, they were much more independent. You spent every minute together the whole vacation, and you and Louis were dying for some alone time. "Hey mum, dad, can I talk to you for a second?" Shane called into your bedroom in the suite. "Yep, come in" you said sweetly as Louis slipped on his slippers. You were pretty surprised Shane was up this early, it was only nine am. "So, um, last night I was talking to Noah and Kings, and we were thinking maybe, at like, I don't know, four-ish we could kind of split off and do some rides together, then go to dinner?" he asked, and Louis's jaw dropped. "Not happening" he said simply, and you shook your head. "Wait wait, take it easy. Look, we have to let them go sometime, Lou" you said, and Shane nodded. "I don't want our kids strolling around Disney World unattended. They are prime kidnapping targets" he said, and you rolled your eyes. "Well, what if Davey went with them?" you asked, and Louis looked up at the ceiling. Davey was a security guard you had hired to hang out with you guys at the park. "Fine" Louis groaned, clearly not thrilled, "Keep your phones on you and on and loud." "There's reservations for you guys at Chef Mickey. We will find something else" you smiled, and Shane mouthed thank you as he left. You and Louis took full advantage of the couple of hours off, spending your time shopping and seeing the sites downtown Disney and then having a romantic dinner at Portobello.

Harry: You and Harry planned the kid's first Disney World trip when Grayden was 12, Trent was 10 and Aspen was 9. Your second day, you all woke up early and went to Epcot. You could tell everyone, especially Aspen, was feeling homesick, and you hoped this site would get their mind off of it. When you went in, the kids all wanted to go on the rides. You joined them, making your way through the pavilions. You went to every single pavilion, and it was your second last stop when you all started to feel like home again. "Mum, this place looks just like home!" Aspen said, smiling widely. You were at the United Kingdom pavilion, you had completely forgotten this was here. You smiled and chased after the kids. You went shopping at The Crown and Crest and the Sportsman Shoppe, saw Marry Poppins and Winnie the Pooh and even ate at Rose and Crown Pub. You saw the Kim Possible and Agent P showcases before leaving. "I guess that was a good taste of home" you smiled. "A really good taste" Trent laughed, rubbing his belly. "I don't know why we ever left the promise land" Harry laughed as you all made your way back towards your resort.

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