Your child misses you

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A/n : helllo this is my second preference

YES , yanni writes again

This preference was requested by @_x_o_x_o__ ( THANKS FOR THE IDEA)



Niall :

Y/n was on trip with her friends for a few days , which leaves me home with my 2 year old daughter , Hayley . I was sitting in the living room , watching some shows  until i heard Haley crying. I went upstairs to see her standing up in her crib . I went over and picked her up ." Hey Hayles , baby , what's wrong? " i asked softly . "Mama!mama" she wailed. "Aww baby mummy's not here but she'll be back soon " i said kissing her head . She sniffed into my shoulder . "Do you want daddy to make you a bottle? " i asked her softly, walking downstairs . I put the formula in the microwave. "It's alright baby , I'm here okay?" i whispered as i wiped the remaining tears off her chubby cheeks . I went back upstairs to her nursery and sat on the rocking chair , near the window . I cradled her and slowly put the tip into her mouth as she latched onto it . "Down to earth, keep on falling when i know it hurts , going faster than a million miles an hour, trying to catch my breath someway somehow " i sang softly while patting her bum as she looked up at me , tiredly . I placed Haley back in her crib before planting a kiss on her forehead and cheek . I left the door ajar and decided to call my wife . "Hey darling" "Hi babe , is everything okay? " she asked , concerned. "No , it's just , Hayles misses you and i miss you too " he replied sadly . "Awww Ni , i'll be back by tomorrow and i miss my babies too " she said . "Okay babe see youu tomorrow and i loveee you " i said while making kissy noises into the phone as she giggled . "I love youuuu tooo and Haley tooo" she replied . Just one more day .


Liam :

I woke up to someone kissing my cheek . I opened my eyes to see y/n . "Hey love , what's up" i  asked , tiredly. "Li I have to go to my parents house for a couple of hours , so can u take care of Aiden " she asked . "Yeah sure , I'll handle him , now go your parents need you" i said to her softly. She grinned up at me ,"you're the best" . "I know i am the best husband" i joked and gave her a quick kiss . She rolled her eyes and left . I went to Aiden's room to see him sleeping soundly. I placed a kiss on his head and decided to make some breakfast. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast. I placed the last pancake on the plate and turned around to set it on the table until i saw Aiden in his batman pajamas with his teddy and rubbing his eyes , yawning softly. "Hey buddy , did you sleep good?" i smiled at him . "Yeah" he said while taking a seat . "Daddy , where's mummy?" he asked curiously. "She had to go to Grandma and grandpa's house" i replied . "Oh" he said.


Later that night , y/n called me , saying that she won't be coming home for the night (family problems) . "It's okay babe , i can take him , you know that " i said . "Okay babe , I gotta go, see you tomorrow, I love you " she said "I love you too" i replied . I was watching some shows until, "Daddy where's mummy" Aiden pouted. "Mummy is staying at grandma and grandpa's house , she'll be back tomorrow " . "But i miss her , i want mummy " he said crying, his bottom lip trembling . I sighed softly and said "C'mere bud" . He walked into my embrace and sobbed into my shoulder. "It's okay she'll be home tomorrow , okay buddy , you're a big boy right ?" I said , kissing his brown hair . He nodded softly. "Daddy can I stay here with you ?" . "Sure bud " I smiled, cuddling him.


I felt someone tapped my arm . I woke up to see Audra ( I can't the name Audra is cute af okay ) standing next to my bed ,with tears in her eyes, sniffling softly. "Baby what's wrong" i asked , sitting up. She didn't say anything but held her arms out to me . I picked her up and sat her on my lap . "Did you have a nightmare? hmm?" I asked again , running my fingers through her knotted hair . "Mummy" she whimpered . "Mummy will be home soon , i miss her too baby girl" i said , rocking her from side to side . "Do you wanna sleep with daddy or you want to go back to your room? " i asked her softly. "Sleep with dada" she sniffed. "Okay" i said as i lay her on my bed next to me . "Now go to sleep baby , i promise mummy will be home soon okay?" , kissing her forehead and rubbing her tiny back . It was quiet and I thought she was asleep. "Dada" she said quietly. "Yes sweetheart?" I replied. "Sing song?" . I smiled at her cuteness and thought of what song to sing . "Okay baby" i said , covering her tiny body with blanket and started singing softly while cuddling her . "For your eyes only , i'll show you my heart, for when you're lonely and forget who you are , I'm missing half of me , when we're apart and now you know me for your eyes only , for your eyes only, for your eyes only " I looked down and saw her fast asleep . I kissed her tiny forehead and decided to text my wife . ( i love if i could fly so fcukin much)

To : Wifey 💍❤️👑

Hey babe , Audry misses you and i miss you tooo 😢 I LOVE YOUUU ❤️❤️❤️
(lets just imagine he uses emoji bc ik irl he doesnt lul)

A few minutes later , I heard a 'ding!'

From : Wifey 💍❤️👑

Awwwwweeeeee babe , i miss Audra tooooo and of course i miss youuu and your cuddles 😔😭 I'll be home by tomorrow okay ? I LOVEEE YOUUU TOO ❤️❤️😘😘

I smiled to myself and looked over to see Audra shuffling in her sleep . I patted her back softly and cuddling her , falling asleep myself.

Louis :

Y/n just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl , Kiana ( hearts the YouTuber i love her)
So they (hospital) wanted to keep an eye on her  for a few days to make sure everything's okay . I drove to my mom's house to pick up my son . I knocked on her door , "Hi mum , Where's Ace ? " i said , hugging her . "Oh he's sleeping in the living room darling" my mum replied . I saw him sleeping on the couch . I picked him up , carefully not to wake him up from his slumber . I thanked my mom before driving home . As i arrived home , I put him to bed and i decided to take a quick shower before going to bed. When I came out of the shower ( lets just imagine he got his clothes on) , I saw Ace in my room with a frantic look on his face . "Hey bud , is everything okay? " i asked . "Daddy!" he shouted . "I thought you left " he said , crying while hugging my legs . "Hey baby bear  , it's okay , Daddy's here " i picked him up and set him on my hip . "Mummy" he said , looking around . "Where's mummy?" He repeated , crying . "Hey , hey , remember mummy had to went to the hospital to get your sister " i said softly, swaying my body slightly. He nodded, " But i want mummy " he whimpered , putting his head in the crook of my neck. I sighed softly, patting his back and kissing his head . " Hey , its okay buddy , we'll see mummy tomorrow and your baby sister!" I said trying to excite him."Okay" he sniffed . "Daddy , can i sleep with you ? Please ?" He asked . "Okay , let's go " I said as i carried him to my bed , covering him with the soft blanket . "Okay buddy , goodnight " i said as i got under the covers with him , kissing his forehead gently . I was close to falling asleep until , "Daddy?" "Yes?" "Cuddle?" . I smiled and said , "C'mere baby boy " . I fell asleep with my boy in my arms.

Soooo how was it ?


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