Daddy Dearest - Chapter Five

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter Five

Creds to hemmingsalmightty


Johannah watched Louis leave with Zayn, then looked to the others with a quiet smile. Her son had never been one to do the normal – he always had to go above and beyond, which is why she was not at all surprised he'd come home with more than one baby.

Not that she minded, she thought as she reached down to roll a ball back to Harry. She just had more grandbabies to spoil rotten now. And that was far from a problem.

While Johannah was home with the others, Louis was driving to the shopping center downtown, Siri jotting down everything he said as he compiled a list of things he would need to buy. Zayn sat in his car seat in the backseat quietly, hugging a stuffed dog to his chest as he looked out the windows, just taking it all in.

When they got to the parking garage, Louis took a moment to stop and organize the list a bit before he stepped out and gathered Zayn in his arms. "You're such a beautiful little boy," he cooed, kissing Zayn's nose. The boy grinned back at Louis and settled his head against Louis' shoulder as they headed into the square, Louis stepping into the first baby store he saw. This one had mainly furniture, and Louis smiled as he grabbed a cart from the front and settled Zayn in the seat, making faces at him as he traveled the store, gathering slips of paper for beds and other pieces of furniture. He also gathered some small decorations such as lamps and photos for the walls, as well as a rocking chair. By the time he finished paying for the furniture almost an hour later, Zayn was obviously bored and getting a bit irritable. "What's the matter?" Louis asked with a frown, leaning over the bar of the cart and kissing Zayn's forehead. "Maybe we should stop and have a snack and some play time, huh?" Louis asked, and Zayn nodded. Since everything was getting delivered, Louis had nothing but Zayn to take from the store, and Louis set the boy on the ground, holding his hand as they headed to the outdoor food court. "What do you want, Zayn?" he asked.

"Apple juice," the four year old said softly, smiling. "And fruit!" he added. So Louis headed into Starbucks and purchased those things for Zayn as well as some coffee and a bagel for himself. Then they sat at an outdoor table and Louis watched Zayn eat his snack, chuckling when he saw what a mess Zayn made.

"Let's get you cleaned up, huh? And I think we should try for a potty break too," Louis decided, looking at the clock. So after throwing their trash away Louis carried Zayn into the bathroom and helped him get situated and cleaned up. After that, Louis headed into the clothing store, and Louis easily filled a cart with clothes and shoes and pajamas.

Meanwhile, back at the house Johannah was playing happily with the boys. There were cookies baking in the oven, much to Harry's delight, and Johannah was playing a game of checkers with Harry and Niall, the two of them playing on a team against her. Liam was content to just push a car up and down Johannah's thigh while he sat in the woman's lap, relishing in all the attention.

Honestly, Niall couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much attention from an adult, let alone positive attention. He was basking in it, soaking it up, and it was obvious to Johannah that all of the kids were doing the same.

"Is Louis going to keep us forever and forever?" Harry asked suddenly, looking up at Johannah. Johannah smiled and wrapped her arms around Liam, hugging him close to her.

"Louis loves you already," she said in response. "He's your family now." Harry lit up at that and then turned to Niall, reaching out to grab his arm.

"Niall! You were right! We've got a family now!" Harry grinned before looking back at the game. "Awesome," he breathed. Johannah smiled at the sight and leaned down to kiss Liam's hair before standing.

"I think the cookies should be ready!" she exclaimed, and she led the way into the kitchen where she handed Liam to Niall and she pulled the cookies from the oven. "Now once they cool down, we can try them. Before dinner," she whispered loudly, like it was a secret. "Just don't tell your daddy!"

"Really?" Harry gasped, his eyes widening. "We never get dessert before dinner!"

"Well today is a special day!" Johannah sang, knowing her son would agree. And speak of the devil, the door opened and Louis' voice rang out.

"We're home!" he called. In just a moment, Johannah was left alone in the kitchen as the others were running to Louis, Niall and Harry tackling his legs in hugs while Zayn stood slightly behind Louis and Liam waited patiently for Louis to set down the handfuls of bags before reaching up to be held. "Were you guys good for Grandma?" he asked. Liam nodded and hugged tight to Louis.

"Did you find lotsa cool stuff?" Harry asked, bouncing excitedly.

"I sure did! By the time we home from dinner tonight, your rooms will be all unpacked and set up! And this coming weekend we can go find paint and a lot more toys and such for the rooms," Louis smiled, settling Liam on his hip.

As Louis had promised, movers came in while Louis and Johannah took the babies out for dinner. And when Louis and Johannah led the boys upstairs that night, each one with a cookie in hand, Louis was elated at the reactions he got from the boys.

Harry and Zayn's room was now furnished with a bunk bed and two desks, one for Harry with pencils, notebooks, and some school supplies, and the other for Zayn with coloring books, crayons, and markers. There was a rug on the floor that looked like the map of a town, with roads and buildings on it. Dressers sat on the wall beside the closet door, both of them filled to the brim with clothes. There was also a toy chest filled with Legos and cars and all sorts of things for the boys to entertain themselves with. Both Harry and Zayn rushed in, Zayn heading straight for the desk and Harry went for the toy chest.

Niall smiled up at Louis. "This room looks really great," he told the man. "Thank you for doing that for them."

"Hey there, little one, we've got stuff for you too," Louis smiled, settling Liam in his arms. "Want to go see your room?" Niall nodded excitedly and Louis led the way to the bedroom, opening the door to let them in. Niall stood in the doorway, in absolute shock over what he was seeing.

There was a crib in one corner along with a changing table/dresser combination. But Niall's eyes were drawn to the other side of the room that housed a large loft bed with the desk underneath it. It was decorated with a string of lights beneath it. There were toys around the room and a dresser for Niall, but Niall just couldn't look away from the room. He was paralyzed. "Well, go on in," Louis smiled, gently propelling Niall into the room.

"Thank you so much!" Niall grinned, turning and hugging Louis tightly, his little face burying itself in Louis' stomach.

"You're welcome," Louis smiled. "I'm so glad you're here with me." He kissed Liam's hair and then leaned down to do the same to Niall. Niall looked up at Louis and the man was shocked to see tears in his eyes. "Oh, honey, don't cry," he soothed, leaning down to look at him.

"Sorry," Niall sniffled, wiping his eyes on his sleeve.

"Don't be sorry," Louis whispered, kissing his forehead again. "Just be really, really happy."

"I am," Niall promised, standing straight. "I really am."

"Mine?" Liam interrupted quietly, pointing to the crib on the wall. Niall and Louis both laughed and Louis nodded, bouncing him in his arms.

"Yeah! Yours," Louis smiled, carrying him into the room. "All yours."

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