First Night With The Baby/He Sings to Her: Niall ONLY

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First Night With The Baby/He Sings to Her: Niall ONLY

Creds to feelsdirect (quotev)

It was your first night home with your newborn, and you were absolutely exhausted from the long hours of labor.

He helps you out of the car, his gentle hands helping to keep you upright, half-carrying your weight because your entire body is sore.

Once you're in the house, he ignores your protests and helps you to lay down in the bed, propping pillows behind you, doing everything he can to make you more comfortable.

He takes your new baby girl to the nursery, quiet shuffling steps to the crib where he lays her gently, running the back of his hand softly over her dewy forehead, whispering nonsense down at her as she drifts off to sleep.

After he puts her down for the night, he comes quietly back to you, feet padding through the bedroom until he's kneeling at your side of the bed, asking you if you're comfortable.

You nod, smiling a bit, as he drops a kiss to your temple and carefully slides into bed next to you, trying his best to keep from bumping the bed too much and hurting you.

"Niall?" You ask, as he's not near to you at all, normally the type to hold you, "Where are you, babe?"

You hear him turn over to face you, wincing slightly at the movement, and hear him answer, "I didn't want to hurt you. Figured you wanted your space."

You shook your head, your tired body just wanting his contact. "No, I'm fine, just sore is all. But can you maybe hold me?"

He smiles at the question, moving himself closer to you without rocking the bed too much. He puts his hand on your back, rubbing in small circles, relieving the ache there.

"We're a family," he whispers, fondly looking at you as his other hand finds yours. "Thank you so much for that, I love you both more than you'll ever know."

You smile, feeling his lips move softly against yours, hand still kneading gently at the base of your spine.

"You need rest," he murmurs against your forehead, his eyes closing with yours, "Get some sleep, love, I'm here."

You tuck your face down against the warmth of his chest, your arms weakly around him as he soothes you off to sleep before dozing off himself.


You wake hours later, body still aching but better nonetheless, and splay your palm out on the sheets beside to to find that Niall is no longer there.

Curious, and feeling guilty that he had to get up because your daughter was crying, you stand up shakily and walk to the nursery, where you were sure you'd find him.

When you get outside of the door, you hear a soft humming, and the creak of the rocking chair, and you quietly walk to the doorframe to see.

Your heart drops at the overwhelmingly sweet scene before you; Niall is sitting in the chair, legs slung off of it, holding her as if she might break, rocking her back and forth to the tune of something you've never heard before, a soothing sort of melody that has her eyes falling shut.

Her head is rested safely in his palm, her little body cradled in his arms, his face a picture of fondness and amazement as her tiny hand grasps at his finger, bringing it to her mouth and suckling.

She fusses a little bit, a frustrated babble working its way from her lips as he hushes her, touching the side of his hand down her soft cheek, cooing to her.

"I know, you're okay," he whispers, voice low and soothing, "It's a bright world, isn't it? Yeah," he says, adjusting her in his arms to make them both more comfortable.

He stands up carefully, tucking her over his shoulder, his hand splayed out protectively, covering nearly her entire back.

She hooks her chin over his shoulder, turning her face into the already familiar scent of leather that seems to linger on his neck, tucking a finger into her mouth.

He sways her gently back and forth, hums turning into quietly singing, "And we'll all go together, where the wild mountain thyme grows around the blooming heather," he sings slowly, his hand cradling the back of her head.

She yawns over his shoulder, big blue eyes that mirror his fluttering shut, her body relaxing as he holds her.

His song ends, and he gently puts her back in the crib, careful not to wake her. You call his name softly as not to startle either of them, but your tired voice comes out weaker than you expected.

He turns towards you, face going soft as he sees how worn out you are, your hand on the doorframe to keep from swaying, rubbing at your eyes with the sleeve of his jumper that you're wearing.

"You need to go back to bed," he scolds gently, walking to you and tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.

"I woke up and you weren't there and so I came to find you, I'm sorry," you say, your eyes closing as he hugs you, breathing in his scent that now smells milky-sweet as well.

"Let's go back to bed, yeah?" He suggests, the words accompanied by a little laugh. "This whole family is worn out."

You smile at that word, the realization of it hitting you. "Niall, we're a family," you say, hugging him back, his laugh reverberating against your ear.

"Mhm," he hums contentedly, his chin resting on top of your head, "We are."

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