the boys + daughters boyfriend / DMD MV

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A/n : okay so i came back from school and since the trial exam is near , and I decided to study but guess not bc DMD MUSIC VIDEO CAME OUT OF NOWHERE AND IT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENSE BUT I FUCKING LIKE IT 😀

The boys meet your daughter's boyfriend

Creds to onedirectionimaginethis

LOUIS: You and your husband Louis had invited the boys and their wives over for a movie night. You were all currently cuddled up watching a movie when Niall asked for the time. You pick up your phone and realize it's 9:55 and that your daughter should be home soon. "Oi Lads!" Louis says as he pauses the movie "Delilah will be home soon and if she's got Sam with her don't embarrass her please. She likes the kid." Louis says making eye contact with mainly Harry. Because Delilah was the oldest of the one direction kids, Harry immediately made a strong bond with her, making him very protective of your daughter. As if on cue Delilah and Sam came in giggling, hands intertwined, his lips pressed to her cheek. Once they turn on the lights and realize that everyone is in the living room they both suddenly go red. You notice Delilah's grip tightens reassuringly on Sam's hand as she smiles at all of you. "Hi guys. This is Sam. Sam, this is my family." "Hi." he says with a smile on his face, the poor boy looked terrified. "Don't worry Sam they won't bite. Do you want something to drink?" you ask. "No thanks Mrs.Tomlinson-I mean [Y/N]" you nodd your head and give him a smile before he joins you on the couch. "I'm just gonna go change I'll be right down, ok babe?" Delilah says as she places a light kiss to Sam's temple. "Don't worry they won't kill you. Promise." she whispers in his ear before rushing upstairs. Sam sits there awkwardly between your husband and Harry trying to make the best out of the situation when Harry spoke up "So, Sam. I know Louis has probably already given you a talk but let's face it, I am way more intimidating than him. Mess with Del I will mess with y-" before Harry could finish his sentence Delilah had made her way downstairs. "Hey, Sam you want to come upstairs and watch a movie while the old people infect our living room?" she asks giving a playful smile to you and Louis. "Yes!" Sam says almost too eagerly and rushes upstairs, Delilah following behind. "Harry!" you yell in a hushed tone, "We told you she liked him! Stop trying to scare him!" Harry just rolls his eyes and takes the remote from Louis' hand to start the movie once again "Hey, I'm just letting him know what all of the other boys were thinking." you smiled as you looked around the room and saw that that was the case, the boys loved Delilah and if any guy were to mess with her she would have her uncle's to take care of him for her.

HARRY: You, your husband Harry and the rest of the boys were headed back to your house after a lovely night at the Grammy awards. Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie were stopping by to switch shoes and then head to their respectful houses. You put the key into your door when you suddenly remember that Darcy has her boyfriend, Shane over for a movie night. "Guys we have to be quiet Darcy's got Shane over and they might be asleep." "Knowing who her father is you better hope they're both still downstairs and awake." Zayn snickers before you open the door. You walk into the living room to find Darcy and Shane cuddled up together, Darcy sound asleep on his shoulder. When Shane notices you've all walked in he gives you all a wave and mutes the TV. "I'll just take her upstairs." he whispers across the room before scooping Darcy up into his arms and walking upstairs to her bedroom. Danielle, Eleanor and Perrie all "awwww" at the same time and watch the adorable scene unfold. "So, that's Shane huh?" Liam asks Harry now that they were in the kitchen away from you girls. "Yup, he's nice and I think he respects Darcy it's just weird thinking my little girl's got a boyfriend." he says grabbing a glass of water. "Well if carrying her upstairs carefully so she wouldn't wake up is a regular occurrence then you have no reason to worry mate. He cares about her." Louis says. It went quiet Shane walks into the kitchen "Oh, sorry I just came to grab my water bottle." he said pointing to the lime green plastic water bottle on the counter. "No problem, oh and thanks for staying here with her tonight Shane, I know how she hates staying home alone when [Y/N] and I are at award shows." Harry says tossing him his water bottle. "My pleasure Mr.Styles." "Woah, whipped huh?" Niall asks smirking towards Harry. "Ow!" Niall let's out as Liam's elbow collided with his stomach "I think what Niall meant to say was that you have excellent manners and we're glad you are the one dating Darcy." Zayn says stepping forward and taking a good look at Shane. "Thank you," Shane says smiling ",well I better get going, got an early track meet in the morning. Oh and Mr.Styles will Darcy need a ride home tomorrow after school?" the boys all turned to look at Harry shocked that his daughter had found someone so perfect. "Yes Shane she will but here," he says passing him about eighty dollars, ",she wants some new jeans or something from the mall. I hate shopping and [Y/N] is working until about six so you can have her after school as long as she's back here in time for dinner, got that?" Harry asks with a stern look on his face. "Got it. Congrats on the Grammy by the way, Darcy made me pause the movie to watch you guys accept it and she was running around as usual." Shane says laughing before shaking each of the boys' hands and leaving. All of the boys were extremely impressed and you knew Darcy had picked the right one.

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