Your child just wants to be held.

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Your child just wants to be held.

Creds to tophrry

Harry:"I gotcha baby boy." He hurriedly picks up his son before you could even process what he was whining about. It was quite ridiculous, he will even admit but that boy has got himself wrapped around Harrys finger. The boy hums in appreciation and cuddles up to his fathers chest, legs straddling his torso and head stuffed into his sweatshirt. Harrys warm hand continues to rub up and down his sons back. "Feeling proud of yourself baby?" You tease quietly. He just bites his lip to repress a wider smile while nodding.

Louis:Your daughter had her arms up while standing directly under Louis. "What baby girl?" He mumbles, already placing his hands under her armpits before lifting her up with a groan. His daughter immediately wraps her legs around his waist and nuzzles his nose into the crook of his neck. He wants to say something like, "Aren't you too old for this?" But he doesn't because he doesn't want to jinx it. One day she will be too old for him to hold her like this.

Niall:Harry's the first one of the group to jump up when your daughter starts wailing from her crib in the next room. "I got her!" Niall yells, slower to his feet than Harry was. He leaves the room to her nursery, seeing her stood up and hanging onto the railing. "What's wrong princess?" He coos, and walks over, swiftly picking her up and holding her close to his chest. She grabs a fistful of his shirt -- not looking to let go anytime soon. He can't help but smile. "Daddy's got you."

Liam:His son makes grabby hands to anyone who would pay attention to him -- (liam was always paying attention to him). "I'm here, I'm here." He mumbles to his son, sitting back down on the couch and leaning as far into the cushions as possible so his son could lie sprawled out onto his chest. With his head right above Liam's heart and his feet rest above his belt. His son sighed contently, cuddling himself further into his fathers chest which made Liam's heart jump with excitement.

Zayn:When his daughter starts crying for whatever reason, Zayn rushes to her nursery with his arms ready to hold his baby girl. "What is it darling?" He coos, a little out of breathe but coos none the less. The girl cries harder and opens her arms wider. Zayn nods knowingly, chuckling to himself before picking his baby up into his arms. "Daddy's gotcha baby girl, no need to fuss." He smiles widely. The longer he holds her, the quieter she gets. It makes him want to cry that this precious thing could grow up to actually like him.

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