Daddy Dearest - Chapter Seven

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Daddy Dearest - Chapter Seven



"Come with me, Daddy," Liam insisted quietly, tugging the man's pants leg.

"Of course, baby boy," Louis smiled, gesturing to the playground. "You lead the way!" And then Louis began to explore the park with his son, his grin refusing to fade.

The next couple of days, Louis tried to get used to the idea of being a dad. It was a bit of a rough start, because even the most veteran parents would probably be a little unsure of having four kids all of the sudden. But the kids just loved having somewhere to call their own and a man that they could call Daddy and know would keep them forever.

After everyone had a couple days to adjust and settle in, Louis tackled the job of getting the older babies enrolled in school.  Harry and Liam would be attending a private school that Louis had found, and Zayn would be in half-day daycare at the same place. Louis could have enrolled Liam as well, but Louis decided that the youngest boy didn't need to be in a daycare just yet, but to be home with Louis.

Finally the Monday rolled around that all the kids would be in school, and Louis was up first, making cinnamon rolls for breakfast once more and as they baked, Louis began getting the kids up. Louis entered Liam and Niall's room first, carefully shaking Niall awake. "Good morning, kiddo," he smiled, running fingers through the messy blonde hair. "You ready to get up?"

"Yeah," Niall yawned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Louis smiled and patted the boy's leg before turning to the crib and smiling at the sleepy toddler peering at him through the bars.

"Well hello," Louis cooed, smiling and lifting Liam from the bed. Liam rested against his dad and hugged his dad while Louis headed over to the changing table. Niall made his way down the hall to the bathroom and Louis heard the shower switch on while he got Liam changed and dressed. Liam was still waking up, so Louis settled the two year old on his hip and head down the hall to Harry and Zayn's room.

He stepped in and smiled to see Harry already sitting up. "Hey, Harry, what are you doing up?" Louis asked with a smile. "I didn't expect this."

"I'm 'cited," Harry giggled softly. "I've never been to school before!" Louis smiled and kissed the boy's forehead and helped him out of bed.

"Well good, why don't you go pick out what you want to wear while I wake up your brother?" Louis asked, sitting Liam on Harry's vacated bed. Harry shuffled over to his dresser while Louis carefully lowered himself onto Zayn's bed. "Zaynie," he whispered, rubbing his back. "Time to get up, little one."

Zayn just groaned and curled up tighter, hugging his stuffed whale to his chest. "No, Daddy. Sleepy," he replied softly. Louis smiled sympathetically.

"I know. It's early, isn't it? But I've got cinnamon rolls for you in the kitchen," Louis bribed, his heart melting as Zayn's eyes opened quickly at that bit of information. "Yeah, I know," Louis chuckled. "Come on. Let's get you dressed and then we'll eat," he said, helping Zayn up.

After a lot more bribing and helping kids get dressed, Louis was gathered around the table with his children, enjoying their breakfast together. "Are you guys excited?" Louis asked.

"Yeah!" Harry exclaimed quickly. Niall nodded as well, and Zayn just studied his breakfast. Louis looked over at Zayn and smiled reassuringly.

"Baby boy, you're going to have such a good time," Louis smiled. "I promise it's going to be so much fun." Zayn nodded at that but wasn't too keen on the idea of being away from his new dad and new house for that long. But before Zayn could contemplate it too much farther they were on their way to the school, Niall, Harry, and Zayn equipped with backpacks and sack lunches.

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