First steps?

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Your child takes their first steps for the first time...

Creds to josephine-preferences

Niall: "Come to daddy, Lindsey!" Niall helplessly called as Lindsey didn't even glance his way. Niall sighed as He slumped down on the floor. A giggle slipped past your mouth before grabbing the tray of freshly baked cookies and attempting to set it down on the table but semi-failing. A cookie rolled off and into the other room, "There goes a cookie.." You murmured But Lindsey heard and her head shot up before she raced for the cookie, stumbling over to it on her own two feet before screaming, "Cookie!". "And That's my babygirl." Niall chuckled as He grabbed a cookie from the tray and stuffing it in his mouth.

Louis: Louis once again pulled her up gently and walked her slowly but only earning a slump on the floor from Amie. "Amie!" He groaned before slumping down on the chair himself. Louis gaze went from the puppy as a thought ran through his head. Louis raced to the kitchen, startling you and Amie. "Love?" You asked as Louis started going through cabinets and drawers. He suddenly picked up a thin rope and a lollipop before tying the sticked candy with it and attaching the rope to Bear's collar, Amie's birthday puppy, before it scattered away and into the kitchen. "Candy! Puppy!" Amie's eyebrows furrowed before she attempted to get up, which she did successfully, and scampering to the puppy. Louis smiled proudly as You rolled your eyes. You and Louis soon approached the kitchen to find Amie, cuddling Bear on her side and the lollipop popped in her mouth as she smiled widely.

Liam: "Liam, Babe, He's never going to do it." You groaned, flicking another piece of chip at him. He rolled his eyes playfully as a smile grew on his face. "He will. Just watch him!" Liam exclaimed. Liam has been setting up a camera in the living room and recording every single second. He had a feeling that Luke would have his first steps today. "It's not going to happen." You sighed before flickering your gaze back to your T.V show. "Luke, Come on and take your first steps." Liam encouraged before Luke shook his head. "Not until I get candy-candy." Luke crossed his arms and pouted stubbornly. "Well, If you take yours first steps then we'll go get candy-candy." Liam gave in as Luke had the widest smile on his face. He then contemplated on how to stand up but suddenly, stood up and wobbled over to Liam, grabbing his hand. Being the stubborn boy he is, He dragged Liam with him and calling out, "Mummy, We're just going to get some candy-candy and we'll be back!"

Zayn: Zayn, Jace, and You were watching a Marvel movie. "Zayn, Can you get the popcorn?" You asked before lazily staring at the screen. "Why don't you Mrs.LazyPants?" He joked as You sightly smirked, "It's Mrs.Malik, But, Let me think about it - No." You rolled your eyes playfully before Jace's eyes lighted up. "I'll get the popcorn, Mummy!" He insisted proudly before having a wide smile on his face and clumsily standing up and walking a few steps forward before falling back on the carpet where Zayn immediately shot up from his seat but Jace just smiled sheepishly. "I'm fine, Dada." And his last attempt was the best one yet. Jace stood up with so much pride and marched right into the kitchen for a few seconds before running back out and gripping Zayn's hand. "I can't reach!"

Harry: "Darcy, Sweetie, Come over here Love!" You smiled at Darcy as Darcy shook her head, Her long curly hair flopping. "Just give it up, Y/N. She'll walk when she wants too." Harry sighed as you shook your head this time. Harry pulled you into an embrace as You leaned into his side. "I don't have any ideas." You mumbled as You both watched Darcy play with her stuffed-giraffe Niall got her for her first birthday. Suddenly you thought about Harry going on tour again and it twitched Harry's mind also. "Darcy doesn't want you to leave for tour..." You told him as He smirked. "I think I have an idea..." Harry mumbled into your ear as You nodded, watching Darcy and him. He slowly headed to the front door, frowning. "Darcy, Daddy has to-" Before he could even finsh his sentence, Darcy was charging to him and tugging his arm. "No, Daddy! You're staying here with me and Mummy!"

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