Your Child Gets Sad/Hurt

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Your Child Gets Sad/Hurt

A/n: hiii guysss so i need ur help or advice on what can j wear for my school festival thing they have concert and stuff like that so now idk what to wear and i need ur help pm me !

Writer: LovinggLarr (wattpad)

Close your eyes. When you open your eyes you'll have a child. Poof.

Your seven year old daughter was supposed to be home from school any minute. She rode the bus home and Liam always waited for her outside so he could be the first to greet his little girl. You started to get worried because ten minutes had passed since they usually walked in. You decided to go outside and see what was up. When you got to the doorway you saw Liam sitting on the porch steps with your crying daughter in his arms.
"Daddy it's bad! What will mommy say?"
"She's not going to be upset. It's okay Y/D/N," Liam said softly.
"But the teacher said that I have to redo it! And you have to sign it! I'm going to fail math Daddy."
"You're not going to fail. I'll help you out. I know you're smart enough."
You walk over to the two of them and start stroking your daughter's hair. Liam looks up at you and smiles.
"Y/D/N, did you get a bad grade?"
"Yes, mommy," she says sadly.
"It's okay. I'm not mad at you. I got plenty of bad grades when I was in school, too. Let's go inside so daddy can sign your paper and we can help you understand how to do it right, okay?"
Liam stands her up and lets her wipe her tears on his shirtsleeve. He kisses her forehead and tells her to go inside and find a pen for him.
"Did I do okay?" he asks you.
"You did great, baby. You're a great dad."
"Maybe really can be our always."
A/N: lmaooo no. I'm sorry I just had to.

Your five year old son was playing by himself outside. You and Zayn were also outside watching him and talking.
"Zayn, should he really be climbing that tree? He could get hurt."
Even though you were totally serious, Zayn started laughing at you. You frowned at him because you thought that he would also be worried about his son.
Instead, he shrugged and said, "He's a boy, let him play. He'll be alright."
Little did he know that five minutes your son would fall off the top of the tree and break his arm.
You heard him scream and then become silent and then start to cry loudly. Zayn was the first to get up and run over to him.
"Oh my god. Y/N we need to take him to the hospital! It's okay Y/S/N. Your going to be okay."
"Daddy its hurts," he said through his tears.
"I know," he said, picking his son up,"We're going to take you to a doctor okay? You'll be alright."
Even though he was telling his son that everything would be okay, he didn't look very convincing. Zayn was getting teary eyed seeing his son in so much pain. While you were driving to the nearest hospital, Zayn was comforting his son in the backseat. His crying got softer and you could hear Zayn singing to him softly. When you got to the hospital Zayn was by his side the whole time, never taking his eyes off of the boy. And when you left your two favorite guys were back to their silly selves again.
"I didn't cry a single tear Dad! I'm so tough! And now everyone can sign my cast," he said, grinning from ear to ear with two teeth missing.
"You did cry, bud, but I guess the cast is pretty cool, huh."
"I did not!"
"Okay, okay. I'll tell everyone that you didn't cry as long as I get to sign your cast first."
Zayn did sign his cast first and every time someone asked about Y/S/N's cast he told the story and added in the part where 'he didn't cry'.

