Late night comforts

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A/n : guys i kinda wanna write another book but idk what book i should like write . Any suggestions?

Btw ENJOY THIS PREFERENCE ( i got the inspiration from some movie and yeah)


Niall :

I patted the spot next to me , only to find cold sheets . My eyes snapped open as i look around the room for my wife , y/n . My heart started beating rapidly as I searched for her . I heard tiny whimpers coming from the living room . I went downstairs and found Nathan cuddled up in y/n's lap , crying . I sighed in relief but confused by the scene . "Hey princess" i whispered as she looked at me with her sparkling y/e/c eyes . "Hi ni , Nathan had a nightmare " she said softly , rubbing his sweat covered back . I stroked Nathan's hair as he looked up at me , the same way as y/n did a few seconds ago . "Hey buddy " i smiled tiredly . "Daddy"he cried , reaching out his arms for me . I took him from y/n and set him on my hip . "What's wrong hm?" I asked as he hide his face in the crook of my neck , sniffing every once and then. "Scary dream" he said . " awww bud , its okay , you can sleep with mommy and daddy tonight " i said kissing his forehead. He wrapped his arms around my neck . I passed by my daughter's room and decided to check on her "Let me check on your sister" . I opened the door to see light pink haze covering her room . I saw Sophie sleeping in her crib with her bum up . I chuckled at the sight and stroked her hair as i kissed her forehead. "Daddy i wanna kiss sissy too " Nathan said cutely . "Okay bud" i said as i lowered him " Goodnight sissy , i wove you " he said and pecked her forehead. I smiled because It was too cute to watch.

Harry :

I sighed as i cuddled y/n's pillow , wishing it was her . Y/n is in the hospital . How? Well she got herself in an accident on her way home . She's in a coma , the doctor said "only time will tell " .The tears ran down my cheeks , just thinking about her . I sniffled until "daddy?" . I removed the pillow from my face to see Sydney with her elephant stuffed toy and looked at me with her big eyes . "Hey baby" i said . She tried climbing on my bed , well tried to , but it was too high . I chuckled and pulled her up . "Do you need anything Syd? " i said softly, holding her chubby hands , kissing it . "Dada why are you cwrying?" She said while sucking her dummy. "It's nothing baby girl" I convinced. "Owkay" she said , laying next to me . "Daddy is mummy going to be owkay" she again asked innocently. "I don't know darling " i said crying again . My eyes hurt from all the crying . "Dada" she gasped "don't cwry" she said as she wiped my tears . "Thank you baby girl " i said after i was done . "I cwant see you cwry, it makes me sad too" she quoted me . I smiled , remembering the times i would say that when she's upset . "Okay no more crying , kapeesh " i smiled at her , kissing her chubby cheeks as she giggled . She lay her head on my chest as I play with her fingers or stroke her curly hair that she got from me . I looked down to see her sleeping peacefully, her tiny chest moving up and down . "Goodnight sweetheart, i love you "



I felt someone tapping my arm . I thought it was a dream so i just shrugged it off. But then i felt it again . So i popped one eye open to see Leo . "Hey leo , what are you doing up this late ?" I asked . "Mummy" he said pointing the empty spot next to me with tears in his crystal blue eyes . I sighed and motioned for him to come here . "Bud mummy had to go work , remember? " i asked him . "I want mummy " he whimpered. "Leo , what about a cuddle with daddy? " i said as i lifted him up onto my bed.I rubbed his back softly. "What's wrong baby boy? " i asked him , knowing that he would only find y/n when something is wrong. " I don't like my school" he mumbled , quietly referring to his new school . "Why's that ?" "Some kids said that you and mommy no love me " he cried. Un fucking believable , these kids , i swear to god . "Shhh baby bear don't listen to them , they're just meanies, Mommy and I love you so so much and never ever forget that." I stated , kissing his brown hair. He nodded his head and snuggled into my chest , yawning softly. "Okay daddy , i love you " "I love you too Leo"


I woke up from my dream , sweating . I looked around and saw y/n sleeping peacefully.
I quietly tiptoe out of the bedroom to the kitchen . I passed by my daughter's room and decided to check on her . I opened the door to see it was empty . I panicked as negative thoughts started racing in my mind . "Emmy" i called out . I heard someone in the bathroom . I opened the door to see her throwing up . I rushed to her , "Emmy ! are you okay sweetie? " i said rubbing her back . She shook her head and cried. I pulled her into my lap,stroking  her hair off her sweaty forehead "oh no baby boo don't cry shh" I whispered, rocking her from side to side. Her cries turn to whimpers and then it stopped , only the sound of her hiccups can be heard . "Let's get you some meddy (medicine) " i said softly bouncing her . I placed her on the kitchen counter and gave her some medicine and some water . "Emmy boo , do you want your bottle?" , she nodded her head softly. I heated up the formula before taking her upstairs. I sat on the rocking chair and put the tip of the bottle in her mouth as she held it. "Hush little baby don't say a word , Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird, and if that mockingbird don't sing , papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring " i sang softly , patting her bum as her eyes fluttered shut . I leaned down and kissed her forehead .

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