Niall DDM (oneshot) :Bye Mommy

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btw this chapter is so random , its full of fluff to me , i guesss . I just thought it would be cute but the ending is a bit sad idek , what do you guys think ?

Btw request is open so feel free to dm me or comment  what kind of oneshot you need and which boy do you want it to be


"You cheated on me while you know that you're married with a child and why did you do it!?" you dad shouted .

"It was a mistake, Niall . I swear!" You mom shouted back , her voice was loud and fulk of sadness and guilt

Your mom and dad is currently fighting downstairs and you can't sleep . Screams and shouts spread through the house like a wildfire , as if you can feel the rage between them . You covered you little ears , scared by the sound .

Suddenly the door opened and your dad stepped in with a fuming face but soon fade when he saw your terrified face . "Princess , I'm sorry , are you scared ?" He asked , picking you up as you nod . "Daddy's sorry baby girl" he said sadly while stroking your brown locks . He then set you on the bed and started taking a few of your clothes from the drawer . "Daddy where we going?" You innocently asked , blinking at him with your big bright blue eyes. "We're going to grandma's" he fake smiled.

After he packed everything into the luggage . He picked you up and went downstairs . "No Niall , you can't take her she's my daughter!" your mom screamed . "Oh so she's your daughter now ? You want to handle her but all you do is get drunk and.." He trailed but stop himself. "Put her down!" She screamed but your dad ignored her and pressed your head into his chest . "Daddy I no want mummy , scary" you mumbled. "I'm not going to , kay?" He pressed a kiss to the top of your head .

You arrived at the airport and now boarding on . Your dad sighed and placed you next to him . Your dad buckled himself and you of course . "Daddy" you piped . "Yes" he smiled . "I scared " you said , referring to the shaking plane . "Here baby , hold my hand" he said and clutched onto yours . "Better?" "Betta" you smiled at him , leaning back .

(i Have no idea how to explain the flight part tbh)


"Daddy I can't sleep" you pouted , shivering slightly.

"C'mere darling" he said picking you up , placing you on his chest and covered you with the soft , fluffy blanket. He rubbed your back , humming a familiar tune he made up just for you.

"Daddy, mommy no love us anymo?" You asked quietly , tears rushed down your chubby cheeks at the thought of your mom not caring about you.

"Baby , don't cry . I don't like seeing you sad . I don't know princess . Mommy loves you but not daddy anymore , mommy is in love with someone else" he sighed , wiping your tears , trying so hard not to cry infront of you.

"But I no want a new daddy" you cried and hugged him tightly, scared that you might have to leave your dad and have someone to replace him.

"No sweetheart, you're not because you're living with me , okay?" He said softly, brushing the hair that was sticking to you cheek.

"Does that mean I go tour wif you?" You asked excitedly because you love going om tour with your dad . It's fun and plus you get to play with lux or maybe mess around with the crew or your Uncles.

"Yes ,  now go to sleep baby bear , I love you " he chuckled . He once again rubbed your back and hummed the tune while stroking your hair .

"Laff you too daddy"


You woke up to someone else's voice but you know your dad is carrying you because you recognized his scent . You sat up and looked around , your dad was smiling at you , "baby look! Who's that " he said , turning you around to reveal your grandma. "Hello sweetheart ' she smiled , brushing your hair . "You wanna go to grandma?" He asked . You shook your head and snuggled into his chest as he rubbed your back softly . "It's okay Niall , she just woke up , I have to start making dinner anyways"  she smiled at you before going into the kitchen.

"Daddy I no feel good" you croaked. He looked at you weirdly seeing as you were fine before . He felt your forehead and it was burning. "Daddy.." You said as your face turned green. He quickly rushed you to the bathroom. You threw up as he held your hair , rubbing your back in process. After you've done throwing up , you sat on the floor, tired . "Princess?" He asked as you looked at him with teary eyes. "Oh baby girl, c'mere" he cooed , pulling you into his arms. You then fell asleep in your dad's arms.


The next morning , you heard shouting . You sat up and realized you were in the living room . You saw your grandma passed by , "grandma" you called out  .

"Yes darling" she smiled at you , picking you up .

"Daddy?" You asked . "Oh your daddy is ... Uh.."she stuttered.

"Can u put me down pwease?" You said as she set you down . "Tank you grandma" you smiled , running off . You followed the sound and it was coming from the front door . You saw your mom and dad shouting outside the door .

"Daddy?" You whispered making them both look at you. "y/n sweetheart come here" your mom said , holding her arms out . You backed away and ran towards your dad , hiding behind his legs . He kneeled down so he was the same height as you.

"Y/n , your mummy wants to talk to you okay?" He said "No , I don't want to" you shook your head, scared . "Please darling , for daddy?" He tried as you nod your head and ran to your mom's awaiting arms. She held your hands as tears sprung out of her eyes .

"Y/n I'm sorry but I have to go . I love you very much sweetheart, I'm sorry" she cried, hugging you tightly. "I'm sorry"

"It's okay mommy , I forwgive you" you said , wiping her tears , hugging her. "I laff you too" She stood up , glancing at you for the very last time before walking away.

"Take care of her" she said to your dad as he nodded.

"Bye mommy" you mumbled before turning around to look at your dad , who's wiping his tears .

"Daddy no cry" you said , putting your hands up for him to pick you up. "You're right darling , I have you" he smiled and picked you up , twirling you around making you giggle. He repeatedly kissed your cheek as you laughed loudly,

"Daddyyyy stopp" you laughed .

"Neverrr" he laughed , kissing you more.






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