Your son played soccer/football all day every day. Today, he was trying out to get on the local travel team. It was the first day of tryouts and Niall was more nervous than anyone. Your son was twelve and most of the boys had played together since they were six. Niall told you that by now, they probably weren't looking to add any new kids and his chances of making the team were really low, but it was a great team, the practice field was close to home, and it would be a good opportunity for your son.
"Okay," Niall spoke, "When you go out there you're gonna want to make friends with all of the guys. Be nice. Talk about soccer. Talk about girls. It doesn't matter. And when you play, play your hardest. Be better than all of them. And if you can't thats okay, too. Just do your best. Y/N, any inspirational words?"
"Um. Do your best and you'll be fine," you said, kissing his cheek.
He ran off onto the field, sat his stuff down, and started stretching with a group of boys.
"Do you want to talk to some of the other parents, Y/N?"
"No, I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
"Alright, babe. I'll be down there."
When you came back from the bathroom both your husband and son were on the field. Niall was leaning over him and he was lying down on the ground motionless. You ran out to see what was wrong.
When you got there Niall was whispering things into Y/S/N ear. One of the other boys told you that he had passed out.
Niall and the coach lifted Y/S/N off the field and took him to some shade.
Niall did everything the coach told him to and soon your son was okay again.
"Hey, Y/S/N. You okay? You really scared me."
"Yeah dad. Can I still try out?"
"Well not today. How about we just go home and hang out together?"
Niall told you the story over and over again the whole ride home. According to him, he leaped from the bleachers, ran to Y/S/N, and saved the day. You had a pretty heroic husband.

Your daughter wanted to go to the boy's concert in Paris because she thought that Paris was the coolest thing ever. The problem was, she was only seven and the concert would be way too late for her, especially with the time change and she had school the next day. You kept telling her that she couldn't go. You even got Louis to tell her that she couldn't go. But for some reason when it was time for Louis to leave she rolled out her princess suitcase with her favorite clothes stuffed in it, dropped it by the door, and waited for Louis to take her.
"Y/D/N, we said that you can't go to the concert this time."
"But, mommy I wanna go to Paris. Daddy's going why can't he take me, too?"
"I already told you why you can't go. You need to take your suitcase back to your room because daddy's running late and he doesn't need you in his way," you said, annoyed with your daughter.
Just then Louis came to the door, ready to go. "Why would my princess ever be in my way?" He picked her up and spun her around.
"Why do you look so sad? I'll be back before you know it!"
"I wanna go to Paris," Y/D/N said with a pout and tears in her eyes.
"Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry, darling. You've got school and ballet and tons of things to do at home. If you really want to go to Paris I'll take you on my next break," he said with a smile.
"When's that?"
"I don't know but when we video chat tonight I'll have a date for you."
"Yay! I get to go to Paris!"
"Only if you behave for Mommy while I'm gone."
"I will! I will! I will!"
"Okay. I promise we'll go as soon as possible."
He put Y/D/N down and walked over to you to give you a hug and a kiss.
You whispered in his ear, "You can't always give her whatever she wants you know?"
He just smiles and says, "Yes, I can."
You laugh at him and lightly smack his arm as he walks out the door.

Your daughter often got teased at school because she was a late bloomer. All the other girls had hourglass figures and she just wasn't there yet. Both you and Harry knew about it and you talked with her about what she could do. She told you that she dealt with it, but in reality she was too scared and she didn't do anything.
Today when she came home from school she went straight to her room and cried. You and Harry heard her and went into her room.
"Y/D/N, what's wrong?" you asked.
You and Harry sat on the side of her bed, close to where she was.
"The girls made fun of me again."
"I thought that they weren't doing that anymore," Harry said sadly.
"They are, dad. I lied when I said they stopped," Y/D/N said, looking down.
"Why would you lie to us?"
"I didn't want you to worry about me. I thought I could handle it, but I can't. I'm sorry, Dad."
"We'll always worry about you, Y/D/N. You're our daughter. And you don't have to deal with this alone."
"What am I supposed to do?"
"Well if you really hate the school, I'll just take you out."
"Harry! You can't do that," you said, surprised by his solution.
"She's not happy there. Think about it, Y/N. She could go to tons of other schools. I can't have my girl sad."
You didn't want to be the party pooper, so you agreed.
"What if I get bullied at my new school, too?"
"Well, fuck them. You're gorgeous, darling. You don't need those girls to tell you," Harry and your daughter start to laugh.
"Harry, you can't say that!"
"Can I say it too Mom?"
"No way!"
"Dad says that I can."
You hit Harry with one of her pillows and start a pillow fight with your family.

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